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Am I Being Impatient

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Or does anybody else think we should have made at least 4 or 5 signings by now or certainly by the end of next week.


Its been a month since the season ended, and we knew back then who was staying and who was going, why did we not have anybody tied up on a pre-contract?


With two weeks to go till our first pre-season game i would have expected our squad to have taken shape before the brechin match so all the new players have a chance to settle in and have as much game time as possible with each other.


We still need and dont appear to be any further forward in finding.


A keeper.

2 Wing backs (1 for cover)

2 Wingers * unless we are seriously expecting pawlett to go a month without breaking a nail.

A striker.


Even after all that we still need to replace squad players that left us.


Also why are we still looking at midfielders when we have 3 really good players in milsom, fyvie and folly. Its just not making any sense to me why we are wasting our time looking for central midfielders.


Team to Face Brechin


No Keeper

Foster, Consi, Mauwene, Yoof Player

Pawlett, Fyvie, Milsom, Yoof Player

Mackie & Vernon (assuming mackie is fit)


Leaves us with Mccardle, Paton, Magennis, Jack to fill the blanks.


And people have got season tickets..............

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Another day, a different impatient c**t.


We're looking at midfielders because that's where the game is won and lost in the SPL.


A strong midfield = a strong team.


Milsom is the right quality, but there's no way Fyvie is ready for first team football yet, certainly not for a full season, and Folly is just sub-standard and will be marginalised once we get some decent players in.


Brown is therefore correct in trying to address this.


It disna really matter what you think about that.


Who cares who lines up at Brechin? It disna matter a damn.

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Craig Brown is correct in saying we will only sign players who are of better quality than what is here already and not just for the sake of it but we hear it every year. The later we leave having the squad, or the nucleus of it, in place, the more we will struggle. We need to start signing these better quality signings NOW.

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True and i suppose it doesnt matter what you think about that either tup if that the case? We could most certainly debate our thoughts with out telling each other that their view is somehow any less worthy of relevance because one says so perhaps?


I'm not saying it's less worthy, I'm saying it's been done to death over the last few days.


Aside from anything else, the legal issues surrounding contracts cannot be dealt with in 24 hours, so nobody knows what is happening right now in terms of recruitment, and the club could indeed be as busy in that respect as Stoney and others are calling for.


It's far too early, we are definitely not going to start the season with those Stoney has listed as mainstays. Absolutely not.


Trust Brown, he knows the score, and he'll get it right.

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Craig Brown is correct in saying we will only sign players who are of better quality than what is here already and not just for the sake of it but we hear it every year. The later we leave having the squad, or the nucleus of it, in place, the more we will struggle. We need to start signing these better quality signings NOW.


Exactly my thoughts,


The same mistake we made last year!

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Exactly my thoughts,


The same mistake we made last year!


Garbage, we had McGhee in charge last year, which was one of the biggest mistakes the club ever made.


Here we have another Prophet, albeit of Doom, who sees a future so bleak as to be almost not worth existing through.


Can we not just wait and see before jumping up and down?

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The guts of the squad for next season will have to be in pace for next Thursday when players return for pre-season. Time will be needed for new team to gel. Plenty of time will have passed by then and should be no excuses have we not got a handful of new faces in by start of July at very latest in time for pre-season matches.


This year we cannot afford to be having the usual AFC barrell scrape at end of the transfer window as season is starting even earlier this season and we will have 7 matches played by then.

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Or does anybody else think we should have made at least 4 or 5 signings by now or certainly by the end of next week.


Its been a month since the season ended, and we knew back then who was staying and who was going, why did we not have anybody tied up on a pre-contract?


With two weeks to go till our first pre-season game i would have expected our squad to have taken shape before the brechin match so all the new players have a chance to settle in and have as much game time as possible with each other.


We still need and dont appear to be any further forward in finding.


A keeper.

2 Wing backs (1 for cover)

2 Wingers * unless we are seriously expecting pawlett to go a month without breaking a nail.

A striker.


Even after all that we still need to replace squad players that left us.


Also why are we still looking at midfielders when we have 3 really good players in milsom, fyvie and folly. Its just not making any sense to me why we are wasting our time looking for central midfielders.


