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Gary O Connor, Ian Black & Some Other Player......

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cant be that fit ether if the cops caught up with him, last thing we want is a numpty like that passing on his knowledge/experience of coke to our young ones, not a very good role model


no wonder our game is going down the pan in Scotland, too many players think they've made it and let their standards drop, with little cash being invested into the SPL we'll see lots of this from players that are not true professionals as we scrounge around the bottom of footballs scrap-heap picking up players dumped by other clubs

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Something not right after he was signed in Jan by Barnsley and released in April? Maybe they knew something already.


Anyway, let him do the usual "My drugs hell" story in the NOTW then sign him. Nothing a good pre-season and a frest start in a new city might not sort out. No matter how the tabloids sell it, getting caught with coke isnt a massive deal.

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It is if your a professional footballer / role model to kids.


The guy isnt contracted to any club.


At the end of the day, after all the mock outrage has died down, its not a massive problem to sort out. I'd still take him, a talking to from Pa Broon and Archie about where his lifes going if he doesn't wise the f**k up and get his head straight and a chance to get his career back on track at Aberdeen would be a chance worth taking.

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The guy isnt contracted to any club.


At the end of the day, after all the mock outrage has died down, its not a massive problem to sort out. I'd still take him, a talking to from Pa Broon and Archie about where his lifes going if he doesn't wise the f**k up and get his head straight and a chance to get his career back on track at Aberdeen would be a chance worth taking.


Junkies on large contracts is not a road I want us to go down.


Young players, fit and aggressive as hell, is what we need.

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I never specifically called O'Connor a junkie, I'm just making a general point that washed up has-beens with far too much cash and spare time, who've possibly taken to the drugs as a result, are not the type of players I want us to sign.


I'm sure Gary O'Connor is as pure as the driven snow, and I am in no way suggesting he's a junkie, he disna look like one at all, and all those tattoos and missing teeth are merely a form of self expression.


Or merely a target man, who's been bumped about a bit over the years, with a love of body art!


Opinions will vary depending on how much of a fish wifey you are.


Would you have given Lee Hughes or Marlon King a second chance? Both their actions were far worse imo.

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Hughes and King are reprehensible characters.


I don't care how good they are, once you've done time for serious criminal matters, I don't want you anywhere near AFC. I applaud Dave Whelan's stance re woman beater King, and Hughes got let out far too early, the family of the man killed must despair, he should have had no chance to resurrect his career.


What does it say about team spirit when you are entertaining convicts?

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Hughes and King are reprehensible characters.


I don't care how good they are, once you've done time for serious criminal matters, I don't want you anywhere near AFC. I applaud Dave Whelan's stance re woman beater King, and Hughes got let out far too early, the family of the man killed must despair, he should have had no chance to resurrect his career.


What does it say about team spirit when you are entertaining convicts?


Quite agree. I think there are some standards we should support, and in a professional sporting outfit you really can't condone people who abuse their bodies (which cannot help their on pitch performance over a season) or have no respect for others and commit serious crime.

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Quite agree. I think there are some standards we should support, and in a professional sporting outfit you really can't condone people who abuse their bodies (which cannot help their on pitch performance over a season) or have no respect for others and commit serious crime.


Isnt imbibing large amounts of alcohol and smoking abusing one's body ?

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A properly run AFC would not entertain a drinking culture.


Absolutely - they are being paid to be fit, not drunk; much of the difference between top players and also rans is attitude and behaviour. Its alsways nice to be brilliant at footie but it helps if you take care of yourself; players last longer and reach higher heights if they train properly and take care of their body. A drinking culture is the embodiement of the opposite and shows disrespect to the club and the fans.

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Which is where we've been at for some time.


What hope did we have, for instance, when the biggest alkie of them all was in the dugout, or not there, as happened against Dundee?


Or where your director of football props up Soul Bar whilst all around him business empires collapse in a hail of debt and recrimination?


Take away the alcohol during the season, no exceptions.

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WTF ? Anyone who thinks their kids should look up to these cxnts needs their head read, role models ffs





I never once suggested that anybody should think their kids should look up to this guys, wise up. Whether we like it or not footballers will be idolised or looked up to by young supporters of the team they play for.


Are you're saying when you was playing football when you were a bairn you never pretended to be McDougall, Hewitt, Dalglish, etc? Must've only been me then.

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I never once suggested that anybody should think their kids should look up to this guys, wise up. Whether we like it or not footballers will be idolised or looked up to by young supporters of the team they play for.


Are you're saying when you was playing football when you were a bairn you never pretended to be McDougall, Hewitt, Dalglish, etc? Must've only been me then.



Modern equivalents are not O'Connor you are way off the mark, and the days of youngsters (unless they are thick)of idolising mongs like O'Connor are gone, more likely to idolise Rooney, Messi, Ronaldo etc

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I never once suggested that anybody should think their kids should look up to this guys, wise up. Whether we like it or not footballers will be idolised or looked up to by young supporters of the team they play for.


Are you're saying when you was playing football when you were a bairn you never pretended to be McDougall, Hewitt, Dalglish, etc? Must've only been me then.


The obvious difference being that Fergie had an absolute stranglehold on their drinking activities.


Drunks were quickly ejected from the squad, as bad for morale and team spirit, as Joe Harper can so bitterly testify.

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I never once suggested that anybody should think their kids should look up to this guys, wise up. Whether we like it or not footballers will be idolised or looked up to by young supporters of the team they play for.


Are you're saying when you was playing football when you were a bairn you never pretended to be McDougall, Hewitt, Dalglish, etc? Must've only been me then.


What a load of sh*t. Yes i pretended to be footballers in the park when i was young but i wouldnt pretend to be Merson there then go out back horses, bang strippers and blast coke at night. Unfortunately.


Dont be deluded enough to think how a footballer acts off the field will affect a young boy. I cant even remember hearing about Merson or anyone else doing that at the time.

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With Lyle supplying O'Connor, I'd be tempted to go for Riordan as well. O'Connor and Riordan make each other tick


We'd be dealing with a serious strikeforce then.


No more for us just punting the ball aimlessly up the park in a vain attempt to score. We'd be guaranteed a regular fix, of goals obviously, with this trio on board.


And I'm not sure how to fit any other drug-dealing cliches in here, so I'll just add contraband from nowhere, left of field.

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