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Motherwell Season Ticket Offer

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Notice Motherwell again offering free kids season tickets for next season - great idea imo and just what many have been saying about our next generation of fans:


Motherwell Deal link


With Season Ticket sales well underway, the club would like to remind fans of the fantastic offer available in the Davie Cooper Stand.


The deal, amongst the best in the Scottish Premier League, kicked off last season and resulted in a massive 23% increase in Season Ticket uptake it the Cooper Stand.


The offer allows for any adult or senior citizen, purchasing a season ticket, to claim up to two Under 16 tickets absolutely free of charge. It could save you well over

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Motherwell have also joined up with businesses in the community to offer season ticket holders discounts in many stores around Scotland:


My link


Although the Early Bird offer on Season Tickets has expired, there are still plenty of reasons to buy your Motherwell FC Season Ticket.


As well as extending the free kids offer, which originated in the Cooper Stand last year, all around the ground

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Well done Motherwell! Nice to see someone being pro-active in the battle against dwindling SPL crowds.....



Is the correct answer.


Maybe it's time AFC started a Marketing Department.


The club really is losing touch with the support.

Less than 1000 Season Tickets sold so far tells a story.

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  • 1 month later...

They had the Motherwell chief executive on Radio Scotland this afternoon and she seemed very happy with their season ticket sales.


For the second successive season, Motherwell FC are delighted to announce another healthy increase in Season Ticket numbers.


The club recorded a fantastic 13% growth in 2010-2011 and, once again, figures this year (2011-12) show another 10% like-for-like increase on the previous season.


The figures justify some of the fantastic initiatives centred around families and youngsters with the Cooper Stand offer and the WELLevate deal in the East and O’Donnell Stands proving extremely popular.


These long-term polices have seen the club increase season ticket holders from 2650 in 2009-10 to 3,500 this year although it has come with a £10,000 drop in revenue as fans take up the free kids offer.


Chief Executive Leeann Dempster said, “Everyone at the club is absolutely delighted with these results and it is further evidence that our long-term family and community commitment policy is working.


“We’ve had a great few years on the park but we’ve also been working extremely hard off it to revaluate our position and start re-building the club from the bottom up.


“It’s not rocket science; we know we have to get more families and youngsters through the gate to ensure the long term stability and growth of our football club. The hard work is far from finished though – we will keep working as hard as we can to improve and invest in families, community and young people.”




Sadly AFC seem to think coming up with slogans like "New Season New Shirt New Spirit" and "Join the Red Revolution" is enough :ThumbsDown:

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Sounds like Motherwell are pretty close to us in season ticket sales this season if rumours are to be believed.


Loved the tannoy message today at end of game saying next game against Inverness and we have special offer of 1 adult and 2 kids for 42 quid for this game. What an offer!!

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It's refreshing to see a club's marketing team doing all they can to get fans through the turnstiles but they also have the age old problem like ourselves of having glory hunting OF fans on their own doorstep. And as good an idea it is, this situation will never be changed imo although i'd like to think it could be.

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Sounds like Motherwell are pretty close to us in season ticket sales this season if rumours are to be believed.


Loved the tannoy message today at end of game saying next game against Inverness and we have special offer of 1 adult and 2 kids for 42 quid for this game. What an offer!!



AFC Marketing Team - Best in the world :rolleyes:

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From March 2000...


ABERDEEN last night kicked off a crusade to make football more affordable by slashing their season-ticket prices.


From the start of next term under-12s will pay just pounds 18 for a season ticket, while senior citizens will have to stump up pounds 65 for their seats.


The Dons will also follow SPL rivals Dundee United by grading games depending on the opposition.


And they called on the SFA to HALVE admission charges for next month's Tennents Scottish Cup semi-final against Hibs at Hampden.


Their plans were welcomed by other top-flight clubs who also plan to reduce prices for 2000-01.


Dons marketing boss Harvey Smith said the aggressive package will also revolutionise thinking about the direction in which Scottish football is going.


He said: "When the fixtures are produced in the summer we will look at making up to five home games category A. Eleven will be category B, two will be C and the remainder will probably be the least attractive matches in cup competitions.


"Our plans, which we feel sure will bring other clubs looking at our system, aims to bring people back to football.


"We are putting a great deal of faith in our efforts to lure younger supporters who we want to persuade their parents and grandparents to join them at Pittodrie.


"The pounds 18 deal - that's just pounds 1 a game, watching from the Merkland Stand - offers fantastic value for money. It's a massive 70 per cent reduction on this season's price of pounds 60. We want to be seen as a family club with our supporters coming from every age group.


"No one, whether they are players or supporters, likes to see row upon row of empty seats at games and we now have a target of an average home gate for next season of 16,000.


"Aberdeen is introducing its own version of the three Rs ... radical, revolutionary and, for the fans, rewarding."


South Stand season-tickets for pensioners will be cut from pounds 100 to just pounds 65, while plans are in place to reward existing ticket holders who introduce a new customer.


But season-tickets will not apply for the CIS or Scottish Cup games next season.


Smith said: "We have lost money on cup games this season and we recognise we can't continue to offer them as part of our packages.


"Only us and Dundee United currently grant free admission to season-ticket holders for cup games and clearly that can't continue."


"If our plans bear fruit, we will increase turnover from pounds 800,000 to pounds 1.2million and see season-ticket numbers rise from 6500 to 8500 next season and then 10,000 the following year.


"We are offering up to 46 per cent discounts for those who purchase season-tickets rather than pay the walk-in prices."


Dons chief executive Gordon Bennett said the club has written to the SFA calling on them to help fans by halving the admission charges for the semi-final against Hibs on April 9.


