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Football Allegiances

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Just come across a phenomenon today which I feel quite heartened about and I would like to hear your thoughts:


Met a guy in Archies who was about my age and from Elgin he married an Aberdonian and now lives here. He noticed the AFC badge on my phone and we got talking. He was brought up a Rangers fan but has switched allegiances to us as he wants to support his local side and has worked out the inherently shallow nature of supporting a weegie team when you have no connection to soapdodger land. He is planning to buy his first season ticket this season. I think this is a great thing and I have much respect for this guy, he has turned his back on reflected glory and following us because he enjoys it so much more, maybe a football moralist or a madman not sure?


What do you think, still pissing myself and der hun :lolrangers: losing fans to us :sheepshag:

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I can't understand affiliation to some random club to which you have no connection.


An Aberdonian 'supporting' either of the OF is simply crass, shallow and pathetic.


Kudos to the guy for having a brain of his own.

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I can't understand affiliation to some random club to which you have no connection.


An Aberdonian 'supporting' either of the OF is simply crass, shallow and pathetic.


Kudos to the guy for having a brain of his own.


Yeah thats what I think this guy has restored my faith in the thinking human being as soon as he had a local exposure to a big team he was interested, I feel given the rarity of this guys attitude his previous hun allegiances can be swept under the carpet after all thats the difference between us and them :scarf:

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I actually know several guys who have turned their back on rangers and become dandies, not as uncommon as you may think. Guys brought up as filth lovers as kids make there own decisions once they are old enough to understand how loathsome a team they are

A guy who went to school with me was a Hun when we were in Primary but changed to the Dandies not long into secondary so you are right enough there

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Sadly I know several folk who I went to school with who grew up Dandies but who have now switched to the great unwashed. One of whom in the last 5 years has gone from Aberdeen fan to Celtic fan to Rangers fan for some bizarre reason.


Good to hear though that theres at least some people in the world with sense.

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I can not understand anyone changing the team they support, whichever way it goes.


I support Aberdeen because they're my team wherever I live or end up. I could never dump them to change to the opposition just because I live there now.


Don't know... it just seems pretty much a meaningless gesture and support if you can flick that 'support' from one team to another at a whim.



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People who change allegiances with regards to football teams are not "real" supporters.


In my opinion, a "real" supporter is somebody who can't keep away from their club, whether it be constantly checking the club's website, or going to the games even when the going gets tough. A real supporter gets all excited when they hear their team's name on Sky Sports News even if it is in the classified results; they get butterflies in their stomach when the opposition come forward even if it is a team three leagues below; they are in a downer for a good 24 hours after a defeat; they clench their fists when their team scores; they LOVE the club.


It's very easy to say "oh I support such and such"...but it means so much more when you love a club, which is something I think the "supporters" of a good percentage of big, successful franchise-like teams such as Man Utd and even Celtic and Rangers will never understand.

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People who change allegiances with regards to football teams are not "real" supporters.


In my opinion, a "real" supporter is somebody who can't keep away from their club, whether it be constantly checking the club's website, or going to the games even when the going gets tough. A real supporter gets all excited when they hear their team's name on Sky Sports News even if it is in the classified results; they get butterflies in their stomach when the opposition come forward even if it is a team three leagues below; they are in a downer for a good 24 hours after a defeat; they clench their fists when their team scores; they LOVE the club.


It's very easy to say "oh I support such and such"...but it means so much more when you love a club, which is something I think the "supporters" of a good percentage of big, successful franchise-like teams such as Man Utd and even Celtic and Rangers will never understand.


I agree with your last point but i dont see anything wrong with someone changing allegiances from a big succesful, european football every season, challenging for silverware every year to us, I mean what are they to be accused of glory hunting? Had it been the other way then fine but to me it shows a person who must have developed an interest in the first place and through that a love for the club will develop, less huns/tims is never a bad thing, Some people are just a bit snobby about how long they have supported a team or how many games they go to, I have followed Aberdeen from a young age and am a season ticket holder in the RDS but I wouldnt look down my nose at someone wanting to follow us even though they havent done so all there life so what? Its a football club not a closed society i.e KKK, nazis or the Huns!! I just think if more people in the north east really analyzed why do I support the OF we might get more of these guys coming along and pumping money into our club.

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Sadly I know several folk who I went to school with who grew up Dandies but who have now switched to the great unwashed. One of whom in the last 5 years has gone from Aberdeen fan to Celtic fan to Rangers fan for some bizarre reason.


Good to hear though that theres at least some people in the world with sense.


The guy you describe is clearly just a glory hunter :lolceltic::lolrangers:

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Just come across a phenomenon today which I feel quite heartened about and I would like to hear your thoughts:


Met a guy in Archies who was about my age and from Elgin he married an Aberdonian and now lives here. He noticed the AFC badge on my phone and we got talking. He was brought up a Rangers fan but has switched allegiances to us as he wants to support his local side and has worked out the inherently shallow nature of supporting a weegie team when you have no connection to soapdodger land. He is planning to buy his first season ticket this season. I think this is a great thing and I have much respect for this guy, he has turned his back on reflected glory and following us because he enjoys it so much more, maybe a football moralist or a madman not sure?


