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pile of sh*t innit?


Anyway, pulling together the company Health and Safety procedures has managed to land on my desk. I don't know where to start so am looking for someone else to do the work - can anyone recommend a company who can advise on this? A consultant of some variety? It's for the construction industry, rather than oil and gas.




PS. Anyone know what has happened to Donstalk? :nutter:

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Donstalk is a place, not a person.


It's a computer which fires out random questions actually, and indeed it had 10,000 posts of them and nobody even noticed. Cunning.


Tackle it head on with a feed of cheek however, and it didna have the algorithms to cope.


One of those holograms full of letters and numbers that look like they're at the bottom of a swimming pool, that would have sorted the c**t right out straight away,

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Yer thinking of Donscarf ye bam.


So I am, sorry.


Donstalk is actually a creep in a raincoat who has a dirty programme in his hand, glasses with four inch thick lenses, who turns up at players home addresses and family functions freaking everyone out in the process.

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Aye apologies Harcus min.


I've done a bit of digging for you, Veritas Consulting have been known to do a good job on such matters, by others I have to admit, I have no personal experience of using them but they come with good recommendations from people I know in your industry.


My link

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pile of sh*t innit?


Anyway, pulling together the company Health and Safety procedures has managed to land on my desk. I don't know where to start so am looking for someone else to do the work - can anyone recommend a company who can advise on this? A consultant of some variety? It's for the construction industry, rather than oil and gas.




PS. Anyone know what has happened to Donstalk? :nutter:


I could do it for a ridiculous fee. Very ridiculous though.


They should all be in one place anyway so pulling them together should be a piece of piss. If it's actually writing them you might need help.

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pile of sh*t innit?


Anyway, pulling together the company Health and Safety procedures has managed to land on my desk. I don't know where to start so am looking for someone else to do the work - can anyone recommend a company who can advise on this? A consultant of some variety? It's for the construction industry, rather than oil and gas.




PS. Anyone know what has happened to Donstalk? :nutter:


You shouldn't do anything until you read your policy on pulling policy together.


Mizer is on the case.

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f**king HSE


A department that can quite happily swing you from one boat to another holding onto a bit of rope with the aid of an flea ridden Indian crane operator but will sack you if you don't put a lid on your coffee.


Bunch of expensive overhead c**ts.


We're nae all bad.


I'm a c**t but I'm sure there are good ones out there.

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