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Who do you think will go down?


13 West Brom 31 36

14 Blackburn 31 34

15 Birmingham 30 34

16 Aston Villa 31 34

17 Blackpool 31 33

18 West Ham 31 32

19 Wolverhampton 31 32

20 Wigan 31 31


Hope Villa go down. But doubt it.


Wigan, Blackpool and ...... no idea! I'll go Birmingham.

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It's the most exciting relegation dogfight i can remember. Got to say Wigan will be going down as looking at their fixtures, i don't see where the points are coming from. Apart from that, i can't predict who else. Seems to change every week.

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It's the most exciting relegation dogfight i can remember. Got to say Wigan will be going down as looking at their fixtures, i don't see where the points are coming from. Apart from that, i can't predict who else. Seems to change every week.

What about the season when West Brom looked dead and buried at xmas yet incredibly survived on the last day? The same season that nobody was relegated until that final day, that was something else too.


I hope Wigan and tbh Birmingham go down (Sorry Eck) as both aren't really that great are they? Would love Villa to go down as well although can't see it. I think Blackpool will depart from there too.

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Wigan and Blackpool are nailed on to get relegated.... after that, it could be anyone.


It's all about putting a run together at the right time.... or not, as it maybe.


West Ham were the first to make a move... but might have peaked too early, West Brom are much improved and harder to beat suddenly under Roy Hodgson. Wolves have been flying in recent weeks too - but their run has been halted after being smashed by Newcastle at the weekend.


Personally I hope Blackburn go down... it'd be good to see the back of two really poorly supported clubs in Blackburn and Wigan.

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Would like to see Wolves go down, not really because of McCarthey (who I think is a bit of a knob anyway), but because of the players. They've let the club down in my eyes. They've picked up hardly any points against other relegation battlers but have beaten Man Utd, Man City and Chelsea. I'd be raging if I was a fan.


Other than that I'm not too bothered, would probably prefer to see some of the clogger sides go down before Blackpool, who have at least tried to entertain and win games in style.

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All those clubs, with the possible exception of Villa, are total dross, yo-yo clubs of zero historical significance, shot to prominence by saturation television coverage.


So all in all, I don't give a f**k who goes down, they'll probably just come back up again anyway, and then go back down a year or two after, repeat till fade.


Sky turn their guns on this part of the table at this time of year because they dinna want too much focus on the foregone conclusion that passes as a title race.


Football now is like the F1 of a few years back, a procession with inevitable winners, and needs similar shaking up to get interesting again.

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I would hardly say West Ham and Wolves are teams of zero historical significance. Even Blackburn might dispute that also.


''Sky turn their guns on this part of the table at this time of year because they dinna want too much focus on the foregone conclusion that passes as a title race''

Which conclusion is that?

Presumably you mean either Arsenal or Man U. In which case then its a different winner from last year. Hardly as predictable as certain other leagues.

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I would hardly say West Ham and Wolves are teams of zero historical significance. Even Blackburn might dispute that also.


''Sky turn their guns on this part of the table at this time of year because they dinna want too much focus on the foregone conclusion that passes as a title race''

Which conclusion is that?

Presumably you mean either Arsenal or Man U. In which case then its a different winner from last year. Hardly as predictable as certain other leagues.


last 7 seasons has seen only two winners, seems quite predictable to me.

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I would hardly say West Ham and Wolves are teams of zero historical significance. Even Blackburn might dispute that also.


''Sky turn their guns on this part of the table at this time of year because they dinna want too much focus on the foregone conclusion that passes as a title race''

Which conclusion is that?

Presumably you mean either Arsenal or Man U. In which case then its a different winner from last year. Hardly as predictable as certain other leagues.


Tell me when West Ham and Wolves have made waves in the game?


Nineteen-oatcake, in tackety boots, blasting medicine balls about the shop, all chasing the ball like bumble bees, in long johns, with handlebar moustaches?


They're both sh*te. They've never won anything in the modern era. No-marks in other words.


Arsenal, Chelsea, Man U :sleeping:


Who gives a toss which one is permed from three? They always win it. I'm not comparing it to other leagues. I'm looking at it on it's own merits. It's rubbish.

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Tell me when West Ham and Wolves have made waves in the game?


Nineteen-oatcake, in tackety boots, blasting medicine balls about the shop, all chasing the ball like bumble bees, in long johns, with handlebar moustaches?


They're both sh*te. They've never won anything in the modern era. No-marks in other words.


Arsenal, Chelsea, Man U :sleeping:


Who gives a toss which one is permed from three? They always win it. I'm not comparing it to other leagues. I'm looking at it on it's own merits. It's rubbish.



I'm not saying they are world beaters but pretty sure both Wolves and WHU have won euro trophies in the past 50 years. Clubs in lower divisions are allowed to have history too you know.


You're fishing Tup.

