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Celtic Game Moved For Telly

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It cannot be 3pm Saturday because Scottish football is in hock to Ireland and it's armchair fanbase.


New season, same pish.


We should scrap the TV coverage.


Agreed. I'm sick of TV dictating when our games are played.


People buy season tickets to save money and then games are moved and you can't make the re-arranged day. In the end the season ticket has cost you more!

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Basically, boil it down, and Celtic are TELLING us when this game is getting played.


Aberdeen FC get no say whatsoever. Lots of our fans travel from far afield, meaning this game is chalked off the calendar, at this disgraceful hour on a Sunday.


So, whatever TV money we get, I'll wager we lose much more from fans not bothering. On top of that, we lose our chance of winning the game, our only hope in home OF games is when we get a bloodthirsty home support.


Obviously no chance of that, most folk will still be half asleep, ergo, easy win for Celtic.

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Basically, boil it down, and Celtic are TELLING us when this game is getting played.


Aberdeen FC get no say whatsoever. Lots of our fans travel from far afield, meaning this game is chalked off the calendar, at this disgraceful hour on a Sunday.


So, whatever TV money we get, I'll wager we lose much more from fans not bothering. On top of that, we lose our chance of winning the game, our only hope in home OF games is when we get a bloodthirsty home support.


Obviously no chance of that, most folk will still be half asleep, ergo, easy win for Celtic.


Celtic fans hate the moving of games just as much as we do TUP. The boards at every club around are the greedy b*stards who allowed the game to be dictated by TV channels




you seen how badly hit the league was with sky moving on and then setanta collapsing


imagine if we had NO telly income


football was a far better sport when TV was not involved so much.

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Celtic fans hate the moving of games just as much as we do TUP. The boards at every club around are the greedy b*stards who allowed the game to be dictated by TV channels




football was a far better sport when TV was not involved so much.


1. Perhaps. But it's their market in Ireland that dictates it. Maybe the guys who actually attend the games are annoyed, but they are a side issue as their number is dwindled by the swathes of

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I remember reading on another forum that the amount of Celtic fans in Ireland is actually small compared to the Man Utd, Barca, Liverpool, Chelsea fans on the go.


Celtic haven't dictated this at all. Sky dictate it to us and to Celtic. the issue is that both boards are to be dictated just to get the coin.


Yes, but that's only part of it. Sky only do what they have to do to maximise viewing figures.


This means Celtic and Rangers games, and no or very few others, are shown, constantly.


They only do this because of the huge incomes generated over there. Let's remember Setanta are an Irish company. they bought the rights initially, only when they went tits up did Sky step in.


We made our bed when we sold out to a gaelic football/hurling broadcaster.


And I would say Celtic have more support in Ireland than all those other teams put together.

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Yes, but that's only part of it. Sky only do what they have to do to maximise viewing figures.


This means Celtic and Rangers games, and no or very few others, are shown, constantly.


They only do this because of the huge incomes generated over there. Let's remember Setanta are an Irish company. they bought the rights initially, only when they went tits up did Sky step in.


We made our bed when we sold out to a gaelic football/hurling broadcaster.


And I would say Celtic have more support in Ireland than all those other teams put together.


So you agree that its Sky that dictate the kick off times due to the fan bases of Celtic and Rangers and not the clubs themselves?

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So you agree that its Sky that dictate the kick off times due to the fan bases of Celtic and Rangers and not the clubs themselves?


It's done on the basis of collusion between both, one needs the other, in order to trample the rest of us into the ground.

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yassss ill be in Malones in Gumbet with ma Dons top on.


Looks like I'll be waatching this in the hoose.

That's if I managed to come out of the coma induced from the previous nicht's party thing by 12.15.


Think I'll stop going to games v Celtic & Rangers anyway.


Practically ever match against them last season we were cheated on in some shape or form.

And the monotony of their brain dead support's party chants. Sooooooo f**king boring.

And every f**king home game being moved to cater for THEIR f&cking armchair support.

Bah humbug.

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Agreed. I'm sick of TV dictating when our games are played.


People buy season tickets to save money and then games are moved and you can't make the re-arranged day. In the end the season ticket has cost you more!

Don't be f**king ridiculous. Did you expect us to not be on TV all season? If we are going to be on telly, and that is a certainty, then the games will be moved, and if they are moved, you know that sometimes this will be to a Sunday.
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Don't be f**king ridiculous. Did you expect us to not be on TV all season? If we are going to be on telly, and that is a certainty, then the games will be moved, and if they are moved, you know that sometimes this will be to a Sunday.


Nobody is expecting us not to be on TV, it's part of the contract.


What we are saying is the contract is loaded in favour of two teams and does not give a sh*t for the other ten.


So we should collectively bin it, and get back to basics.

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It's not really - unfortunately there's a big international market for Celtic, less so Rangers... 12 noon is still 10pm-ish in Sydney and 7am in East Coast America which would command the biggest global audience... It's not just about the UK audience at all... Otherwise why not have it on a Friday night at 7.45pm ? Sky can't do Sat night because of La Liga and they're showing all the day's EPL games before MoTD...


Not sure what the rules are about TV rights at Sat 3pm - I know that the EPL and the FA have an agreement about it... Don't see why the SPL couldn't... although clearly it would f**k up our gates...

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What %'age of our turnover is TV income?

Year to 2010 it was 15.45%. The year before it was 21.92%


However it would be higher if we finish higher in league as part of TV cash distributed through league position.


Year to 2010 no cup games live either for extra tv cash.

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without the peanuts we get for TV games then the scottish game would be far worse off than it currently is.


This is peddled time and again by the Old Firm mostly.


It's a lie.


How could we possibly be worse off? The football is the worst it has ever been in this country in my lifetime.


Attendances are probably amongst the lowest of all time across the board, if you remove games involving the filth and their myopic following.


If we got rid of TV, folk would be forced to go. Get standing stadiums, cheap entry, and decent football.


Then, when we're back on our feet, look at TV.


The %'s shown by K-9 are more a reflection on our poor attendances than anything else, the TV money would be a much lower percentage if we had a decent average attendance.


We should be playing in front of full stadiums first and foremost.

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