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Rock Bottom?

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We've never been this bad before, even when we finished bottom, even under Patterson. Can't see any light at the end of the tunnel either. If the board cared they'd come out with a statement of intent. Instead we're going to get fed the usual drivel of financial restraints etc. ABout time something proactive was done because the current 'set up' clearly is a failure.


Hope Brown has an eye for a bargain.


Home crowds tell it's own story, lowest for how many years?

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We've never been this bad before, even when we finished bottom, even under Patterson. Can't see any light at the end of the tunnel either. If the board cared they'd come out with a statement of intent. Instead we're going to get fed the usual drivel of financial restraints etc. ABout time something proactive was done because the current 'set up' clearly is a failure.


Hope Brown has an eye for a bargain.


Home crowds tell it's own story, lowest for how many years?


Under Brown? Lowest home average ever.


Thats sayings somthing considering we had over 11k at home to united, celtic and rangers

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My point is - I think you're getting the digs in now about Craig Brown - "lowest home average" etc. Another one of your bare statistics, taking no other circumstances into control. What circumstances you say? Perhaps the previous manager dragging the team into a relegation battle with the least inspiring group of players we've ever employed , and the club being brought to its knees from the DOF upwards. Is it any wonder the crowds have drifted away? However, you seem to be laying this at Brown's door - "lowest home average of any manager" - for some reason.


The reason? I think you're getting the digs in now so you can point to these posts if it goes badly next season, saying 'I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG' and then put a little smiley at the end. :)


Am I wrong?

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You think there's no hope given there's a transfer window ahead and a large chunk of our budget to play with? The chance for the manager to get his own squad in place?


Oh no, wait, it was you shouting the other day about Brown having a 2 out of 5 success rate in transfers so far.

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I would have thought the point would be there seems to be little hope that Brown will drastically improve us from fans.

Of course there is, or at least should be. Some of the under performers that both he was stuck with will be leaving. So far his transfers have been unspectacular but largely a success especially milsom. Yes blackman was a flop but who seriously thought he would be given his record at murderwell?

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You think there's no hope given there's a transfer window ahead and a large chunk of our budget to play with?

Nope - never said that at all - now putting words in my mouth.


The chance for the manager to get his own squad in place?

Most of the squad next year will be same players as here already. Wont be that many new faces allowed to be taken in. Don't think he will be allowed that many.


Oh no, wait, it was you shouting the other day about Brown having a 2 out of 5 success rate in transfers so far.

Want to argue that point?

Millsom - excellent

Smith - excellent

Macnamee, Blackman, Anderson - No, No, No

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You think there's no hope given there's a transfer window ahead and a large chunk of our budget to play with? The chance for the manager to get his own squad in place?




I'd like to see if the board will actually give Brown a large chunk of our budget to play with or not though. McGhee's first summer, the one after Severin an a couple others left he was given a fraction of what was "left" from those who had left.

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Yes blackman was a flop but who seriously thought he would be given his record at murderwell?



Fergie could loan us Chiqarito and he'd do f**k all upfront for us. We create nothing, we play no balls into the strikers feet, we don't put crosses into the box, we don't have shots for opposition goalies to spill, no opertunities for a striker to score at all.


Granted our injury list is horrendous, but who on that list would improve the above? A permanantly injured Pawlett or a past it Hartley? We are in a mess and Brown will HAVE to be allowed to take in at least 6, hopefully as much as 8 guys good enough to be first 11 quality or we'll be finished next season and won't need a new stadium, just the Richard Donald stand.

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My point is - I think you're getting the digs in now about Craig Brown - "lowest home average" etc. Another one of your bare statistics, taking no other circumstances into control. What circumstances you say? Perhaps the previous manager dragging the team into a relegation battle with the least inspiring group of players we've ever employed , and the club being brought to its knees from the DOF upwards. Is it any wonder the crowds have drifted away? However, you seem to be laying this at Brown's door - "lowest home average of any manager" - for some reason.


The reason? I think you're getting the digs in now so you can point to these posts if it goes badly next season, saying 'I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG' and then put a little smiley at the end. :)


Am I wrong?


A question was asked and i answered it because i done the legwork this morning already, what the f**ks your problem?


Ok we will take the other circumstances you mentioned into account.........The Mark McGhee scenario His average attendance for the "least unispiring group of players we have ever employed" was 10005, our first home game after McGhee was sacked attracted 12487 so your statement about the fans being driven away by Mcghee is garbage.


Fact is the fans have been driven away because Brown has stuck by Langfield, Diamond, Aluko and Maguire despite the fact they have been awful all season.


Or Maybe is because since Brown has taken over we have only scored 11 home league goals *5 in one match - in 12 games, 2 goals in the last 8 homes in the league - But i guess thats all down to mcghee as well.




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Or Maybe is because since Brown has taken over we have only scored 11 home league goals *5 in one match - in 12 games, 2 goals in the last 8 homes in the league - But i guess thats all down to mcghee as well.


Who was brown supposed to turn to rather than langfield et al? Our biggest problem was the lack of full backs and a central midfielder. He cured these. Anything else in that transfer window would have been outwith our budget I would imagine.


As for the Mcghee comment one could argue that just because you change the captain of a sinking ship it doesn't stop sinking. Confidence would have taken a massive battering under Mcghees horrendous tenure as manager and this will not be changed overnight. The real aim was to avoid relegation. Achieved it and now has the summer to bring in his team and change the mentality around the club for good rather than short spells.

