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Superb Brown Interview

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Really enjoyed listening to a nice long (20 min+) Brown interview on RedTv. I love listening to him and it's a particular joy to hear him speak when he's not under pressure in a press conference & forgetting all the young lads' names! He's identified an experienced stopper (and since signed Mawene) and an experienced midfielder (probably Rae but who knows?) as priorities. I'd chuck in a fullback, a goalie and some squad players too but hey ho. He says some great stuff on his Scotland role too.


Sometimes all the negativity of being a Dons fan of a struggling Dons team (and listening to folks on this site too!) makes you forget why you're a Dandy and listening to Craig reminded me that we're an honourable club and we've let ourselves slip during the Milne years (where we've hung on for slovenly journeymen like Kiriakov, Mayer, Bisconti, Kerr, MacDonald and (dare I say it) Maguire). We can do better.


As Brown himself put it (quoting Knox on Mawene), we need proper players. And I reckon Brown will take us up a level next season. And he'll do it the right way, with proper players, with proper spirit and maybe, just maybe, some silky football too. COYR!!

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i know what you mean, however Kiriakov had a few decent world cup performances and over 50 caps, now we can't afford to sign a Bulgarian international, it was another example of having a decent player at aberdeen who fell short of expectations, some you win some you lose, i would say Kiriakov was way ahead of Kerr & MacDonald in his prime

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You could tell kiriakov was once a good player, unfortunatley some time before he made it here.


Tell you what though the c**t was a wee pit bull and never hid.



having Bisconti in the same par with Kerr and Mcdonald is laughable.


lets stick to players like:

mike, djaffo, hinds, bus,kerr,mcdonald.............to name but a few


Brown may have plenty to say, lets see where we are come the start of the season and what players we take in

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I agree Bisconti was a far better player than some of the others but he didn't really care about the club. He dumped us when it suited him and I heard he left a string of unpaid bills which the club was left to deal with after he moved on. You could throw Stavrum in the mix too - decent player with good strike rate but lazy and no loyalty to the club at all.

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You don't come from Italy or Bulgaria or Scandinaviland and have loyalty to Aberdeen Football Club. I'd take giving your all and being a pro when you're on the pitch and not TOO much of a dick when you're off it while in the employ of the club over loyalty.


agree with this; players used to have a sense of loyalty when clubs/players were closer to the fans and more respected, but that's so long ago, modern players prefer to hide away so they don't get caught doing naughty things thanks to modern media/technology catching them in the act, the ones that get caught in local pub fights are either ned like (e.g. riordan) or just bottom of the barrel players with little self discipline and a love for nights out

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Brown kens what he's doing and will silence the doubters next season.




I dont think people doubt Brown, just the board and if they'll back him and let him sign the number of players we obviously need.

2 or 3 wont cut it

What do you reckon as a bare minimum?


I'd say;


Left back

Centre mid

Left mid



Will he get the backing needed?

Recent history post Calderwood would suggest not.

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I dont think people doubt Brown, just the board and if they'll back him and let him sign the number of players we obviously need.

2 or 3 wont cut it

What do you reckon as a bare minimum?


I'd say;


Left back

Centre mid

Left mid



Will he get the backing needed?

Recent history post Calderwood would suggest not.


I'd have had an experienced centre-back on that list - which has been ticked off nicely already.


Goalie - Hopefully Langfield will fill that role - with a solid defence in front of him, he's good enough most of the time


Left Back - Smith would do nicely....


Centre mid - some decent players on the Radar - Rae, Hughes etc


Left Mid - Still hoping to keep Aluko?


Striker - definitely required - Mackie will help, but not up to a whole season as a starter.


All in all, it appears to me that we are heading in the right direction as the quality of player appears immediately better than McGhee had - Mawene v Ifil?

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I'm sure Brown knows how to construct a team capable of winning football matches better than any of us. I trust him.


