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Aluko And Maguire

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Now that these two upstarts are off, I'd like to let them know that they achieved nothing for us, they failed and they won't be missed. Both had the ability and opportunity to be major contributors to our club's future success but they were too selfish, too lazy, too unprofessional and lacked the winning mentality. Sone in particular spent most of the last few years sulking like a wee boy over Calderwood's dismissal.


It's sad but not surprising that they're opting for average English lower division teams that pay more when they're both so young. I'm not saying that neither will make anything of their careers, but if they behave and perform the way they have for us then they won't achieve a thing, just like Lee Miller.


Cheerio boys!

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If Maguire had had his way he'd have f**ked off international duty to go chasing the cash


I'm sure I read yesterday that this was the case?... Hence why Levein said to him to put his international career first because apparently he wanted to drop his chance for Scotland so he could get his medical etc done for Derby asap...


Greedy tw*t :angry:

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which makes the views of some on here all the more ridiculous and pathetic


2 young guys, coveted by teams in england, in their respective national squads - and theyre being pilloried on here


honesty, im embarassed for some of you



Seems that Leicester have made no move for Aluko, his agent is telling porkies.

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Obviously big question marks over the pair's committment/attitude last season, but they are two most naturally gifted players in our squad. Big job on Craig Brown's hands in terms of bringing in adequate replacements on a tight budget.


Id say that Aluko is gifted in terms of skill and ability but i dont think you could claim Maguire to be gifted, he has no great level of skill and cant really beat a man, its all about effort with him. He isnt a natural goalscorer, he lacks craft and guile and the ability to go round people, i dont think he is a particularly good player. Imagine Maguire if he was 28 playing at the same level as he is now - would you see him as a good player? I know i wouldnt.

Scottish football is riddled with players who are promising at 20years old and they dont develop and actually dont get any better by the time they should be peaking.

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i dont think you could claim Maguire to be gifted, he has no great level of skill and cant really beat a man, its all about effort with him. He isnt a natural goalscorer, he lacks craft and guile and the ability to go round people, i dont think he is a particularly good player. Imagine Maguire if he was 28 playing at the same level as he is now - would you see him as a good player? I know i wouldnt.


This is pretty far from the reality.


Maguire is one of the most naturally gifted players in the SPL. In fact, it's often been levelled at him that effort was the one thing lacking in his game.


He can switch a ball from one side of the pitch to the other in the blink of an eye, with deadly accuracy. Not everyone can do this, very few in fact.


I'd say in terms of his command of a football he's on a par with McFadden and Adam.

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i work with what i can


you dont think it takes skill to score from the halfway line, or score a van basten-esque volley?


I've watched Mark Perry score a screamer at pittodrie against the tims, I was at Livingston when Ricky Foster volleyed one in from distance and I watched Gary Smith skin 4 or 5 players at pittodrie but I wouldn;t class any of them as skilful players.


any one can take on a first time volley and score with once in their lives.

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His frequency of tripping over the ball, putting it too far in front of him and giving away possession under no pressure ranks where in your assessment?


Or do you ignore this aspect of his game, or not see it because you don't go to games, or am I fabricating this?


Fabrication. Of course I go to the games, as many as I can manage.


I do see these aspects of his game, but it does not alter the fact he's a good player. He is surrounded by dross at Aberdeen, who play agricultural football. This is bound to impact.


Adam was hounded out the door by his own fans at Rangers. I guarantee some of them are still so thrawn about it that they refuse to acknowledge his obvious ability still.


It's blatantly obvious that Maguire has talent.


Remember his debut against Killie? He was brilliant.


That's what playing with freedom does for you. Holloway believes in Adam, and look at the difference.


Our players are inhibited, clearly. They get savaged by the hyper critical for trying anything different. So they bite the bullet and play within themselves, so as to deflect attention from themselves on to an easier target for the boo boys.


Making a name for yourself at Aberdeen, under the current circumstances, is all but impossible for a flair player.

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if thats the way you want to look at it, fair enough


it would be a lot easier however if you all just admitted, in hindsight, saying the boy has no skill is absolutely absurd and dont argue against it purely because it was me qho questioned it


as usual you switch the argument.


nobody he said he had no skill

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yeah, because you score from the halfway line or score goals like the one against hamilton without any skill...