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A question was asked and i answered it because i done the legwork this morning already, what the f**ks your problem?


Ok we will take the other circumstances you mentioned into account.........The Mark McGhee scenario His average attendance for the "least unispiring group of players we have ever employed" was 10005, our first home game after McGhee was sacked attracted 12487 so your statement about the fans being driven away by Mcghee is garbage.


Fact is the fans have been driven away because Brown has stuck by Langfield, Diamond, Aluko and Maguire despite the fact they have been awful all season.


Or Maybe is because since Brown has taken over we have only scored 11 home league goals *5 in one match - in 12 games, 2 goals in the last 8 homes in the league - But i guess thats all down to mcghee as well.



Without getting in to the never ending argument about these particular players - some may say that Brown had little other option . Despite anything personal anyone may have against him Macguire has set up and scored some important goals since Brown came in .

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Fact is the fans have been driven away because Brown has stuck by Langfield, Diamond, Aluko and Maguire despite the fact they have been awful all season.




That is not fact.


So you blame Craig Brown, and only him, for the dreadful attendances since he came in? You make no allowance for extenuating circumstances?

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There is clearly something psychologically wrong with the current group of players.

We hit that decent run of form when CB and Knox first arrived then the moment we were deemed to be safe from relegation that went out the window.


Gutting this squad is actually filling me with a fair deal of optimism for next season as we will see nearly a whole new team.


Surely then, we can judge whether the board have backed the management to build a proper side and not be bickering about it before the current season has even finished ??


Its a never ending circle of hate amongst our own fans. Give them a chance to prove they can build their own side next season.

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Who was brown supposed to turn to rather than langfield et al? Our biggest problem was the lack of full backs and a central midfielder. He cured these. Anything else in that transfer window would have been outwith our budget I would imagine.


As for the Mcghee comment one could argue that just because you change the captain of a sinking ship it doesn't stop sinking. Confidence would have taken a massive battering under Mcghees horrendous tenure as manager and this will not be changed overnight. The real aim was to avoid relegation. Achieved it and now has the summer to bring in his team and change the mentality around the club for good rather than short spells.

Yup Amazing what happens when you give a manager money to spend! Surely spending some of the budget on Blackman and Anderson was just a waste, could also be argued that Mcnamee was a waste of resources too.


The Problem being is that Brown has already offered new deals to players who have now costs two managers their jobs. If he Keeps langfield and magurie he will join that list, of that i have nodoubt.


Without getting in to the never ending argument about these particular players - some may say that Brown had little other option . Despite anything personal anyone may have against him Macguire has set up and scored some important goals since Brown came in .



Yup but the two players you have mentioned have been severly out of form over the past 10 - 15 games and are not producing the goods, i have no problem with playing them because we have nobody else, but to offer them both new deals is concerning and a joke.


There is clearly something psychologically wrong with the current group of players.

We hit that decent run of form when CB and Knox first arrived then the moment we were deemed to be safe from relegation that went out the window.


Gutting this squad is actually filling me with a fair deal of optimism for next season as we will see nearly a whole new team.


Surely then, we can judge whether the board have backed the management to build a proper side and not be bickering about it before the current season has even finished ??


Its a never ending circle of hate amongst our own fans. Give them a chance to prove they can build their own side next season.


Correct, they are not winners, and they arnt good enough to be at the club.


If we back brown and get rid of the dead wood, than ok i might be optimistic.


But offering these arseholes new deals and begging maguire to stay is embarassing and going to be our downfall.


We need to start from Scratch.


Build the Team round folly and Milsom, get Vernon a strike parter and make a start getting some winners in the team.

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Yup Amazing what happens when you give a manager money to spend! Surely spending some of the budget on Blackman and Anderson was just a waste, could also be argued that Mcnamee was a waste of resources too.


The Problem being is that Brown has already offered new deals to players who have now costs two managers their jobs. If he Keeps langfield and magurie he will join that list, of that i have nodoubt.


Yup but the two players you have mentioned have been severly out of form over the past 10 - 15 games and are not producing the goods, i have no problem with playing them because we have nobody else, but to offer them both new deals is concerning and a joke.




Correct, they are not winners, and they arnt good enough to be at the club.


If we back brown and get rid of the dead wood, than ok i might be optimistic.


But offering these arseholes new deals and begging maguire to stay is embarassing and going to be our downfall.

We need to start from Scratch.



Build the Team round folly and Milsom, get Vernon a strike parter and make a start getting some winners in the team.


Find me a manager who hasnt made a couple of signing that arent universally adored by the fans ! McNamee was injured too much , however he was a solid and dependable player when we needed steadying , in fact a lot of people wanted him signed up! Blackman didnt work out , his previous record (Under Brown) suggested he would .. Anderson , a waste yes . However who knows what we paid him .


Fair enough , your opinion . Langfield is someone Im not a massive fan of . However he has been a regular in decent Aberdeen teams previously , maybe he will be ok with a stronger team in front of him again ? McGuire I can see why we are offering him something (entitling ourself to some compo for a start)


This isnt a criticism directly at you . Its just some people on this board will dismiss the EE as "rubbish , lazy , sensationalist" one minute and then take what a headline says as gospel the next !

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