He only agreed to come to Aberdeen after receiving assurances he would be able to make wholesale changes.


We're going places and I believe we'll see one or two surprises in the next week or two.

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I'm sure Brown knows how to construct a team capable of winning football matches better than any of us. I trust him.


He only agreed to come to Aberdeen after receiving assurances he would be able to make wholesale changes.


We're going places and I believe we'll see one or two surprises in the next week or two.


I echo these sentiments pretty much entirely. Brown might be saying certain things to the press, but I wouldn't be reading too much in to anything till things actually happen. He wants to get the best deals possible and if he were to say there was a healthy enough budget and lots of signings to be made, then we will be getting a harder bargain from the other side.


I don't think Milne and co will have reneged on whatever deal was made to get Brown here (and that obviously took some sweetening) so I am happy enough that there are plenty players to arrive and that Brown is well aware of what is required and the contacts to find them...

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I'd have had an experienced centre-back on that list - which has been ticked off nicely already.



Goalie - Hopefully Langfield will fill that role - with a solid defence in front of him, he's good enough most of the time


Left Back - Smith would do nicely....


Centre mid - some decent players on the Radar - Rae, Hughes etc


Left Mid - Still hoping to keep Aluko?


Striker - definitely required - Mackie will help, but not up to a whole season as a starter.





Goalie - Langfield might not start the season...and Howard left, so we need a back up anyway whether Langfield is fit to play or not


left back - agree about Smith - as he's under contract, may have to be another loan deal, and they are lastminute.com jobs usually


centre back - Mawene ticks the box.


centre mid - would rather have Jennings of Motherwell - younger, fitter and at least as good.


left mid - Jim O'Brien at Barnsley? - good at motherwell, out of the picture at Barnsley


striker - a small, pacey player to go alongside Vernon, in the Maguire mould.

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I echo these sentiments pretty much entirely. Brown might be saying certain things to the press, but I wouldn't be reading too much in to anything till things actually happen. He wants to get the best deals possible and if he were to say there was a healthy enough budget and lots of signings to be made, then we will be getting a harder bargain from the other side.


I don't think Milne and co will have reneged on whatever deal was made to get Brown here (and that obviously took some sweetening) so I am happy enough that there are plenty players to arrive and that Brown is well aware of what is required and the contacts to find them...


Oh come on... where have you been the last decade. We never bang on about signings, mostly as we never have any money to spend. And what sort of negotiations would have been done to get Brown here in any event? He's not Ferguson, Gaurdiola or Hiddink. He was managing Motherwell and as experienced as he is, has not won anything as a manager. He did ok with Scotland... fair enough. But its hardly the sort of situation where we have to promise the man

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That figure is ludicrous.


Obviously - I was speaking metaphorically.


You (you and you alone) have painted this picture to everyone on here that will listen, that Brown is being handed a particularly substantial sum of money this summer. Now others are falling into the trap of building up optimism and (false/misplaced) hope that we'll be making loads of really good signings.


Having a semi decent manager and coach is one thing, but under the command of Milne, this club is going nowhere fast. We are, let's face it, squillions of pounds in debt and unless Milne personally invests in AFC this summer, then where is the cash coming from to plough into Brown's kitty? Certainly not from the club's bank account... a club that just finished 9th out of 12 for the 2nd season in a row and who's attendances have dropped dramatically.


Dream on guys. The only way we will improve our fortunes is to either hold a gun to Milne's head, or get rid of the man and attract some investment into our ailing club.

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Do you remember the Sportsound special where Cummings implored investment of a million pounds each from the rich individuals involved at board level with the club?


Where Cummings said he could secure investment were he at the helm?


Do you remember that Brown knocked us back, for several days, on our initial offer and looked all set to stay with Motherwell, until Milne's personal intervention, and a subsequent meeting at Brodie LLP in Glasgow, in Jock Brown's office?


What do you read into that TWL min?


