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MT, you like to fish, you seem to like to wind everyone up, your opinion on AFC is nothing short of stupid for all the reasons Ive said.


Oh and your a plastic hun......shall I go on?



Anyway to help you out, I'll make this my final reply to you, so it dosnet clog up this site.


Langers has NEVER been good enough as a no1, at ANY club he has played for




Post of the day :sheepdance:

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Thanks for your efforts Deeks, but you just weren't/aren't good enough.


Langfield - i'd only keep as back up...


mcnamee, no loss


hopefully some more to follow!


Good to see that Brown is wanting to try to keep hold of Stevie Smith as well. like the look of him. fingers crossed that happens

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without a doubt, yes.


his major failing is his confidence, so if hes playing behind a bunch of nutters in his defence, he's always going to be edgy


he was second only to boruc remember in the clean sheet stakes not that long ago when he had a decent defence in front of him

Yup - he has had 1 good season in his career. But then again that defense also had Considine and Diamond in it. His big mistakes are his mistakes and not down to others. Dropping the ball from crosses, getting constantly beat 1 on 1, getting beat at near post far too often and kicking the ball straight out of play 3 times a game are nothing to do with having a dodgy defense in front of him.

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CONSTANTLY beaten in one on ones?


erm, did you not see the celtic cup game?


kicking the ball right out the park 3 times a game?


he's one of the best kickers in the league!!!!

The one that went through his legs (again) and hit his heel and went for corner?


Best kicker in the league? You really don't have a clue do you?

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MT somtimes you are wide off the mark but this is currently somewhere in the North Sea.


Langfield is not good enough for Aberdeen - as someone alluded to last week he is part of the common denominator triangle of death , along with Blunder Diamond and Andrew Consequences.


All three have been involved in the biggest bottling disasters of the last 4 semi finals.


They must be culled.

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MT somtimes you are wide off the mark but this is currently somewhere in the North Sea.


Langfield is not good enough for Aberdeen - as someone alluded to last week he is part of the common denominator triangle of death , along with Blunder Diamond and Andrew Consequences.


All three have been involved in the biggest bottling disasters of the last 4 semi finals.


They must be culled.


Tainted by failure, agreed.


Diamond, less said the better, he's stopped trying.


Considine has been one red card too far - out.


Langfield to go too.


Although part of me will always remember his heroics against Dnipro, world class performance.

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MT somtimes you are wide off the mark but this is currently somewhere in the North Sea.


Langfield is not good enough for Aberdeen - as someone alluded to last week he is part of the common denominator triangle of death , along with Blunder Diamond and Andrew Consequences.


All three have been involved in the biggest bottling disasters of the last 4 semi finals.


They must be culled.


No they haven't. Langfield was involved in 3/4 of those semi finals, not them all.


And to call the last semi final a bottling disaster is a bit of a joke. Even the semi final in January can't be described as a bottling disaster - we were outclassed by a much better team. The United and QoS semi finals over three years ago were indeed bottling disasters, but I think it's pretty pathetic to still hold that against Langfield, Considine and Diamond.

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Quite a clear out on the face of it...



Young leaving

Milsom signing

new Adidas shirts


I'm actually fairly pleased at the work done by AFC, off the park, in the last week


I'd like to see Maguire and Aluko signing new contracts (I feel both have improved under Brown and can only get better...i hope!), Diamond to leave quietly in the boot of a car, langfield to reject the contract and go to Dundee United and for Darren Mackie to give up football and work behind the food stalls at Pittodrie for hi beloved club.

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Tainted by failure, agreed.


Diamond, less said the better, he's stopped trying.


Considine has been one red card too far - out.


Langfield to go too.


Although part of me will always remember his heroics against Dnipro, world class performance.


He's capable of those type of performances, but also capable of throwing things into his own net, at any given moment.


I'm pleased with the way the club has gone about business recently and long may it continue.


Sign on Smith and a right back in a similar mould to him. Add in a couple of centre halves that work as a pair and a reliable goalkeeper and we may be one step towards a competent defence.

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Totally chuffed with the news, would have liked Langfield to punted to his true level of highland league but there's a chance he's been offered a reduction and won't sign anyway, I hope.


This is the bit some folk seem to be missing - just because he's been offered a new deal, does not mean he'll sign it. His agent will be trying to get him something better elsewhere and same goes for Aluko and Maguire.


I'm not bothered either way if Clangers stays or goes, would rather he went but if he does sign a new deal, would hope the other keeper coming in would be a lot better overall and start season as number one.


Glad Dung is away and not surprised Mcnamee and Howard are off. Would imagine no mention of Diamond as club know he's almost certainly a goner.

