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From Hero To Zero


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11th May 1983.... a youthful and home grown team, unfancied and underdogs, beat the mighty Real Madrid to win the European Cup Winners Cup.


11th May 2011... a team full of journeymen and kids with unrealistic dreams of the big time, assist in seeing a dismal Dons side, sit just a few points off relegation.


I wonder just how much, in terms of loss of interest and loss of support, the apathy and down right abject failure of recent seasons, has damaged AFC.


Fans are turning off the Dons in alarming numbers - many will not return. Kids don't want to follow dross. Sad but true... they'll turn to Man Utd or Chelsea, or even worse - the old firm!!!


The future is not bright guys and I'm at a loss as to how we reverse this trend.


Milne must be held accountable for this terrible situation we find ourselves in. A once proud club, whose fans are now haunted by not only the ghost of Fergie past, but of year upon year of complete and utter disgraceful servants to this etseemed club.


Hang your heads in shame.

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Im usually one of the most optimistic but without real cash injection and more revenue this is going to be the norm Im afraid


The club from top to bottom should be ashamed of themselves, turning a visionary first class football club, to also ran dross over the space of 28 years. I wonder what Dick Donald and Chris Anderson would think of the club they loved and put so much of their time (a lot of it unpaid) today.


The board seem intent on sitting in the padded seats in the Main Stand with their heads in the sand. Crowds are down, ST sales are tumbling, players dont give a feck, stupid insular control of merchandise means that kids from all over the North East...in fact all over Scotland cannot buy an AFC shirt unless they buy it from the club.............and then they wonder why there are so many kids walking about up here with OF and EPL shirts on.


Latest major feck up?...the lack of info about ST sales for next season. I called the club last week to ask when they were sending out the reminders, when they would be on sale and how much they were...no on seems to know anything.....on top of this the shop at Pittodrie is closing for refurbishment next weekend........where are people supposed to but these tickets from.


The club is getting f**ked around by players stalling on new contracts last year it was Gary McGhost, Kerr and Mulgrew, this year its Bebo, Aluko and Clangers............no lessons learned by anyone in power at Pittodrie.


Broon needs real cash to strenghthen the team/squad.....if the board aint gonna do that then we are trully fecked...if they aint going to do it, then they should walk away .

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