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Deja Vu?

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Anyone getting the old feeling of deja vu coming?


Up to now:


Another summer. Still no idea which players staying and which definitely going.


More promises of new players en masse.


Some "bigger" name targets at start of summer e.g. Rae, Flood, Dailly, Davidson


"Bigger" name players laugh at our offer and go elsewhere.



To follow (from experience)?


Onto "Plan B" which is sign one player for now and then tell fans there will be more to follow.


Just before pre season and still short beyond belief and 4 or 5 youths "promoted" to first team squad telling fans our youth system is 2nd to none and reminding us of Russell Anderson and Kevin McNaughton all those years ago.


Trialists appearing all over place pre season.


Us being told a fortnight before season there are still loads of players out there and we will be in much better position to persuade them to sign deal with us the closer to the end of the tranfer window it becomes.


Start season as fast as David Murray in quicksand.


Panic signings.

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With seven (i think) games before the transfer window closes we can't be hanging around using the whole time to get players in.


Would also like the captain situation to be like last season where pretty much Hartley was captain in early July unlike the season before where we announced like the day before the spl season started.


There is defo still heaps of time to get players signed but Brown could be in trouble if has to go into run of your Peterhead/Brechin type friendlies with existing goalie and defence. Confidence could easy take an unrecoverable knock.

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With seven (i think) games before the transfer window closes we can't be hanging around using the whole time to get players in.


Would also like the captain situation to be like last season where pretty much Hartley was captain in early July unlike the season before where we announced like the day before the spl season started.


There is defo still heaps of time to get players signed but Brown could be in trouble if has to go into run of your Peterhead/Brechin type friendlies with existing goalie and defence. Confidence could easy take an unrecoverable knock.

Although to be fair the window isn't actually open yet would have liked to have has a couple of players fixed up at least considering how many on way out.


At moment we have for next season:













Folly (not fit for start of season)








And few kids Shaughnessy, Low, Jarvis, Fraser, Grimmer

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Although to be fair the window isn't actually open yet would have liked to have has a couple of players fixed up at least considering how many on way out.


thats not the Willie Miller way though. He will dick about waiting for out of contract players first to make their mind up, then we rush around at the end of the window.

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Although to be fair the window isn't actually open yet would have liked to have has a couple of players fixed up at least considering how many on way out.


We wouldn't want to get carried away...can only remember us signing three pre-contracts ever...Hart, McDonald and McArdle.

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I wish the club would stop letting themselves be messed around by players. Nobody in our squad is really worth pushing the boat out to keep lets be honest so if they don't like the clubs terms, adios. There are plenty others out there who would love to play for Aberdeen, we just need to find them.


OK, at the moment it's just Maguire (which is more organised than normal!), but can see us waiting on players to sign...who will be waiting themselves to see if theyre offered more money elsewhere. I hope we're organised early but doubt it.

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Which out of contract players are we waiting to give us an answer from exactly? Aluko has made it clear he wants to move back down south, Diamond has basically all but signed for Hearts and Maguire looks more likely to leave then stay.

Then even more new faces are needed and with seasons now all finished can't be going around scouting new players til new season. If Aluko, Maguire, Diamond join Hartley, Young, Vuja, SMith, Macnamee, Howard, Bloackman and Anderson departing from our first team squad then we need to sign a hell of a lot of players this summer and need to get moving. Huge job this summer and not sure any manager would be able to do it in such a short time.

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Ive said this before and Ill say it again, Im sick to my back teeth of players f**king Aberdeen Football Club with their will they/wont they attitude. Im speaking of players who are contracted but their deal runs out at the end of the current season. Last year it was Gary McGhost, Mark Kerr and Pugh Pugh Charlie Mulgrew who were all offered contracts yet stalled and stalled until the last minute befor rejecting them. This years models are Bebo and Aluko..and of course Plug (who although has said hes off to the LSC, I wont breathe easy until I see his ugly mug paraded at the pink bus shelter) who have dicked the club about. Fair play to Sone actually who has said that he wants to go back to England.......but the Bebo situation seems to be a recurring theme. Offer Player A a contract, Player A thinks about it, Player A's agent touts him in the press, AFC set deadline for contract to be signed, deadline passes, revised contract offered, Player A considers it.....ad nausem until at the end of the season Player A f**ks off probably as he had planned when original contract is offered.


As I said once again the club is having to wait a long time to see who leaves before getting a replacement in which results in last minute loans/signings etc. If these players dont want top play for Aberdeen Football club, then f**k off, and let us get players in who do

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K9- You have hit the nail firmly on the head!