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He's capable of those type of performances, but also capable of throwing things into his own net, at any given moment.


I'm pleased with the way the club has gone about business recently and long may it continue.


Sign on Smith and a right back in a similar mould to him. Add in a couple of centre halves that work as a pair and a reliable goalkeeper and we may be one step towards a competent defence.



And where do you propose that AFC get that sort of money from to replace the whole back line, plus beef up the midfield and forward line???? Reality please.

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Finally an Aberdeen manager has got the balls to release Young. Of course he always tried his best, but after all he's just not good enough. I wish him all the luck in the future, but I'm happy that he leaves now. Thanks for the winning goal against the Huns last season :wave:

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And where do you propose that AFC get that sort of money from to replace the whole back line, plus beef up the midfield and forward line???? Reality please.


I was merely stating that we can only see the benefits of a settled, competent defence if the morons who have let us down are no longer with us. Brown has shown he can bring in players that have a positive impact on the team. I realise it will take more than one transfer window to completely rid ourselves of the failures, but it should be our aim to fully eradicate the losers mentality that is embedded within our playing staff. The first steps have been taken in that process and I am pleased with that.


If I were lucky and got my wish as to the whole back line being punted in the summer, then there would be ample funds available to source a whole new defence. We have already been told that there will three out and three in. This suggests that we will be working off free transfers and an existing wage budget ie three out, three in. If we were to get rid of more who are out of contract that would mean that those wages could be used elsewhere.


I'm not suggesting we let everyone in the whole squad go for nothing and we go and sign dozens of players in cash deals. I realise that our finances are tight, but a bit of common sense would also suggest that if x amount of players leave, then there will x amount being signed in line with the current playing budget.

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Outstanding news.


I'm a great admirer of players who give their all, and that aspect of Derek Young earns my respect. Unfortunately the standards I would personally set for AFC demands that effort be combined with a certain level of skill. Young just isn't good enough.


Kudos to Brown for releasing Young, Ifil and the Hun crock.


Also good news that McNamee is going, given we don't have the funds to carry permanently injured players in the hope that their brittle bones will miraculously heal themselves.


Unfortunately that's just the tip of the iceberg at this club.


But getting rid of some of the sh*te is the easy part... given how much sh*te we have at the club.


Bringing in replacements who aren't just exactly the same as those released, that's the trick.

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Delighted by this first lot of news. I think the slagging Langfield is taking is slightly over the top, he's no Nicky Walker or Bertrand Bossu ffs.


The more interesting news was a few days ago when Brown said that some contracted players will be asked to leave. Discounting the kids, loans and out of contract players I think that it only leaves the following established first teamers still under contract;
















Out of those I could see him asking Paton and Magennis to go as neither get that much game time. I would have my fingers crossed Mackie would be one but probably not seeing as he's getting a feckin testimonial. That leaves one hell of a rebuilding programme.

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Comfortable with all of this, inculding keeping Langfield. At the very least he's a decent back-up and doesn't deserve a lot of the pish posted on this thread. I suspect that Brown will try to recruit another decent keeper to give him some proper competition next season, either so that we simply end up with a better keeper or to try and provoke a greater degree of consistency from Clangers.

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without a doubt, yes.


his major failing is his confidence, so if hes playing behind a bunch of nutters in his defence, he's always going to be edgy


he was second only to boruc remember in the clean sheet stakes not that long ago when he had a decent defence in front of him

How the f**k would you know. Does he phone you pre match and say "aye aye gypit, I'm pretty nervous the day, like"


CONSTANTLY beaten in one on ones?


erm, did you not see the celtic cup game?


kicking the ball right out the park 3 times a game?


he's one of the best kickers in the league!!!!

That one statement alone, out of the many ranging from the baffling to the downright bizarre, highlights the fact that anything you have to say regards AFC, and football in general, holds no credence.

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well Foster will take up RB in place of Mcnamee so no loss there, Milsom in and Young out is spot on and with Jack breaking through as well we definately don't need Young, be nice if we signed a better keeper and made JL no.2, well see Vudj, Blackman leaving and hopefully Diamond so we'll need to sign another 2 or 3 defenders


all in all we might end up needing 2 strikers, keeper, 2 or 3 defenders and possibly 2 midfielders...quite a rebuilding job

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As bad as his kicking is, as well as the occasional truly exceptional clanger, I think Langfield still wins us more points than he costs us.


I also think we need to worry about other areas of the team ahead of his.


If Langfield is No 1 again next season, I will be content, but would like better back-up, ideally someone who can be better given the chance. Hopefully the German on trial will fit the bill.

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