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Question Time


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Mr and Mrs rocket attended QT in St Andrews about 6 or 7 years ago when we lived there. Salmond was on. It was the most boring QT ever. Dimblebum is an erse.


Looking forward to watching the Eberdeen edition though.



must've been pretty f**kin boring then.


tip of the day - stay away.

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Hoiy F*K peeps..


I'm watchin a bbc2 documentary about Alex Salmond...narrated by Michael Portillo....


I can't bring myself to express my disgust at it....


Any nocturnal contemporaries of mine care to watch it ( on plus 1 or fitivver)




guffies are sh!ttin it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It is interesting only in so far as interpreting the various responses is concerned.


Does Question Time have any noticable effect on how things turn out ?


There are no answers. There is no right or wrong. Life goes on anyway.


Edifying if in the mood but if they can't stop these w*nker bankers at least , then they cannot stop anything.


Window dressing.

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Quite poor never really discussed much into issues affecting this area, Panel Was Tory Twat Michael Forsyth, Maggie Curran, Michael Moore,Salmond and Tom Hunter, a very boring point about assisted suicide ruined the show. Interesting point was Forsyth agreeing that the tax rise on the oil industry was stupid, Salmond virtually had the two of them in his pocket again, and basically proved that the Government is shitting it at the thought of a referendum, some fud asked Salmond if he thought England should be independent too which he completely took the piss of England.



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Wasn't very impressive. Maggie whatever her name was particularly shyte, as was Michael Moore. Think Salmond had to reign himself in quite a bit, he is the first minister can't get involved in shouting matches, would be very ... un-presidential. Hunter was good though. Forsyth wasn't horrendous either and pretty sure "George got it wrong" on the oil tax will come up again....


Quite ironic that (as Salmond hinted at a few times) the whole right to die debate had already been run through to a huge degree in Scotland already and yet it was the subject of one of the few times QT was based here (for a show I mean, know it going to be based in Glasgow).

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not the best QT ive watched, actually pretty pish in all honesty, Salmond stuck to his guns and rightly indicated the voters were wel laware of a referendum would be closer to the end of the SNP term, to me this makes perfect sense, as this will give the public time to realise what SNP can offer, and also gives the SNP time to get their sh*t together.


The Labour quine was full of piss, Michael Moore should stick to films, the plastic looking farmer was a boring twat, lord snooty made bits o sense at time.


The questions and audience were a joke..

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Why the f4ck was there a Glasgow MP on the panel, who spent the whole show speaking about the issues in terms of "her constituents", e.g youth unemployment. She's as good an advetisement as any for why you wouldn;t want an independent Scotland, when idiotic c4nts like her get their hands on power.


And given the question on the Oil Tax, wouldn't it have made more sense to replace Tom Hunter with one of the North Easts Oil Millionaires, theres enough of them around - Ian Wood or Bob Keillor would spring to mind?


Thought is was pretty sh1te to be honest, Salmond was typically evasive. Forsyth spoke most sense for me - never toed the party line on the oil tax so at least you knew he meant what he said unlike the other politicians on the panel.


The guy that listed all the unaswered questions re independence spoke well, other than that the audience was pretty poor, especially that f4cking bint who reckoned mad people should have right to choose to die as well :rolleyes:

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Why the f4ck was there a Glasgow MP on the panel, who spent the whole show speaking about the issues in terms of "her constituents", e.g youth unemployment. She's as good an advetisement as any for why you wouldn;t want an independent Scotland, when idiotic c4nts like her get their hands on power.


And given the question on the Oil Tax, wouldn't it have made more sense to replace Tom Hunter with one of the North Easts Oil Millionaires, theres enough of them around - Ian Wood or Bob Keillor would spring to mind?


Thought is was pretty sh1te to be honest, Salmond was typically evasive. Forsyth spoke most sense for me - never toed the party line on the oil tax so at least you knew he meant what he said unlike the other politicians on the panel.


The guy that listed all the unaswered questions re independence spoke well, other than that the audience was pretty poor, especially that f4cking bint who reckoned mad people should have right to choose to die as well :rolleyes:



about sums it up Jonty,


all nutters should choose to die...yaaaaaaaaaas

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Agree that it was sh*te. Weak panel answering weak questions. I didn't get to ask my question. :angry: You need to have panelists such as Germaine Greer,Peter Hitchins or David Starkey to get folk going. I thought the panel were very subdued. The one who I thought performed best was Michael Forstyth. And some of the audience were :nutter:


David Dimbelby is taller in real life and the studio is much smaller I thought.

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Why the f4ck was there a Glasgow MP on the panel, who spent the whole show speaking about the issues in terms of "her constituents", e.g youth unemployment. She's as good an advetisement as any for why you wouldn;t want an independent Scotland, when idiotic c4nts like her get their hands on power.


And given the question on the Oil Tax, wouldn't it have made more sense to replace Tom Hunter with one of the North Easts Oil Millionaires, theres enough of them around - Ian Wood or Bob Keillor would spring to mind?


Thought is was pretty sh1te to be honest, Salmond was typically evasive. Forsyth spoke most sense for me - never toed the party line on the oil tax so at least you knew he meant what he said unlike the other politicians on the panel.


The guy that listed all the unaswered questions re independence spoke well, other than that the audience was pretty poor, especially that f4cking bint who reckoned mad people should have right to choose to die as well :rolleyes:


The woman in question is a Labour MP, one who wants to keep the union so in other words a great advertisement for independence ?

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The woman in question is a Labour MP, one who wants to keep the union so in other words a great advertisement for independence ?

My point was that under independence woman like that would be in power, or do you think the Glasgow dominated labour party would disappear in the event of Scotland becoming independent?

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Not the greatest of shows.


Michael Forstyth came out of it pretty well (despite him being a c**t under Thatcher).


The weegie whiney wifie was woeful!


Yet again no answers from A.S. re how things would work in an Independent Scotland.


Yo...spooneristically named hoor o hell...we'll nivvir find oot how things wid work.or how they widda worked utill we give it a spin..It's going to be an interestin 5 years...


I dinna think that we'll get independence this time round....


but I hope i'm wrong...

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