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Any Players Who Come In

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I hope to f**k Broon brings in players with some kind of genuine professional attitude... because any kind of weakness will be preyed upon by the losers we didn't get rid of, and the new guys end up not giving a f**k either.


The apathy towards playing for AFC is an insidious poison amongst the 'players', and I fear attitudes amongst the newcomers may well be dragged down to the same level. I also fear that gradual turnovers will see this attitude of not-giving-a-f**k spread from year to year.


Anyone familiar with the 'Monkeys and the water hose' scenario? That's how I see AFC, and the only way to fix it is to replace the all monkeys at once.... literally.





Put five monkeys in a cage. Inside that cage, hang one banana on a string and place a ladder under it. Keep a garden hose nearby. Soon one of the monkeys will spot the banana and start to climb the ladder to get it. When he does, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water. Now, replace the banana.


After a while another one of the monkeys will probably go for the banana. Again, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water.


Monkeys are relatively smart, so pretty soon, whenever one of the monkeys attempts to climb the ladder, all the other monkeys will try to prevent him from doing it. When that happens, put away the cold water hose. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. Now hang a new banana over the ladder.


The new monkey will spot the banana and head for the ladder. To his surprise, all of the other monkeys will spontaneously attack him. After several more futile attempts, all of which will result in further beatings, the new monkey will no longer try for the banana.


Remove another of the original monkeys and again replace it with a new one. Now replace the banana. Again, the new monkey will make a grab for it. Like his predecessor he will be stunned to discover that all the other monkeys attack him. In fact, the previous newcomer will most likely take a particularly enthusiastic role in his replacement's punishment.


One at a time, gradually replace all of the original monkeys with new ones. Each of the newcomers will go for the banana. Each one will be attacked by the other four. Most of the new monkeys have absolutely no idea why they were not allowed to climb the ladder, or why they are participating in the assault on the newest monkey.


When all of the original monkeys have been replaced, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, not one of those monkeys ever approaches the ladder, why not? Because as far as they are concerned that's the way it has always been done around here.



EDIT: The only bright spot in this scenario is that in reality monkeys are clearly smarter than footballers, so maybe this doesn't apply.

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Boring it is most certainly not and this line from the article, in my opinion, perfectly sums up our woes:


And if this discussion makes you uncomfortable, you'd best ask yourself one last question: "which is stronger in our company: our willingness to change or our resistance to it?"

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Certainly a very interesting and entertaining analogy, and one which makes me pleased to see the likes of Diamond, Young, Maguire etc leaving and allowing new players to move in. I felt signing Hartley was a step in the right direction and this si something which needs to be continued. Aberdeen need professional players, with desire and a sheer will to win.

Hopefully Craig Brown will instill this into the current squad and ensure the new additions already have the desired attitude to help the younger players.

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A good analogy.


This is why we shouldn't sign players like Riorden, until we have established a culture were professionalism, attitude and commitment to the club prevail immersing new recruits - as opposed to getting pished, nae giving a f**k, and nipping down to glasgow to watch the Old Firm!


Whilst I disagree on Riordan, I agree with the sentiment wholeheartedly.


I believe Brown and Knox have already instilled this in the club as a whole, and with their own players, it will blossom further.


I reckon they could handle Riordan no hassle.

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Whilst I disagree on Riordan, I agree with the sentiment wholeheartedly.


I believe Brown and Knox have already instilled this in the club as a whole, and with their own players, it will blossom further.


I reckon they could handle Riordan no hassle.


Really? Was I just imagining the abject failure of an end to the season from players who looked like they couldn't give a flying fook? Players who took part in two semi finals and just laid down to Celtic?


I think it's a bit more deep seated than you reckon, but hopefully the departure of the two biggest prima donna's in Diamond and Maguire, will help (along with Aluko who thought himself better than he actually was/is).

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Whilst I disagree on Riordan, I agree with the sentiment wholeheartedly.


I believe Brown and Knox have already instilled this in the club as a whole, and with their own players, it will blossom further.


I reckon they could handle Riordan no hassle.


I agree.


Brown only has to tell him that he is talented enough to have been picked for Scotland when he was manager - then why he wouldn't have picked him.


If Riordan has any feelings of "unfinished business" in the game, that might do the trick - and fresh surroundings might help too.

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