What do you think, still pissing myself and der hun :lolrangers: losing fans to us :sheepshag:


I think the boy sounds like a bellend.


Does not even know what team he supports till he is old enough to drink, supports "his new" team because of his girlfriend & feels the need to tell strangers in a pub how he is now an Aberdeen fan because he saw your phone.


He should stay a Hun, would rather pay double in to Pittodrie than have clowns like him in our support

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Good on him - one of the most important aspects of intelligent thinking is to recognise where you have made an error and rectify that error.


I always found it strange how when people are describing someone else after they have died or as a tribute, they often use the phrase "he stuck to his beliefs" as a compliment!!! :dontknow:


That translates as "stubborn & ignorant"


The only way sticking to your beliefs can be considered good is if you just so happen to be some sort of genius who gets everything right first time!


In this instance the guy has identified a valid reason for switching to the Dons - so good on him.

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I think the boy sounds like a bellend.


Does not even know what team he supports till he is old enough to drink, supports "his new" team because of his girlfriend & feels the need to tell strangers in a pub how he is now an Aberdeen fan because he saw your phone.


He should stay a Hun, would rather pay double in to Pittodrie than have clowns like him in our support


what a load of rubbish.


we need as many supporters as we can get.

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I agree that we do and IF the boy buys a ST, good on him.


Whilst this looks like a total contradiction, endorsing FB's post and also agreeing with yours, there is one important distinction to be made.


Frunk said the boy SOUNDS LIKE a bellend, not that he IS a bellend for reason that he's getting a ST. I'm not speaking for FB but for me, I can hardly believe fickle people like this exist. My experience of allegiance is non-negotiable. You get your team (from your father usually) and that's your team for life. The possibility of switching teams isn't there, particularly once past primary school let alone drinking age.


Maybe FB was considering the same possibility that I did on reading the OP. This could have been a random lonely in a boozer looking for someone to talk to, seizing on the opportunity of the AFC logo on a phone in the boozer in the city where AFC play. That's why he sounds like a total bellend.


We'll not turn away anyone who puts money in the club but whether or not this total stranger does remains to be seen. He says he's from Elgin after all and that's close enough to Nairn, one of four black spots in the country, to contaminate him by association.


That about sums up perfectly my thoughts, agree 100% Rocket.


If this guy wants to get a season ticket then good, I just hope his seat is not anywhere me, he can bore someone else with his tales of how he seen the light and became an Aberdeen fan

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Sadly I know several folk who I went to school with who grew up Dandies but who have now switched to the great unwashed. One of whom in the last 5 years has gone from Aberdeen fan to Celtic fan to Rangers fan for some bizarre reason.


Good to hear though that theres at least some people in the world with sense.



He is not a fan, simply a twat.

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I agree that we do and IF the boy buys a ST, good on him.


Whilst this looks like a total contradiction, endorsing FB's post and also agreeing with yours, there is one important distinction to be made.


Frunk said the boy SOUNDS LIKE a bellend, not that he IS a bellend for reason that he's getting a ST. I'm not speaking for FB but for me, I can hardly believe fickle people like this exist. My experience of allegiance is non-negotiable. You get your team (from your father usually) and that's your team for life. The possibility of switching teams isn't there, particularly once past primary school let alone drinking age.


Maybe FB was considering the same possibility that I did on reading the OP. This could have been a random lonely in a boozer looking for someone to talk to, seizing on the opportunity of the AFC logo on a phone in the boozer in the city where AFC play. That's why he sounds like a total bellend.


We'll not turn away anyone who puts money in the club but whether or not this total stranger does remains to be seen. He says he's from Elgin after all and that's close enough to Nairn, one of four black spots in the country, to contaminate him by association.



I agree with what you are saying to a degree but lets consider another hypothesis and take this guy as genuine. Elgin I am led to believe is stanch hun country ( cant think why 180 miles from Govan!) so when he moves and is no longer around all his old hun mates they probably didnt go to games he develops an interest in AFC and switches, his support for the filth was probably no more than buying a top and watching games on telly I doubt he was a season ticket holder at Ibrox. I applaude the guy he sees the scum for what they are and decides enoughs enough I am going to support my local team.


Is not supporting your local team one of the major reason NE OF Fans are despised by us?


He sees another way and he takes it, sure maybe not everyone takes his support at face value but surely after years of support and going to matches he can claim to be a fan the same as everyone else.


Any other attitude is just silly considering the predicament our club is in sub 7k crowds, but as long as long as we are all "real" fans thats fine. The last one out switch off the lights.

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People who change allegiances with regards to football teams are not "real" supporters.


In my opinion, a "real" supporter is somebody who can't keep away from their club, whether it be constantly checking the club's website, or going to the games even when the going gets tough. A real supporter gets all excited when they hear their team's name on Sky Sports News even if it is in the classified results; they get butterflies in their stomach when the opposition come forward even if it is a team three leagues below; they are in a downer for a good 24 hours after a defeat; they clench their fists when their team scores; they LOVE the club.


It's very easy to say "oh I support such and such"...but it means so much more when you love a club, which is something I think the "supporters" of a good percentage of big, successful franchise-like teams such as Man Utd and even Celtic and Rangers will never understand.


What a stunning post. Had a wee shiver reading the second paragraph.

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