Exact same bullshit as previous seasons.


Flood signing for Utd ahead of us is a disgrace! I don't believe Brown for one minute " sometimes it is about more than money" BULLSHIT!!!


We either offered less or very much the same as Utd, so he decided to go to where he has been before.


If we really wanted him, we would of got him!!


Why can't we identify the players we want, then go and get them? Other clubs seem to manage.


We will be left scrambling about the bargain basement panic buying yet again!

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K9 you're spot on.

I think that the club have shot themselves in both feet with the assumption that

season ticket holders will fall for the usual bull sh!t.

Brown mouths off about Flood being offered 3 times what we can offer and now he appears

to be united bound. What sort of wage are we offering ?

Or is it a case of just make out that it's the fault of greedy players not AFC.

There really is no incentive to renew a season ticket when it's all just talk.

The master of this will no doubt be promising everything in his column in today's paper.

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Ive said this before and Ill say it again, Im sick to my back teeth of players f**king Aberdeen Football Club with their will they/wont they attitude. Im speaking of players who are contracted but their deal runs out at the end of the current season. Last year it was Gary McGhost, Mark Kerr and Pugh Pugh Charlie Mulgrew who were all offered contracts yet stalled and stalled until the last minute befor rejecting them. This years models are Bebo and Aluko..and of course Plug (who although has said hes off to the LSC, I wont breathe easy until I see his ugly mug paraded at the pink bus shelter) who have dicked the club about. Fair play to Sone actually who has said that he wants to go back to England.......but the Bebo situation seems to be a recurring theme. Offer Player A a contract, Player A thinks about it, Player A's agent touts him in the press, AFC set deadline for contract to be signed, deadline passes, revised contract offered, Player A considers it.....ad nausem until at the end of the season Player A f**ks off probably as he had planned when original contract is offered.


As I said once again the club is having to wait a long time to see who leaves before getting a replacement in which results in last minute loans/signings etc. If these players dont want top play for Aberdeen Football club, then f**k off, and let us get players in who do

Just to cheer you up we are paying the likes of Diamond, Aluko, Maguire, Young, Howard etc wages until end of their contrats which is end of June!!

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Anyone getting the old feeling of deja vu coming?


Up to now:


Another summer. Still no idea which players staying and which definitely going.


More promises of new players en masse.


Some "bigger" name targets at start of summer e.g. Rae, Flood, Dailly, Davidson


"Bigger" name players laugh at our offer and go elsewhere.



To follow (from experience)?


Onto "Plan B" which is sign one player for now and then tell fans there will be more to follow.


Just before pre season and still short beyond belief and 4 or 5 youths "promoted" to first team squad telling fans our youth system is 2nd to none and reminding us of Russell Anderson and Kevin McNaughton all those years ago.

Trialists appearing all over place pre season.


Us being told a fortnight before season there are still loads of players out there and we will be in much better position to persuade them to sign deal with us the closer to the end of the tranfer window it becomes.


Start season as fast as David Murray in quicksand.


Panic signings.


Good post K-9. Unfortunately I predict you'll be right on the money. We should sticky this and tick everything off as it happens!

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If our youth system really was 2nd to none, should we not be winning the youth cup, or getting to the final, or the semi finals. Ok that's the cup, anything can happen....but surely the team with the best youth set up wins the league?


AFC were 4th in the youth league.

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I dont know why so many of you find this surprising? Players and clubs will always go for the best deal they can get. The majority will wait until last minute while the minority will want to get a deal done asap. The minority tend to be clubs who have money to spend.


AFC are no longer a buying club so we have to rely on free bosmans therefore accept that the best deals we can get will be last minute 2nd and 3rd choices. If we want first choice then we have to start competing with EC and Div1 wages and that wont happen?!!

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I dont know why so many of you find this surprising? Players and clubs will always go for the best deal they can get. The majority will wait until last minute while the minority will want to get a deal done asap. The minority tend to be clubs who have money to spend.


AFC are no longer a buying club so we have to rely on free bosmans therefore accept that the best deals we can get will be last minute 2nd and 3rd choices. If we want first choice then we have to start competing with EC and Div1 wages and that wont happen?!!


So why is Flood signing for Utd? they supposidly have a lower playing budget than us and are making cuts!!


Remember last seasons PR "Join the revolution" what a f**king joke!!!


I wouldnt mind if Flood was joining an EC or Div1 club, as obviously we cant compete with that, BUT f**kING UTD??