He said: "We believe that if the CIS Cup Final costs pounds 16 for the average fan to see, then a cup semi-final should be half that. If the SFA were to agreed to our proposal it would be a marvellous gesture to the fans, particularly those from the north-east who face a 300-mile round trip for the game.


"We take the view there is no profit in empty seats and our goal is to begin to persuade young people to start supporting the Dons.


"We want to see young people in Aberdeen and the surrounding area wearing the red strips of Aberdeen and not the hoops of Celtic or the blue of Rangers or even the colours of any of the big English clubs."


Hibs last night gave Bennett's semi-final plea a cautious welcome.


Spokesman David Forsyth said: "It's a big game for both clubs and we hope it will be competitively priced.


"But obviously we respect that the final decision on pricing must come from the SFA."


Pittodrie crowds during the Alex Ferguson era when Dons regularly beat the Old Firm, won titles and triumphed in Europe hovered around the 13,000-16,000 mark. Last season the average attendance was under 12,000 and Bennett, brought in to breathe new life into the club, is eager for them to improve. He said: "The ongoing trend of saturation coverage of football on television offers a serious alternative to actual attendances at live games.


"Some clubs are already seeing crowds decline. We would prefer that Pittodrie was bursting at the seams for every home match."


Supporters groups praised the Dons for their initiative. A spokesman for the Association of AFC Supporters Clubs said: "This news will hopefully encourage other SPL clubs to do likewise."


Both Dundee clubs plan to follow Aberdeen's lead and cut prices for kids from the start of next season.


United expect to announce their new price list within the next few weeks, while Dundee are set to unveil family packages.


A Dundee spokesman said: "Aberdeen are to be commended for their ticketing policy for youngsters next season and we will look at the details with interest.


"We are currently looking at making significant price reductions for next season, not only for children but also women and whole families.


"Football is no longer a men-only domain. It appeals to entire families and it's the responsibility of football clubs to offer an attractive package at an affordable price."


United have slashed prices for tonight's Premier League clash with Kilmarnock to pounds 5 for adults and pounds 1 for children and OAPs.


A club spokesman said: "We will be announcing details of our own pricing policy for next season shortly and like Aberdeen we plan make our tickets as affordable as we can, particularly for youngsters."


Motherwell chief executive Pat Nevin pointed out that his club already offer juvenile season-tickets at rock-bottom prices.


He said: "Making football more affordable to young people was something John Boyle talked about a long time ago. Our cheapest juvenile season-ticket is pounds 40 and we've found it's been a success."


Hearts spokesman Douglas Dalgleish said he had not studied Aberdeen's plans, adding: "We have a policy for pricing season-tickets which we feel works well."




U12s season ticket is now a shocking

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Sounds like Motherwell are pretty close to us in season ticket sales this season if rumours are to be believed.


Loved the tannoy message today at end of game saying next game against Inverness and we have special offer of 1 adult and 2 kids for 42 quid for this game. What an offer!!



Great offer and the fans will come back in huge numbers for that offer. Unbelievable!


AFC get a grip and start looking to promote the club and get better bloody offers for fans to be inticed back to the club.

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I heard that interview with the lass from Motherwell FC and even her enthusiasm shone through in what they are trying to do. Well done to them. The main point she stressed is this is a long term plan, no point just dropping pricing for the odd game, you have to do it season long using the kids tickets as a loss leader. Even if only half of those kids shun the OF which is a huge drain on Motherwell then it will have suceeded. Well & St Mirren are never going to be even the 4th, 5th or 6th best supported team in Scotland but they are listening to their fans, setting themselves up as community teams and going that extra mile.


Please listen and learn AFC, only about 8k Dons fans turned up to watch a Celtic game. Early kick off on a Sunday does not help but top see the RDS upper with less folk in it than the St Johnstone game says a lot.

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If its all about knowing your market...then AFC are clueless. What sane father/relative/family friends wants to take two kids on their own to the football?


I don't think its as easy as AFC think, ie just get the kids to turn up. When I first started going to the games in the late 80's and early 90's AFC were clearly sh*t hot at football and had great backing. You could also stand/sit where you wanted and sometimes you got lifted over the barriers for free, at certain clubs. The noise drew you in but now its the opposite. I took my 4 year old to Pittodrie and although he loved it, it was against rangers. I wouldn't have taken him 10 years ago but we had our pick of about 800 seats in the RDS that night and he could run about as he pleased.


Is charging

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Can see this seasons average being down at/below 9000. Even if we started to win games it'll take alot for people to come back in numbers, still wouldn't represent value for money.


Why don't they have categories any more? Did AFC give a reason for doing away with them?


I'd say:


Category A - Huns, Tims -

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Motherwell have one CEO that seems to run the entire club, we have suits , marketing managers and other lackies, thats the real crime

Wyness left on back of us not being able to justify around 100k a year for chief executive to basically run the club and he resigned saying this. Was then replaced by 2 people (Director of Finance and Director of Football) on almost 4 times the salary we couldn't justify.

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The tragedy and stupidyt is that of course as money becomes tighter these eejits who are alienating their clients will not have enough money even to pay themselves. In the end they'll be gone and take their cliches with them, the tragedy is that the club may not survive the process. It really isn't hard to adopt any of these plans but does require a willingness to engage with the community rather than sit in an office. Aberdeen given its position should find it easier to engage with the kids; we don't have the huns or tims right on our doorstep - however - let's alienate a few more - push the prices up, offer them a cliche rather than a team then blame the punter for not turning up.

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Sounds like Motherwell are pretty close to us in season ticket sales this season if rumours are to be believed.


Loved the tannoy message today at end of game saying next game against Inverness and we have special offer of 1 adult and 2 kids for 42 quid for this game. What an offer!!



AFC sales have been terrible.


As much as i don't like defending AFC - and this is only a partial defence, it's 2 adults and 2 under 12's for

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