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Attitude And Professionalsim

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Maguire sticking his fingers up at the home support in possibly his last home appearance (if he's got anything to do with it), then saying he knows some fans don't like him and they can think what they like.


This a year after our then captain Kerr scores and gives the home support a GIRUY as a celebration.


I'd say it's no wonder any youngsters coming through have a carefree attitude and disregard for the fans, those above the manager do so why should any player be any different?


Sometimes this club make me sick.


its not just at AFC bripod. at every level of football the younger lads have a ridiculous attitude towards the game, they do not want to put in any hard work on the pitch or any effort off it. All they do is moan and groan, they believe they deserve better and they believe they are better than they are.

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its not just at AFC bripod. at every level of football the younger lads have a ridiculous attitude towards the game, they do not want to put in any hard work on the pitch or any effort off it. All they do is moan and groan, they believe they deserve better and they believe they are better than they are.


Spot on!


Many do believe their own hype. The fact is most of what i see coming thru are overrated and if put into a league like the champ or Eng Div 1 wouldn't hack it.


Standards in scottish fitba and society in general are to blame. We play the game like thugs, drink too much, then behave like thugs when drunk. We have a shitty diet and poor attitude to just general well being and a healthy living. We blame everyone but ourselves for our woes and take no responsibility to fix them. I am telling you scottish fitba mirrors society in general.......................?!!

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Spot on!


Many do believe their own hype. The fact is most of what i see coming thru are overrated and if put into a league like the champ or Eng Div 1 wouldn't hack it.


Standards in scottish fitba and society in general are to blame. We play the game like thugs, drink too much, then behave like thugs when drunk. We have a shitty diet and poor attitude to just general well being and a healthy living. We blame everyone but ourselves for our woes and take no responsibility to fix them. I am telling you scottish fitba mirrors society in general.......................?!!


How is that any different from the 70s' and 80's? I don't see how it explains the catipulation in playing ability.

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Hartely makes some interesting comments in his media conference, in particular about youngster's attitude and professionalism :sherlock:


EDIT: to clarify he was suggesting that some of them might not have the right attitude and talks about "bringing back" the right attitude. :sherlock:


Let's face it. The question of attitude and professionalism has been at the heart of what is wrong with the dons since 1995.

Whilst we can't afford the best talent, the biggest issue is that we accept poor attitudes from senior and junior players.

There is no fire and drive instilled into players who are happy with collecting a wage.

How many players since 1995 have gone onto bigger things after the Dons? I can only think of a handful: mcnaughton, heikennen, deano. Any more?

Once you're here you either think you've made it or you think that you are better than the club.

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Although I'm only 41, I'm going to sound like a right al mannie here:-


Is the poor attitude thing indictive of the younger generation today, as the see the likes of footballers and reality show winners making lots of money and they think its easy to acheive with very apparently little hard needed (which is obviously not the case?)


Was always told that you only get out what you put in and the 5 'P's rule.

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The problem begins with the club itself.


They allow their 'athletes' to drink, to stroll around on the park treating the club with contempt, and enforce not even the bare minimum of standards needed to create a professional atmosphere.


It's also the club's own fault, and notice I say club's, not clubs', because I can't imagine any other club has the same lax 'standards' as Aberdeen. But the club has been mismanaged to the point that it CAN'T drop the arseholes because we can't afford the few hundred quid a week it would cost to bring in a superior player.


So the club is at the mercy of the arseholes... not that I think the club would bother to replace the arseholes for behaving like arseholes even if they had the few hundred quid a week to replace the arseholes.


I think what has happened is that successive managers have brought in arseholes instead of football players, and when it comes down to it they act like arseholes rather than footballers. Result being another season spent struggling to stave off relegation, because arseholes, when the chips are down, will resort to being arseholes to the people who pay their wages rather than digging in and being professional footballers.


Because they're arseholes, not professional footballers.

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you cant completely blame the kids, after all they are kids and they do need discipline, its down to managers n coaches to sort these boys out and make sure their attitude towards the club is 100% full of respect, the club also needs a good set of experienced pros to boot the boys arses into gear, but sadly most of our so called pro's are washed out failures passing down their out on the town attitudes to young guys, but i get the feeling Brown & Know are already dealing with this and Willie Miller will definitely know how to address this as well

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The problem begins with the club itself.


They allow their 'athletes' to drink, to stroll around on the park treating the club with contempt, and enforce not even the bare minimum of standards needed to create a professional atmosphere.


It's also the club's own fault, and notice I say club's, not clubs', because I can't imagine any other club has the same lax 'standards' as Aberdeen. But the club has been mismanaged to the point that it CAN'T drop the arseholes because we can't afford the few hundred quid a week it would cost to bring in a superior player.