You seem determined to believe worst case scenario, I can't blame you, but I'm not sure why you believe it so fanciful that there may finally be some investment?


And you were right to think sheer folly if you were thinking ten million pounds, no chance, however there will be investment I assure you.

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Do you remember the Sportsound special where Cummings implored investment of a million pounds each from the rich individuals involved at board level with the club?


Where Cummings said he could secure investment were he at the helm?


Do you remember that Brown knocked us back, for several days, on our initial offer and looked all set to stay with Motherwell, until Milne's personal intervention, and a subsequent meeting at Brodie LLP in Glasgow, in Jock Brown's office?


What do you read into that TWL min?


You seem determined to believe worst case scenario, I can't blame you, but I'm not sure why you believe it so fanciful that there may finally be some investment?


And you were right to think sheer folly if you were thinking ten million pounds, no chance, however there will be investment I assure you.


Erm, maybe as Brown had realised his time with Motherwell was reaching a conclusion and he was holding out for more money (ie, money into Mr & Mrs Brown's bank account) than we had orginally offered? Managing Aberdeen has got to be seen as a better gig than working for that smacked up gaylord from Motherwell. I assume we made an offer and Brown (being the shrewd character that he is) knew we were kinda desperate, having just sacked McGhee and didn't have a c*ck to piss with.


Look, there may be some nominal investment from Milne, Gilbert, but I would say unless this amounts to a 30% or more increase on the current budget McGhee had, then it's pretty pointless in all reality. We need BIG investment in the club at this moment in time. We need characters and guile that will steer us on a road to safety and entice punters back through the gates. Mawene - is he the defensive messiah that we have longed for since the departure of Russell Anderson? We still have a incredibly threadbare squad, made up of kids that, albeit have promise, are not up to the task of taking the bull by the horns. We continually highlight players that will help our woes, but never end up getting them. We put all our eggs in one basket last season by signing a guy that had a great CV and great attitude, but unfortunately, was way too old for us and had seen his best days pass him by.


Investment..... let's see the colour of your money then Gilbert and Milne. Tup's reputation is resting on the next few weeks. Failure to deliver signings that will inspire us and give us confidence for the season ahead, will prove our doubts and tarnish your credibility for ever more. This season is going to be the defining moment of your tenure. Tup - you're confidence in the men who have RUINED our club beyond belief, is misplaced in my opinion.

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Aberdeen won't spend any money on players. Brown will be given an increase on his wage budget but that is all, significantly more than Motherwell made available to Brown. Its total nonsense to suggest Aberdeen will invest in the football side when

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Aberdeen won't spend any money on players. Brown will be given an increase on his wage budget but that is all, significantly more than Motherwell made available to Brown. Its total nonsense to suggest Aberdeen will invest in the football side when

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Investment..... let's see the colour of your money then Gilbert and Milne. Tup's reputation is resting on the next few weeks. Failure to deliver signings that will inspire us and give us confidence for the season ahead, will prove our doubts and tarnish your credibility for ever more. This season is going to be the defining moment of your tenure. Tup - you're confidence in the men who have RUINED our club beyond belief, is misplaced in my opinion.


I don't care what you think and I'm beyond attempting to persuade you.


The two Browns cornerered Milne and both he and Knox made it clear the sum of money required to turn the club around, a take it or we walk away now offer.


Amazingly, Milne agreed it. I'm not going to get involved in figures so don't ask.


This is bona fide fact.


My reputation? Listen, I like a laugh and a joke but I'm not into fabrication, when I say something serious you can be assured I mean it.

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Oh come on... where have you been the last decade. We never bang on about signings, mostly as we never have any money to spend. And what sort of negotiations would have been done to get Brown here in any event? He's not Ferguson, Gaurdiola or Hiddink. He was managing Motherwell and as experienced as he is, has not won anything as a manager. He did ok with Scotland... fair enough. But its hardly the sort of situation where we have to promise the man

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