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Chilli Heatwave Doritos


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Like eating cardboard, singed with a Clipper lighter.


Pish, we're nae f**king Mexicans.


I find the whole concept of sharing dips and crisps amongst company as abhorrent. No way am I eating someone else's slevers.


Your really nae a happy bunny are you?

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Like eating cardboard, singed with a Clipper lighter.


Pish, we're nae f**king Mexicans.


I find the whole concept of sharing dips and crisps amongst company as abhorrent. No way am I eating someone else's slevers.

Doesn't need to be with dips pal. Can be with or without. Tesco's usually have an offer on for them. They are sold out half the time coz there so bloody popular.

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Doesn't need to be with dips pal. Can be with or without. Tesco's usually have an offer on for them. They are sold out half the time coz there so bloody popular.


I wonder if Tesco in Mexico are doing a roaring trade in Scottish products? Doubt it.


I ken, the dip is voluntary, but you see folk dipping in and out, it's like eating cold soup, sickening.


Crisps are something which should be eatin in solitary privacy. I feel like smacking anyone who opens a packet in front of me and stuffs their mouth full of them, whilst crunching loudly :angry2:

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No way am I eating someone else's slevers.


The act of double dipping is the equivalent of putting the microbes in your mouth into the dip as if all of the dip were put in your mouth.




In their experiment, the MythBusters used chips with regular dip and salsa. In the control test, they put the untouched dip and salsa into petri dishes, and followed with double dipped dip and salsa, and finally dip and salsa that had been put in Adam and Jamie

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i cant eat salsa again after that episode. showed that as soon as you open salsa dip, its teeming with an unbelievable amount of bacteria. so much so that it was actually cleaner for someone to do a mouth rinse of salsa and spit it back in!


just to test the double dip they had to make their own salsa in a freezer and keep it completely sterile till they used it purely to avoid bacteria growing of its own accord


Good research Robbo.


If I spat in a cup, lots of times, got a big bag of plain crisps, and started passing it round a party, waving it in folk's faces, do you think they'd accept?


As I dip my own crisp in and out, sookin the hingin slevers off it, and making 'mmm' noises.


So, my message to folk who might offer me salsa and Doritos, this is how I feel about it, sickened to the core, so ram it, don't offer, my response will only mortally wound and offend you, best to leave me be.

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Give me a packet of Smiths crisps any day, in the old style bags, none of this foil pish, which just makes them greasy.


Or Beef Puffs, lethal.


All this fancy sh*t these days, Kettle Chips and all that sh*te, break your f**kin teeth open, salted and preserved to within an inch of their lives, rank.


Spicy Bikers are magic too.

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The warts on my fingers fare come in handy when I'm wanting the dorito bowl for myself at parties, they seem to put people off em.


How did you get them?


Shagging howlers?


I had one on my finger, bit the c**t off, the blood and pain was unreal, but it never came back for more.

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Like eating cardboard, singed with a Clipper lighter.


Pish, we're nae f**king Mexicans.


I find the whole concept of sharing dips and crisps amongst company as abhorrent. No way am I eating someone else's slevers.


You're really not doing it right. You dip the crisp in the dip, not your tongue.

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