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I have to say that ICT, United and Kilmarnock are spot on to be aginst the 10 team league. If I'm honest, Doncaster and the SPL have been made to look like fools over the decision to lump all the reforms into a single package. If their is not a majority in favour of 10 team league, then change what you can. I feel they can achieve 70% of the changes without too much issues...


As for Miller and Milne, it shows how much they are out of touch with the Aberdeen fan base that they continue to push for a league structure that their clubs fans are against.


How can clubs want to break away when the SPL is pushing to merge with SFL...all rather bizarre if you ask me.

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Doncaster and co and just making a mockery of the whole report and reconstruction process by pushing through what they want over what the fans want and McLeish advised.


If you read the report he recommends league expansion saying that it would be the best long term option to lift the quality of the game in Scotland. He goes onto say that for short term financial gain a 10 team league would be easier to sell to Sky and co. So Doncaster, the OF and our eedjit chairman have decided to go for money over quality.


f**k the lot of them




I want our game back

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I agree spamspamspam min, I've been saying for some time it's high time we told the TV companies where to go.


They've ruined our game. Not only that, but they make it abundantly clear that English football will ALWAYS be prioritised for scheduling ahead of ours. And when we do get on, it ALWAYS involves Rangers & Celtic.


What happened to the good old blood and snotters Premier League card, 3pm on a Saturday, and a highlights package on a Saturday night?


That would do for me. Only armchair fiends could possibly oppose it.


I have a feeling it's the Irish market that dictates our schedules. To f**k with them, they have their own league.

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Doncaster and co and just making a mockery of the whole report and reconstruction process by pushing through what they want over what the fans want and McLeish advised.


If you read the report he recommends league expansion saying that it would be the best long term option to lift the quality of the game in Scotland. He goes onto say that for short term financial gain a 10 team league would be easier to sell to Sky and co. So Doncaster, the OF and our eedjit chairman have decided to go for money over quality.


f**k the lot of them




I want our game back






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I still like the idea of a 16 team league, with 30 games per season. They say the problem there is that smaller teams won't get enough money because they've not been able to get the cash from two home games against either or both of the Old Firm.


Surely the reconstruction package could compensate for that in some other way? For example a brand new league cup format to try and guarantee a few more home games for these sides that would struggle. For example, with eight less games per season, it would free up 3/4 weekends where a brand new league cup tournament could be played.


I think the whole idea is very short-sighted from the SPL. It's as if it's too much hassle to accept anything other than what they put forward, and it is that sort of attitude that means we're not moving forwards and if anything actually moving backwards with regards to our game.

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Note to SPL bigwigs (no pun intended if you're reading this Mr Milne):


We want what is best for the league as a whole


Not what makes you lot the most money


If Celtic and Rangers demand to play each other four times a season, and that's what this appears to always hinge on, then let them make two of those games friendlies or Glasgow Cup or some other invented pish.


Meanwhile, the rest of us can get back to the sanity of a proper league where young players can flourish and get opportunities.


10 teams is insane. It will make things even worse.


Scotland should have 2 x leagues of 20 teams and to hell with money, TV, or Celtic and Rangers.

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