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Champions League Final

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Not been inside, don't want too. Seen it when I was in London and it's a monstrocity of a stadium and a stupid arch thing - it's pathetic.


For the money spent and wasted on that stadium, it should be 100 times better, and it isn't!


roberto min, all stadiums are monstrosities!


i reckon the archj looks pretty cool. the twi towers were better though, rewally surprised they never kept them

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Guffy f**ker!


The arch is awful, when you see it - you'll know what I mean!


Not all stadiums are monstrosities! For the money spent on some of them, you get good stadiums, for the money spent on Wembley, it looks terrible!


i'm no guff.


was a lot of money like. was it 500million?

and then the stupid olympic stadium. and twickers. and then a handful of decent club stadiums.


its mental down there.

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i'm no guff.


was a lot of money like. was it 500million?

and then the stupid olympic stadium. and twickers. and then a handful of decent club stadiums.


its mental down there.


I spoke to a few lads at the Emirates for the Scotland match. most were of the opinion that Wembley was sh*te, no experience of it myself and I would only go if it were Scotland that were playing

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I spoke to a few lads at the Emirates for the Scotland match. most were of the opinion that Wembley was sh*te, no experience of it myself and I would only go if it were Scotland that were playing


maybe it is, never been either.

just saying it looks good.

most folk think the nou camp is ace, canna really see why wembley wouldnt be.


you wouldnt go for a c.l. final given tickets?

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maybe it is, never been either.

just saying it looks good.

most folk think the nou camp is ace, canna really see why wembley wouldnt be.


you wouldnt go for a c.l. final given tickets?


If flights, expenses and accommodation were all paid for then I'd probably go but who wouldn't if offered that but I wouldn't be paying for anything to attend the match, not at the prices that were advertised a few months back.

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Bluto would shoot his load before he made it to his seat in Wembley.


Incredible mentality for someone who I assume is Scottish, I can only imagine you've got blue blood coursing through your veins or went to an English public school ( :fatshaft: ) or something.


Why would a Scotsman ever wish to go to Wembley, except to wreck the place as part of a massive travelling support?


The mind boggles.

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That's atrocious fella, absolutely atrocious.


You'd have other chances to go to Champions League Finals, if you're willing to pay that kind of money to witness a final at Wembley, then you should have gone to Greece when Liverpool player AC Milan, tickets were

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Why would a Scotsman ever wish to go to Wembley

The mind boggles.



to see what is arguably the worlds best stadium.


its nae just wembley, i'd like to go to pretty much all of the famous and / or massive stadiums.


roberto - that's some scandelous sums. but its landan town, innit g.

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to see what is arguably the worlds best stadium.


its nae just wembley, i'd like to go to pretty much all of the famous and / or massive stadiums.


roberto - that's some scandelous sums. but its landan town, innit g.


The world's best stadium, honest to f**k, you sound like David Cameron FFS.


Who gives a f**k, it belongs to England, I couldna care less if some c**t picked you up outside in a gondola, and serenaded you down a swan filled lake to your seat, it's their stadium and I would not feel comfortable paying them money to sit in it, unless Scotland were playing there, or, by some miracle, the Dons.

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The world's best stadium, honest to f**k, you sound like David Cameron FFS.


Who gives a f**k, it belongs to England, I couldna care less if some c**t picked you up outside in a gondola, and serenaded you down a swan filled lake to your seat, it's their stadium and I would not feel comfortable paying them money to sit in it, unless Scotland were playing there, or, by some miracle, the Dons.



as i said tup, you take football far too seriously.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Expensive trip to witness Messi and co. rip you apart.


I don't know what will make me laugh more, the money wasted by Mancs to watch their team get pumped




Their fans crying when Messi lifts the cup.


such bitterness ;)


Just you focus on fending Spurs off for 5th place :)

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No, just pure hated actually.


I hate Man U and their fans for a lot of reasons. 'Fergie Connection' being the main one, one question many cannot answer is, imagine Fergie left and went to Rangers would you have supported them then?


Other reasons, well because I'm a Liverpool fan - and simply because unsure if anyone has tried to sit down and have a conversation with a Man U fan, but it's impossible, all they know is Man U, Man U, Man U......they know f**k all about football outwith their club. Okay, admittedly they have fans who do know 'outwith' Man U and Old Trafford, but the vast majority don't have a clue about football as a whole, only Man U.


Bitterness, it can be - I'm bitter towards lemons because those f**kers are bitter towards me - but no my friend, this is pure hatred and I'm not ashamed to admit that. I hate Fergie with a passion, I hate everything about their club. I could continue why I hate them, but meh!


15th May will be a big one at Anfield, Liverpool v Spurs....


Man City to lose their last 4 games and Liverpool to win their remaining 3.....top 4.


In all seriousness, the start Liverpool had, who the hell would have predicated they'd even finish as high as they could do, so I think that's a credit to the club, but enough about that......


Champions League, f**k paying that money for a ticket!!


I wouldn't call myself a Man U supporter, only been to one game, v Arsenal, I just like them, and I can assure you its got nothing to do with fergie. Only time I met Fergie was on the Aberdeen team bus in Paisley, when he threw me off it for going on to get signatures, only went on because my dad told me to :)

I don't hate any English team, but enjoy the dirty scousers getting beat. I think your generalisation about Man U fans only knowing about Man U and not football is a bit bizarre, I'm sure lots of fans of other teams down south would accuse Liverpool fans of the same.

Its a lot of money, but I think its worth it, and if Barca won, I would be dissappointed, but it would be nothing like the feeling I had walking out of Hampden both times this season, not even close.

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