I scored direct from Kick-off after conceding a goal once, took centre, the ball was laid off to me and i skelped it in off the underside of the bar. Its not that difficult a skill to achieve when you think about it is it? Unless you are a rank amateur footballer of course. Doesnt mean im gifted does it? Far from it.

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This is pretty far from the reality.


Maguire is one of the most naturally gifted players in the SPL. In fact, it's often been levelled at him that effort was the one thing lacking in his game.


He can switch a ball from one side of the pitch to the other in the blink of an eye, with deadly accuracy. Not everyone can do this, very few in fact.


I'd say in terms of his command of a football he's on a par with McFadden and Adam.


Damn - does anyone around here know a good glazier?

My window just smashed to smithereens as Tups credibility went crashing through it with the last line of his above comment.

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are you for f**kING REAL!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!!


perthshire red: "but i dont think you could claim Maguire to be gifted, he has no great level of skill"


thats the reason im arguing!!!!!


christ al f**kING mighty


I never said he has no skill, i just said he hasnt got a great amount of skill.

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are you for f**kING REAL!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!!


perthshire red: "but i dont think you could claim Maguire to be gifted, he has no great level of skill"


thats the reason im arguing!!!!!


christ al f**kING mighty


he didn't say no skill level .


read it again, its not hard to understand.


christ all f**king mighty indeed

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From their point of view they are talented players who have been playing in sh*te AFC teams with players who don't possess the ability they have, under two managers who have failed to use them in their best positions.


This has resulted in hammerings in certain league games and dramatic failure in crucial games, which may have swayed their decisions.


Just throwing that in there..... :sherlock:


Its just a shame that both of them fail to realise that by signing on for the next two years the current management could make them they players they can be.

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or are just too scared to pipe up


you can not see the goals the guys scored and then say he "has no particular skill"


thats just f**kin retarded


he said he has no great level of skill. thats not what you are claiming he said.


he obviously has some skill or he wouldn't be playing professional football. perthshirered just doesn't think his skill levels are that high.

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or are just too scared to pipe up


you can not see the goals the guys scored and then say he "has no particular skill"


thats just f**kin retarded


If your still rambling on about what i said Mr Miller then at least get it right, at no point did i say he has no particular skill, as quoted by yourself.


Anyway - you keep slavering on about Van Basten-esque goals etc, well there is no point skelping in a good volley while you repeatedly miss one on ones and sitter after sitter. He has absolutely zero composure.

That said, he has some of the tools required to make a player of himself but his ego and his petulance will be his downfall. As its stands now he isnt a very good player, he might prove me wrong and if he does then good luck to him and it will be to the benefit of Scotland. But i just cant see it.

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Nothing at all DieHard min, nothing at all, I'm sorry, I made a bad call here.

Ha! You count cheerio as abuse!


I stand by all I wrote. I've given my opinion of their performance as Dandies and my view on how that may impact their future. If I want a positive appraisal from the people I work with and for then I have to earn it. What makes Aluko and Maguire any different?


If you want to hear abuse of Dons players then go to a game and listen to some of the folks who rip 'em to shreds before the game's even got going or they've come on the pitch.


Maguire and Aluko don't deserve a rapturous eulogy about their Dons careers so I'm certainly not going to give them one.

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ok, well lets clarify


perthshire red - do you mean in relation to other non old-firm players in the spl?


Well skill is skill, Broadfoot is an old-firm player but he hasnt got skill. Skill is over-rated, its about effectiveness and ability. Maguire is currently ineffective whereas Broadfoot did a job, occasionally anyway.

Dougie Imrie has score a good few spectacular goals but he doesnt seem to be rated that highly.


I just mean that he hasnt got a huge amount of skill as a footballer, regardless of who he plays for. What are his great strengths then as a footballer - you tell me.

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Maguire and Aluko don't deserve a rapturous eulogy about their Dons careers so I'm certainly not going to give them one.


As I said I think they play within themselves, hide if you like, because of the sheer volume of supporters who are constantly on their backs for errors, which we all make from time to time.


They get very little understanding or leeway and therefore find it difficult to express themselves properly on a regular basis. From the infrequent bursts of form that both are prone to, it's obvious the talent is there.


Pittodrie is particularly bad. You can hear everything there, a pin dropping, and I'm sure they've heard it all with regards to their lack of efforts and ability, on a regular basis.


If they do leave, they leave with my best wishes. I find it hard to stomach that some actively wish to see them fail further down the line and I find it almost impossible to understand that mentality.

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