Team to Face Brechin


No Keeper

Foster, Consi, Mauwene, Yoof Player

Pawlett, Fyvie, Milsom, Yoof Player

Mackie & Vernon (assuming mackie is fit)


Leaves us with Mccardle, Paton, Magennis, Jack to fill the blanks.


And people have got season tickets..............


Do you suffer from depression ? Or even possibly brain damage . Overall I think you just look for an argument dont you . The season doesnt start for a while yet . As Tup keeps saying , how about waiting until the first day of the season and seeing which team is starting for us ? Who gives a f**k who we have now .

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Do you suffer from depression ?


I support Aberdeen, so obviously i suffer from depression.


I cant understand how any aberdeen "fan" could not be depressed by the utter shambles of a club we have.


What positives could you possibly take from anything that is going on at the club just now.


I dont think some of you realise that we are serious canditates to go down next season.

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I will judge us after first round of games ,dont give a fxck about friendlies


Agreed, Friendlies are a chance to try new things and give trialists a run out, and get match fitness up. TBH i'd prefer to lose all pre season friendlies and have a stable season and make a pregression, but yet again the doombringers around here want everything now, we cant do what the Man U's or times and huns do we aint got the money, why dont we just get off Browns back he has years expereince in the game and a great knowledge. Start believing in him and what he can do instead of posting pish here about us not signing anyone and we 2 weeks away froma brechin friendly.

**Soap Box away**

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I will judge us after first round of games ,dont give a fxck about friendlies


Agreed, Friendlies are a chance to try new things and give trialists a run out, and get match fitness up. TBH i'd prefer to lose all pre season friendlies and have a stable season and make a progression, but yet again the doombringers around here want everything now, we cant do what the Man U's or times and huns do we aint got the money, why dont we just get off Browns back he has years expereince in the game and a great knowledge. Start believing in him and what he can do instead of posting pish here about us not signing anyone and we 2 weeks away froma brechin friendly.

**Soap Box away**

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Do you suffer from depression ?


I support Aberdeen, so obviously i suffer from depression.


I cant understand how any aberdeen "fan" could not be depressed by the utter shambles of a club we have.


What positives could you possibly take from anything that is going on at the club just now.


I dont think some of you realise that we are serious canditates to go down next season.


In your head we are yes ! Having said that you clearly could find the negative in anything .

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I dont think some of you realise that we are serious canditates to go down next season.


This is so errant that it ends this debate and exposes the thread as a pointless fishing exercise.







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Do you think we are going to finish top 3 next season?

Thats some leap. we are going down to asking someone if we will finish top 3. Would it not be a more sensible question considering your preceeding statement to ask if he thinks we will be reelegation candidates next year?


EDIT: Blockheid beat me to it.

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As a matter of interest, and I'm not questioning Craig Brown WHATSOEVER, as I was happy when he was appointed, but what is his abilities?

f**k knows. The real proof of the pudding will be this coming season but one thing he did have going for him was he realised that playing two centre halves at LB and RB was complete and utter lunacy.

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Do you suffer from depression ?


I support Aberdeen, so obviously i suffer from depression.


I cant understand how any aberdeen "fan" could not be depressed by the utter shambles of a club we have.


What positives could you possibly take from anything that is going on at the club just now.


I dont think some of you realise that we are serious canditates to go down next season.


sh*te. Go and stick a bet on it if you think so as it'll be long odds.

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Quite a leap from you ! So we either finish top 3 or finish bottom ? No middle ground in your world ? I think we will be comfortable top 6 pushing for Europe .



Nope im asking Mr Optamistic where he thinks in his oh so positive world we are going to jump from relegation canditates to comfertable top 6 by having one player in a week before the most important few weeks in a teams seasons.


Preperation is everything. Fail to prepare than prepare to fail.


Most of our competition have already made moves to strengthen their teams. Hearts going by their new signings will be pushing the old firm again.


So i would say we are already further behind the competition than we were last month and things dont look like changing. The players we are looking at are pretty much unheard of, where as clubs around us are signing up players with SPL experiance and more importantly giving their team a chance to gel.


If you think in your own little world we are going to be pushing for european football next season than i suggest you are the one with brain damage, or a mental disorder.


I just wish i was still a betting man, because i would be betting my house we wont be anywhere near the top 4 next season, not given some of the players we are looking at.

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