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After a short perusal of the offerings on offer at Aberdeen's Union Square complex the tripping family settled on a meal at Spur, it is an American Indian themed diner.


Thursday and Sunday nights is the all you can eat Ribs and Chicken wings night so I instantly plumped for that, the wife had a chicken salad thingy and the kid chicken nuggets and chips, all accompanied by bottomless glass soft drinks, that's free refills for you lot not into restaurant eateries.


The service was very pleasant and the food came quickly, my plate had a HUGE 10" rib on it and half a dozen wings, chips and onion rings were also in abundance, I set about the task of devouring the food with vigour and set the cutlery aside and ate with my hands, this did draw a few admiring glances. The wife was not impressed with her salad and it did indeed look pathetic next to my mound of protein, the child was happy enough her offering.


With a pile of bones in front of me and other people now beginning to stare at my efforts I decided not to let the side down and ordered another rack of ribs, I was in the zone and but for a belt adjustment kept the ribs flying down my neck, by now the pile of bones was a small hill and the other diners had almost stopped eating to watch my valiant efforts, were it not for a embarrassed family warning me not to order any more I would have went for the third.


The bill came to a less than wallet busting

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American Indian as in the blokes who used to chase te cowboys with spears and arrows and wore eagle feathers in their hats.


Aye a' ken.


A lot of sophisticated diners on this forum (tup) who wouldn't even give the likes of Spur a second look.


Never been, might try it oot.

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They originate from South Africa. I was over to Cape Town last March and the girl i went to see took me to try "a real South African steak". The next time i walked through Union Sq i clocked it. Guess it would be like a yank taking a visitor to McDonalds for a "real American burger".

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Aye a' ken.


A lot of sophisticated diners on this forum (tup) who wouldn't even give the likes of Spur a second look.


Never been, might try it oot.


Tup wouldn't go near this type of foreign muck... In fact, I'm surprised he hasn't already checked in to this thread to give you a piece of his mind!

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Sophisticated diner? :laughing:


Sorry, I don't eat in restaurants, so I canna comment.


Give me a fry up in a wee cafe any day over 'fine' dining.


Most of the things on the menu of a posh restaurant are things I would never consider depositing down my throat in a month of Sundays.

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Sophisticated diner? :laughing:


Sorry, I don't eat in restaurants, so I canna comment.


Give me a fry up in a wee cafe any day over 'fine' dining.


Most of the things on the menu of a posh restaurant are things I would never consider depositing down my throat in a month of Sundays.


I've heard yeh don't mind what gets deposited doon yer throat! :tup:

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I've heard yeh don't mind what gets deposited doon yer throat! :tup:


It's not me that's 'eating out' in Union Square, no doubt you washed your 'sticky ribs' down with a mouthful of man sausage garnished with gentleman's relish, followed by a wee bit of cottaging in the Spur ( :tup: ) bogs.

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After a short perusal of the offerings on offer at Aberdeen's Union Square complex the tripping family settled on a meal at Spur, it is an American Indian themed diner.


Thursday and Sunday nights is the all you can eat Ribs and Chicken wings night so I instantly plumped for that, the wife had a chicken salad thingy and the kid chicken nuggets and chips, all accompanied by bottomless glass soft drinks, that's free refills for you lot not into restaurant eateries.


The service was very pleasant and the food came quickly, my plate had a HUGE 10" rib on it and half a dozen wings, chips and onion rings were also in abundance, I set about the task of devouring the food with vigour and set the cutlery aside and ate with my hands, this did draw a few admiring glances. The wife was not impressed with her salad and it did indeed look pathetic next to my mound of protein, the child was happy enough her offering.


With a pile of bones in front of me and other people now beginning to stare at my efforts I decided not to let the side down and ordered another rack of ribs, I was in the zone and but for a belt adjustment kept the ribs flying down my neck, by now the pile of bones was a small hill and the other diners had almost stopped eating to watch my valiant efforts, were it not for a embarrassed family warning me not to order any more I would have went for the third.


The bill came to a less than wallet busting

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I'd love to see AA Gill or Giles Coren review all the suppers fae the chipper on Urquhart Road, one every day until the menu is exhausted, a bit like a Morgan Spurlock exercise, let's see how the blue bloods handle a f**king King Rib supper for the umpteenth night running, they'd be spewing their ringers at the mere sight of a mock chop, and come day 30 they wouldna be able to look a mealie puddin supper in the eye and keep a straight face.


It would the knock the sh*t out of them, teach them a valuable lesson in life, we don't all quaff poached wood pigeon and fillet of quail foetus of an evening, some of us have the constitution of an ox from a lifetime of eating gubbings scraped off the butcher's floor, doused in liquid fat, and deep fried enough to mask the vileness of the contents.


Similarly you could have seriously uncouth f**kers eating at the finest of establishments to provide balance. Ah sh*t, the Daily Record stole a march on me there, sending the motormouthed trosk Tam Cowan around some of the more costly central belt eateries, acting like a spare prick at a hoor's wedding.

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went to spur on whatever night they do 2 for 1 burgers. had better but ive had worse for the same price. the worst place ive experienced in union square is giraffe. they offered us nachos and we decided it sounded good. then when we got the bill we'd been charged

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I'd love to see AA Gill or Giles Coren review all the suppers fae the chipper on Urquhart Road, one every day until the menu is exhausted, a bit like a Morgan Spurlock exercise, let's see how the blue bloods handle a f**king King Rib supper for the umpteenth night running, they'd be spewing their ringers at the mere sight of a mock chop, and come day 30 they wouldna be able to look a mealie puddin supper in the eye and keep a straight face.


It would the knock the sh*t out of them, teach them a valuable lesson in life, we don't all quaff poached wood pigeon and fillet of quail foetus of an evening, some of us have the constitution of an ox from a lifetime of eating gubbings scraped off the butcher's floor, doused in liquid fat, and deep fried enough to mask the vileness of the contents.


Similarly you could have seriously uncouth f**kers eating at the finest of establishments to provide balance. Ah sh*t, the Daily Record stole a march on me there, sending the motormouthed trosk Tam Cowan around some of the more costly central belt eateries, acting like a spare prick at a hoor's wedding.

Best chipper in town. Or at least was pre refurb. Not been in for ages.

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