So the club is at the mercy of the arseholes... not that I think the club would bother to replace the arseholes for behaving like arseholes even if they had the few hundred quid a week to replace the arseholes.


I think what has happened is that successive managers have brought in arseholes instead of football players, and when it comes down to it they act like arseholes rather than footballers. Result being another season spent struggling to stave off relegation, because arseholes, when the chips are down, will resort to being arseholes to the people who pay their wages rather than digging in and being professional footballers.


Because they're arseholes, not professional footballers.

Look what happened to last manager who tried to stop the boozing and instill some professionalism into the players - the players won (off the pitch of course)!!

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The players won, but even when they were presumably under a manager they liked better they wer still abysmal, finishing a few points above relegation.


Letting the players win again, players who even when they are trying still can barely stave off relegation, really can't be an option... even if it means bringing in kids and journeymen with a better attitude.


It's harder to replace a team of losers than it is a management team, but when the team is clearly the problem (taking the muppets on the board out of the equation) then there a comes a point where you have to bite the bullet and start ripping the team apart and starting again. Sure, it's the harder option, but if you want to save yourself from the inevitable then you need to make the hard decisions.


The board has been really good at taking the easy option, sacking consecutive managers that have been hung out to dry, and not so good at addressing the 500lb gorilla in the room... that being their own sheer incompetence and the fact they have a playing staff filled to the brim with lazy, arrogant bums, who have neither the ability nor attitude to make the club anything other than a bottom 6 relegation prospect.


Certainly the board are never going to fire themselves for doing an almost two decade long incompetent job, they can't keep firing manager after manager (and I think most of us know that Knox and Brown are very capable managers) without people noticing that there's only one real constant in AFC's decline... and that constant is neither drunken managers or loser players.


In order of 'Need to go', it's Board, players, management team.

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How is that any different from the 70s' and 80's? I don't see how it explains the catipulation in playing ability.


Same prob in England. They are also producing less promising players because of they're general attitudes. I wouldnt say champ is leaps and bounds ahead of the spl standard wise. Just because they pay their players more doesnt mean its a league of significantly higher standard. In fact champ is the 5th or 4th highest paid league concerning ave salary so assuming the top 3 paid leagues are Eng Prem, Ser A and La liga does that mean Champ is better than german, french, portuguese, dutch, greek, turkish, russian top flight..............................i dont think so?!!

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Although I'm only 41, I'm going to sound like a right al mannie here:-


Is the poor attitude thing indictive of the younger generation today, as the see the likes of footballers and reality show winners making lots of money and they think its easy to acheive with very apparently little hard needed (which is obviously not the case?)


Was always told that you only get out what you put in and the 5 'P's rule.


I'm only 29 and I couldn't agree more



you cant completely blame the kids, after all they are kids and they do need discipline, its down to managers n coaches to sort these boys out and make sure their attitude towards the club is 100% full of respect, the club also needs a good set of experienced pros to boot the boys arses into gear, but sadly most of our so called pro's are washed out failures passing down their out on the town attitudes to young guys, but i get the feeling Brown & Know are already dealing with this and Willie Miller will definitely know how to address this as well


please elaborate on this because I see no evidence of this during his tenure as "director of football". he should be nowhere near the club unless its as an ambassador chatting to pissed up fans in corporate seats

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  • 1 month later...

Hartely makes some interesting comments in his media conference, in particular about youngster's attitude and professionalism :sherlock:


EDIT: to clarify he was suggesting that some of them might not have the right attitude and talks about "bringing back" the right attitude. :sherlock:

Hopefully new captain Foster can sort this out!!

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The problem begins with the club itself.


They allow their 'athletes' to drink, to stroll around on the park treating the club with contempt, and enforce not even the bare minimum of standards needed to create a professional atmosphere.


It's also the club's own fault, and notice I say club's, not clubs', because I can't imagine any other club has the same lax 'standards' as Aberdeen. But the club has been mismanaged to the point that it CAN'T drop the arseholes because we can't afford the few hundred quid a week it would cost to bring in a superior player.


So the club is at the mercy of the arseholes... not that I think the club would bother to replace the arseholes for behaving like arseholes even if they had the few hundred quid a week to replace the arseholes.


I think what has happened is that successive managers have brought in arseholes instead of football players, and when it comes down to it they act like arseholes rather than footballers. Result being another season spent struggling to stave off relegation, because arseholes, when the chips are down, will resort to being arseholes to the people who pay their wages rather than digging in and being professional footballers.


Because they're arseholes, not professional footballers.


What we need is a dick.


Because, sometimes, dicks f**k arseholes


Hopefully, Craig Brown (or Archie Knox) is a dick



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