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Brown Says Under Contract Players Will Be Asked To Leave

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Aberdeen FC boss says under contract players will go



Brown in warning to squad

By Charlie Allan


Published: 26/04/2011




ABERDEEN FC boss Craig Brown today revealed players who are under contract will be asked to leave Pittodrie in the summer.


The Aberdeen FC manager also confirmed Hearts have now made a contract offer to defender Zander Diamond.

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Is this not teh same thread as the 3 in 3 out?


I.E. we have established what he meant was that other than the ones leaving from loan or on a bosman, 3 under contract players will be asked to leave.


For me?





Potential shocker : Considine.


Young's contract is up at the end of the season, so cant really be asked to leave. Will just be let go I imagine!


I really cant see him holding onto Paton though. He will end up at Dundee or something

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Has to be some from the following 6:









I wouldn't think Mackie, unless the testimonial is his pay-off.

I wouldn't think Hartley would be asked to leave, but I would think there could be some sort of retirement based on rumours.


As for the remaining players under contract, Folly seemed to be favoured and did well enough the first few games Brown was in charge. I think Pawlett, although featuring little under Brown, will be given another season to prove he can actually stay fit for any length of time. Fyvie, Jack and the other youngsters under contract will not be shifted on. Foster will be sold or kept, not asked to leave.


So think it would be out of the remaining 4, and therefore I'd think Paton first and foremost. Don't think he'd part with either centreback, unless on big wages, as we need 4 for next season really, and two are definitely going. Also, if he wanted to keep Diamond, he obviously doesn't have all that great standards to pass as centreback. He has also utilised Magennis far too much to suggest that he would be asking him to leave.

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Aberdeen FC boss says under contract players will go



Brown in warning to squad

By Charlie Allan


Published: 26/04/2011




ABERDEEN FC boss Craig Brown today revealed players who are under contract will be asked to leave Pittodrie in the summer.


The Aberdeen FC manager also confirmed Hearts have now made a contract offer to defender Zander Diamond.





I thought the c**t might of f**ked it up for himself (and us) after yet another "performance" yesterday.


This c**t is MURDER!

I don't think he has improved as a player in the last 5 seasons.

Bomb scare wi the ba and still raw as f**k.


Its a shame for a player who showed promise as a loon.

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Aberdeen FC boss says under contract players will go



Brown in warning to squad

By Charlie Allan


Published: 26/04/2011




ABERDEEN FC boss Craig Brown today revealed players who are under contract will be asked to leave Pittodrie in the summer.


The Aberdeen FC manager also confirmed Hearts have now made a contract offer to defender Zander Diamond.


The bad news is the c.unt hasn't signed it yet.

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