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Chat Golf Day Oot

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Fellow Golfers and Mini JC,


I was thinking of pulling together all the fellow golfers on the site for a day oot in the near future,


a small outing.


Maybe meet at Nigg Bay, 18 holes, and then a few beers in the club hoose and a game o bingo.


provisional date of Friday July 1st


let me know if yer in, and we could kick something off..

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Fellow Golfers and Mini JC,


I was thinking of pulling together all the fellow golfers on the site for a day oot in the near future,


a small outing.


Maybe meet at Nigg Bay, 18 holes, and then a few beers in the club hoose and a game o bingo.


provisional date of Friday July 1st


let me know if yer in, and we could kick something off..

oot...on a stagger that weekend.

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Should be able to make it. Look forward to it already. Please dont partner me with Roberto or ill end up oot my tree by the 3rd hole from taking so much valium thus drowning out his horrendous golfing etiquette. Or FS as im not up for getting butt f**ked.

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Should be able to make it. Look forward to it already. Please dont partner me with Roberto or ill end up oot my tree by the 3rd hole from taking so much valium thus drowning out his horrendous golfing etiquette. Or FS as im not up for getting butt f**ked.

Himmin :moonie:


Anyway, I'm oot, nae use that date for me

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You'll dee fit yer telt and because I started the thread>


I'll decide who you play with, your nae Colin Montgomerie, however the bingo will be cancelled as per yer request.


All I need to know in the next week or so is if yer in/out and handicap.


We can play a stableford format, with the loser wanking TUP off at the Torry Battery pre drinks.

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A golf day oot, for virtual members of an online messageboard, is almost as cheesy and choreographed as a singing section at Pittodrie.


I can just see you all, resplendent in plus-fours, windcheaters, v-necks with cornrows that look like your granny knitted them, and all manner of other poxy attire, heading out like happy-clappers for a day on the course.


I'm away to start a thread on a three day drinking session I'm planning, you're all welcome, it won't be organised in any way, the very essence of chaos, and you can come and go as you f**king please, as if I give a f**k about any of you.

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A golf day oot, for virtual members of an online messageboard, is almost as cheesy and choreographed as a singing section at Pittodrie.


I can just see you all, resplendent in plus-fours, windcheaters, v-necks with cornrows that look like your granny knitted them, and all manner of other poxy attire, heading out like happy-clappers for a day on the course.


I'm away to start a thread on a three day drinking session I'm planning, you're all welcome, it won't be organised in any way, the very essence of chaos, and you can come and go as you f**king please, as if I give a f**k about any of you.


TUP you could come in yer new scotland strip and just caddy, drink a few tins o tennents on the course, you"d enjoy it , we"d even sing flower o scotland for you in the clubhouse, any English would have to sit outside and watch you drink from afar

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TUP you could come in yer new scotland strip and just caddy, drink a few tins o tennents on the course, you"d enjoy it , we"d even sing flower o scotland for you in the clubhouse, any English would have to sit outside and watch you drink from afar




No bother min, dinna come in your white hood you use for Broomfield mind.

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Lest we forget your other heroes, Jimmy Boyle, not the axe murderer turned thesp, but the midfield dynamo of Alex Macdonald's famously thuggish side.


Jug lugged Andy Smith, an aberration of a human being in the looks department, looked like he'd been volleying neeps and tatties into a horse and cart from an early age, would put his face where most folk wouldna put their feet, nothing to lose.


John Martin, not all there, happy to act like an idiot and be portrayed as one.


Jimmy Sandison, handled the ball three feet outside the box, penalty says the half shot referee, was it Syme?

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Lest we forget your other heroes, Jimmy Boyle, not the axe murderer turned thesp, but the midfield dynamo of Alex Macdonald's famously thuggish side.


Jug lugged Andy Smith, an aberration of a human being in the looks department, looked like he'd been volleying neeps and tatties into a horse and cart from an early age, would put his face where most folk wouldna put their feet, nothing to lose.


John Martin, not all there, happy to act like an idiot and be portrayed as one.


Jimmy Sandison, handled the ball three feet outside the box, penalty says the half shot referee, was it Syme?



Andy Smiths Da is a taxi driver..........and a mate o Scott Leitch.


ANyhow, I have no affiliation to Airdrie or their sh*te strip.

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Kind offer but too far to go and would begrudge giving revenue to those hick Buckie people who always overbook their opens and keep you waiting over an hour to tee off. Excellent greens though but some of the hatters are novices who need the wide open expanse of Nigg Bay. Plus the getting hame efter a sesh.


Harsh, but somewhat not unsurprising.





I do have a funcy new BBQ that needs a test run...

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Andy Smiths Da is a taxi driver..........and a mate o Scott Leitch.


ANyhow, I have no affiliation to Airdrie or their sh*te strip.


I ken that min, your username is inappropriate now however, Diamonds are not as forever as they first seemed.


Maybe you could change it to ADiamondis4lifenotjust4Christmas?

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