It shows that Utd are a far more ambitious club than us, and thats after they have delivered a trophy to there fans, this decade!

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Most players are out of contract on June 1st. Calm the f**k down!


Dont fall for the Milne/Miller bullshit spin. New Season same old broken promises and shoite on the park. Even a wee team like yinitit can out spend us, shows you how far this great old club has fallen!!!

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Other clubs are making signings - we, as usual are just mouthing off.


Exactly Tommy!


Every year you have people on here sticking up for the club (which is good in someways) "lets give him the season" lets wait and see what the transfer window brings" "lets judge them at the end of the season" .


How long are these people willing to give the current set up? are they going to wait until our average gate is 4000 and were on the brink of bankruptcy?


If we had just had one bad season in 5, I would sit back an tell everyone to calm down, but it's not! this has been going on too long now!


I don't think people understand how important it is to try and get the stay away fans back, without them our club will die!


We cannot survive on average gates of 7000, gimmicks like "The Revolution" do not work, we need a decent team on the park!

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Exactly Tommy!


Every year you have people on here sticking up for the club (which is good in someways) "lets give him the season" lets wait and see what the transfer window brings" "lets judge them at the end of the season" .


How long are these people willing to give the current set up? are they going to wait until our average gate is 4000 and were on the brink of bankruptcy?


If we had just had one bad season in 5, I would sit back an tell everyone to calm down, but it's not! this has been going on too long now!I don't think people understand how important it is to try and get the stay away fans back, without them our club will die!


We cannot survive on average gates of 7000, gimmicks like "The Revolution" do not work, we need a decent team on the park!


Exactly, we're closer to saying we have had one "good" season in TEN ffs!


There does come a time for everyone when enough is enough & that time can vary from one fan to the next but when we start getting down to the bare bones & what you would call the most patient of fans begining to question why the hell we are bothering with this sh*te, well that is a time when heads REALLY should roll.


Our club has been taking the piss for far too long now.

The fans have suffered far too long

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Posted this in the Willo Flood thread but itæs probably more suited in this one..........


Really not happy that we cannot compete with Utd for players (whatever the reasons) & it does seem that we are being fed all the usual bullshite regarding potential signings & reasons for not getting them.


I expected a lot better from Brown & Knox but it seems even they are being hog tied by our disgrace of a board without too much complaints.


Browns biggest problem as Scotland manager was his yes man tendencies & it seems that although he has plenty experience & contacts & i really believed in him here, he cannot help but be pushed around by above.


Come on Brown, yer an old mannie, dinny take this sh*te & get stuck into those that are taking the piss from above, this is likely yer last managerial post, so go out in style please & above all RESPECT.



I remember when Mcghee was in the job, he toed the party line by saying he was happy etc with the backing the board have given him, ask him now, what he thinks of the backing he got from the AFC board and you will hear a very different story.

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It is absurd to take an apologist, a supportive or a neutral position when the evidence and the facts not only suggest incompetence at AFC plc but proves it.


An ostrich puts its head underground for reasons unknown. The reasons why a human puts it's head in the sand are well known.


And you put your head up your arse to look for inspiration on a daily basis.


Lazio Don et al - I trust Mr Brown and Archie Knox - they are the ones making the decisions on the budget they have.


I think the wise thing to do here is wait until the Maguire, Aluko and Foster sitations have played out - which will hopefully happen within a week or two - then see what the budget is at that point.


Funnily enough that would take us into early June, when the market is reallly Willo Flooded with players.


To go out and sign a few John Rankers, only to find out you could have signed better quality - would be sheer Yoann Folly.


Calm down and trust Mr Brown y'all.

You get me?



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Other clubs are making signings - we, as usual are just mouthing off.

And other clubs don't need to make the amount of signings that we need to.


But it is just 23rd May although when our main targets fall through we cannot go out and watch other potential signings now as close season.

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And other clubs don't need to make the amount of signings that we need to.


But it is just 23rd May although when our main targets fall through we cannot go out and watch other potential signings now as close season.




Thankfully we have the yoofs in place to fall back on.

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i agree with jazzer on this one. its only the end of may. the season is only just coming to an end ffs. it'll take longer than a couple of days to get players in!


i honestly don't think our gaffers can't win sometimes...rush out and fill the squad now and fans will be happy in the short term - but i bet come later in the window, there will be moans of "why did we rush into buying these players. we should have waited - 'such and such' is available now."


brown says they're talking to players, so lets see what happens. if we go back to pre-season without signing someone i'll get concerned.

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