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Langfield Signs New Contract

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Could be worse....could've been two or three years.


Hopefully Brown signs another keeper who will be better with Clangers on the bench.


Good. He's decent enough for what we have in front of us so far. I'm happy enough with him between the sticks and get the defence strengthened up along with the midfield and attack.



Yep he has his moments but he's also had some unbelievable games. Mostly he's decent enough.

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I don't back this decision and am no longer fully behind craig brown. Sorry if that offends some folk.


Still hope were ace next season but will no longer be giving brown time. He has to hit the ground running. For me today he has wrote his own p45. The fans have had enough of clangers bottling tactics. Just the most recent game a knockdown and finish from a corner both like four yards out. f**k sake give me strength etc

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Could be worse....could've been two or three years


I suppose for the gaffer its one less position to have to worry about just now - glad its only a year, see how he plays with a better defence in front of him.


We will take in another like the big Jerry, hopefully will supercede the clown.


Kelt thats a scary pic

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I don't back this decision and am no longer fully behind craig brown. Sorry if that offends some folk.


Still hope were ace next season but will no longer be giving brown time. He has to hit the ground running. For me today he has wrote his own p45. The fans have had enough of clangers bottling tactics. Just the most recent game a knockdown and finish from a corner both like four yards out. f**k sake give me strength etc


Complete overreaction.

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Im not entirely happy with this, but its only a one year deal. This suggests to me that CB has set other positions a priority for 2011/12.



The imporatant thing now is that Brown sgns a decent number 2. Lets face it - the likes of Souter, Nelson, Bossu, Howard etc were never going to make Langfield break sweat to keep his place in the team.

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I'd be loooking for Brown to be signing a decent #1 lets get one thing straight Clangers is a good shot stopper but when it comes to Crosses,kicking etc hes a f**king bottle job. We need to be doing better I don't care if its a year deal or 6 months he should not be at our club next season.

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I'd be loooking for Brown to be signing a decent #1 lets get one thing straight Clangers is a good shot stopper but when it comes to Crosses,kicking etc hes a f**king bottle job. We need to be doing better I don't care if its a year deal or 6 months he should not be at our club next season.


Totally agree, we've had our fair share of pish signed purely as back up. We need to sign someone who is more than capable of being number one that is better than Clangers and not as error prone.


If this happens, then some of the comments on here will be forgotten when Clangers spends most of his time sitting on the bench.

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Good. He's decent enough for what we have in front of us so far. I'm happy enough with him between the sticks and get the defence strengthened up along with the midfield and attack.



Yep he has his moments but he's also had some unbelievable games. Mostly he's decent enough.




I'm happy with this.

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I'm disappointed in this, Clangers is well named; yes he can produce the odd good save - so should any keeper - it's his regular screw-ups which cost us points which mean he simply isn't good enough.


As I've said before it is all in CBs hands - if he had a fault as a Scotland manager it was relying too long on the people he knew rather moving on. I smell the same error here. I really hope I am proved wrong but that will require a completely different Clangers to the one we've had before.

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He's very, very mediocre.


He's of the standard that I would expect to play for a Killie or a St Mirren.


Having him as our number one in an essential position tells you exactly where they club sees Aberdeen Football Club's place in the SPL.

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He's very, very mediocre.


He's of the standard that I would expect to play for a Killie or a St Mirren.


Having him as our number one in an essential position tells you exactly where they club sees Aberdeen Football Club's place in the SPL.


Killie wouldn't want him.

Are we any better than a Killie or St Mirren?

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I'm disappointed in this, Clangers is well named; yes he can produce the odd good save - so should any keeper - it's his regular screw-ups which cost us points which mean he simply isn't good enough.


As I've said before it is all in CBs hands - if he had a fault as a Scotland manager it was relying too long on the people he knew rather moving on. I smell the same error here. I really hope I am proved wrong but that will require a completely different Clangers to the one we've had before.

:crossfingers: Hope this is a one off, fear it is symptomatic of Broon's modus operandi.

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The re-signing of Clangfield sends out a message. The message being that he is fit for AFC.


This proves that Leighton and Miller are not fit for purpose. And if it was Brown who was behind this (which I don't believe) then he should f**k off an a. The man has been, is and will always be a calamitous disaster. We can't build an acceptable team with this incompetent fool between the sticks. These weegie f**ks ruining our club can get to f**k. Leighton trashes rented property. Miller doesn't pay his bills. We don't need these parasites at our club.

:applause: Got to agree with ya for once. While I am no fan of your thoughts on Miller as you know, I have long been of the opinion that leighton is a bitter bitter man, a total waste of a wage, and the only Gothemburg legend I have a question mark over for his attitude nowadays. Why he was ever brought back having been rightly booted is beyond me.
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Killie wouldn't want him.

Are we any better than a Killie or St Mirren?



Surely we asprie to be?


See he had the captains armband yesterday, would be surprised if he isn't considered #1 by Brown next season.


He made a couple of decent saves yesterday.

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