Course they are 'no marks', we're talking about relegation.

Just like the Dons are 'no marks'.


You always say the EPL is predictable. You've got a real bee in you bonnet about it. Every single league in the world has an element of predictability about it, cause football is primarily a heirarchical sport.

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last 7 seasons has seen only two winners, seems quite predictable to me.



sure, i can do the maths.


but you have teams like spurs, city and arsenal, even liverpool who compete for the title.


i know its not completely unpredictable, but tell me a major league which is?


german propbaly is the most unpredictable.

spainish, portugeuses, italian leagues are all borefests.

and then of course you have our league, which is faaaaar more boring than any other league on the planet.

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I'm not saying they are world beaters but pretty sure both Wolves and WHU have won euro trophies in the past 50 years. Clubs in lower divisions are allowed to have history too you know.


You're fishing Tup.

Course they are 'no marks', we're talking about relegation.

Just like the Dons are 'no marks'.


You always say the EPL is predictable. You've got a real bee in you bonnet about it. Every single league in the world has an element of predictability about it, cause football is primarily a heirarchical sport.


Yes I know that, please don't patronise me.


I'm saying it's never been more predictable than it is now and is effectively rigged, a cartel, feeding off morons, voraciously.

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sure, i can do the maths.


but you have teams like spurs, city and arsenal, even liverpool who compete for the title.


i know its not completely unpredictable, but tell me a major league which is?


german propbaly is the most unpredictable.

spainish, portugeuses, italian leagues are all borefests.

and then of course you have our league, which is faaaaar more boring than any other league on the planet.


there aren't many leagues that aren't predictable, perhaps the dutch league but I can;t think of any more. We are talking EPL though not other leagues, people often throuw that comment in to deflect away fromt he fact the premiership is predictable.


However, one thing the EPL has is a great relegation battle. Its always unpredictable with some of the biggest names in England being relegated to the sh*te heep at one point, Man City, Leeds, Nottm Forest for example.

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We are talking EPL though not other leagues, people often throuw that comment in to deflect away fromt he fact the premiership is predictable.


However, one thing the EPL has is a great relegation battle. Its always unpredictable with some of the biggest names in England being relegated to the sh*te heep at one point, Man City, Leeds, Nottm Forest for example.


dare i say that maybe then its football which is and always has been pretty predictable? at least when it comes to handing out honours at club and international level.


your right at the bottoms its dog eat dog which is partly due to the epl money and desperation to stay in the big league.

one good thing about sky money, i guess.

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dare i say that maybe then its football which is and always has been pretty predictable? at least when it comes to handing out honours at club and international level.


your right at the bottoms its dog eat dog which is partly due to the epl money and desperation to stay in the big league.

one good thing about sky money, i guess.


its always been partially predictable yes, BUT there were other teams competing that would win now and again whilst nowadays its the same sh*t every year except the relegation battle

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Think it's anyones guess to who goes down. All it takes is a few wins and a team can find themselves in mid table. A few defeats and you're in trouble. Could end up being about 6 teams on the last day who aren't safe from the drop. Could be fascinating.


Which regards to this, who does everyone expect/want to see promoted in these teams place? Obviously QPR are up already but you can look as far down as 12th place Leicester who are only 4 points off the playoffs as having a chance of promotion with the way the playoffs work.

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maybe thats your problem, you should start listening to your intellectual betters


I've spent my whole life doing nothing but.


You could talk sense now and again, it helps, if you want your opinions taken seriously.


Instead of coming away with some ill-researched pie in the sky notion dreamt up when sitting by the fireside with your pitbull and your can of kestrel, the pair of you hellbent on setting the world bang to rights.

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  • 1 month later...

West Ham were finally relegated today. That leaves two relegation spots left with five teams fighting to not get one of them.


15 Blackburn 37 -14 40

16 Wolves 37 -19 40

17 Birmingham 37 -20 39


18 Blackpool 37 -21 39

19 Wigan 37 -22 39


Wolverhampton v Blackburn

Tottenham v Birmingham

Stoke v Wigan

Man Utd v Blackpool


I can quite easily see Blackpool and Wigan losing their final game.

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West Ham were finally relegated today. That leaves two relegation spots left with five teams fighting to not get one of them.


15 Blackburn 37 -14 40

16 Wolves 37 -19 40

17 Birmingham 37 -20 39


18 Blackpool 37 -21 39

19 Wigan 37 -22 39


Wolverhampton v Blackburn

Tottenham v Birmingham

Stoke v Wigan

Man Utd v Blackpool


I can quite easily see Blackpool and Wigan losing their final game.


Amazing effort by Wigan today to come back from 2 goals down. They're actually not a bad team. Just a shame that their stadium is always half empty.


Got a sneaky feeling that they'll take something from that game away to Stoke to send Birmingham and Blackpool down. Fancy them both to lose.

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