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Ashamed To Be A Dons Fan

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I haven't posted here for a while but am moved to post by the bile being spouted from some of our supporters about Foster being appointed captain.


The decision was made by Craig Brown a manager with over 50 years experience in the game at the highest level- Foster didnt ask for it. Brown will have assessed his squad and appointed the best man for the job having taken into account relationships with other players, ability to talk to and motivate those around him and likelihood of starting every game. I have met Foster and he comes across as an articulate, thoughtful, intelligent and confident individual- actually not bad qualities for a captain


In the same way he was SENT to Rangers on loan- he didnt ask for it- he did well and played in some big games. That is not something to criticise but to applaud- we will get the benfit of that experience. I watched him do very well against Nani


Now fans have the right to decide if they like the way he plays or not and judge him as a player. However to boo someone before he has even kicked a ball is a DISGRACE. In fact I would say to boo a player wearing the Aberdeen Red at any stage is poor.


I know these "fans" paid good money to go to Germany but that should not allow them to try and bully a player out of Pittodrie. We have a young squad and still very few full backs- we will need Richard Foster


Lets not turn this into the fans against the captain and the team as it could easily become. The rest of the SPL will be splitting their sides laughing at us


Get behind the team- save the judgements for a time when sufficient competitive games have been played



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Paper saying it was two men who are set to be banned from all matches in future.


Banning them from Saturday's game will hurt them more presumably seeing as they must be uber fans.


It's poor form, it's very dickish. Foster might be sh*t and a dick but there is no need for that level of abuse in a crowd of 24 or whatever it was when you are going to be heard by everyone and reported widely. I think the two low lifes are very lucky that the Aberdeen Journals lads didnt think on their feet to get a photo of them and stick it with the story today, most probably fat folk.

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All football clubs have an element of utter morons for fans and we're no different so they ain't ever gonna make me ashamed to be a dons fan.


I'm proud to support the dons. Just a shame many of the players who have worn the red jersey in recent times haven't been fit to wear the badge.


Didn't think foster was a good player before he went, didn't agree with appointment as captain but interested to see if he's improved in his time away and will get my backing as long as he gives it 100% for the cause.

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Totally agree with the OP.


I actually laughed last night when I saw that Foster had been made captain, purely for the reason that I couldn't wait to see the reaction on here from the bams that burst a blood vessel every time his name is mentioned. And sure enough they didn't disappoint.


To harrass your captain before he's even kicked the ball is just idiocy, 45 minutes of constant abuse is a bit much to take without saying something in reply.

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Paper saying it was two men who are set to be banned from all matches in future.


Banning them from Saturday's game will hurt them more presumably seeing as they must be uber fans.


It's poor form, it's very dickish. Foster might be sh*t and a dick but there is no need for that level of abuse in a crowd of 24 or whatever it was when you are going to be heard by everyone and reported widely. I think the two low lifes are very lucky that the Aberdeen Journals lads didnt think on their feet to get a photo of them and stick it with the story today, most probably fat folk.

How is Foster a dick?

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I'm ashamed to be a Dons fan due to being so sh*t and let down by the club for many years.


I'm not ashamed to be a Dons fan because someone said 'f**k off' to Foster, I'm not that much of a drama queen on things regarding the Dons.



pretty poor to be ashamed of them before the season starts.

Agreed for a good number of years we have been poor to say the least, but its a new season, new hopes. we should be looking at it with hope and expectation, not doom and gloom

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Best news I have heard if the club are to ban these idiots. Sends out the right message to he fans, the players and Foster that this will not be tolerated. If someone abused me for 45 minutes for no reason f**k off is the very least I would say/do to them. Cannot blame anyone with some passion in them for having a go back at the "fans". Dont understand how some people on this website support the behaviour of the fans for booing him and then criticise Foster for his response. He is a human being with feelings - he will have been upset by that behaviour and rightly so. Perhaps he could have tried to bottle it in but that is not his style as anyone that has watched him since he was a young boy at the club will know. Trust me Hartley would have done the same!

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Best news I have heard if the club are to ban these idiots. Sends out the right message to he fans, the players and Foster that this will not be tolerated. If someone abused me for 45 minutes for no reason f**k off is the very least I would say/do to them. Cannot blame anyone with some passion in them for having a go back at the "fans". Dont understand how some people on this website support the behaviour of the fans for booing him and then criticise Foster for his response. He is a human being with feelings - he will have been upset by that behaviour and rightly so. Perhaps he could have tried to bottle it in but that is not his style as anyone that has watched him since he was a young boy at the club will know. Trust me Hartley would have done the same!

:applause: Spot on

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I haven't posted here for a while but am moved to post by the bile being spouted from some of our supporters about Foster being appointed captain.


The decision was made by Craig Brown a manager with over 50 years experience in the game at the highest level- Foster didnt ask for it. Brown will have assessed his squad and appointed the best man for the job having taken into account relationships with other players, ability to talk to and motivate those around him and likelihood of starting every game. I have met Foster and he comes across as an articulate, thoughtful, intelligent and confident individual- actually not bad qualities for a captain


In the same way he was SENT to Rangers on loan- he didnt ask for it- he did well and played in some big games. That is not something to criticise but to applaud- we will get the benfit of that experience. I watched him do very well against Nani


Now fans have the right to decide if they like the way he plays or not and judge him as a player. However to boo someone before he has even kicked a ball is a DISGRACE. In fact I would say to boo a player wearing the Aberdeen Red at any stage is poor.


I know these "fans" paid good money to go to Germany but that should not allow them to try and bully a player out of Pittodrie. We have a young squad and still very few full backs- we will need Richard Foster


Lets not turn this into the fans against the captain and the team as it could easily become. The rest of the SPL will be splitting their sides laughing at us


Get behind the team- save the judgements for a time when sufficient competitive games have been played





It's all about opinions.



Mine is that he shouldn't be captain purely on the basis that a captain is an automatic pick and if Ricky Foster is an automatic pick then we really are f.ucked.



I won't boo him but I ain't going to cheer him either, other than when he does something good. Same for the rest really, they have to earn our support.

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I know a couple of lads who will be in Germany and wouldnt surprise me if it was them. Would break their heart to be banned from Pittodrie like. No sympathy though, should have thought of that before booing our own players.



It'll be hard for them to sneak in and hide in the crowd.

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How is Foster a dick?


I've never spoke to him so wouldn't know but just saying he might be sh*t and he might be a dick but.....


Personally think he is one of our best players hence why he won the league last year and played in 5 champions league games whereas the rest of the team were at the bottom of the league for the guts of the whole year.


He is a player of limited ability BUT is a good defender (certainly snuffed out Nani who is rated in England) and could yet come onto a game attacking wise. The captaincy could bring him on more than it'd bring on Mawene for instance. Obviously can't say if it would have added to say Milsom or Mackie's game.

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Absolute joke if these boys have been banned. Sets a precedent from the club. If the majority of the crowd boo him next season will we ban the lot of them too?


This is of course if they've been banned for booing and not severe personal abuse.


if the club want to ban him then I can only assume they are doing so if it went beyond booing, especially as he'd not even kicked a ball for us as captain.


I'm happy to give him a chance as captain. playing at a higher level for a year and being given the arm band may be the making of him.

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I agree with banning people who are hellbent on disruption.


We need to be together, not constantly slating this, that and the next thing.


Foster is here, he's been made captain, he is obviously showing the right attitude, Brown kens what he's doing, so let's just move forward on that basis and leave prejudice at the front door for now.


If he is hopeless in the real games then by all means, open season, but until such time as that happens I think he should be left to get on with it.


The players need 'support'. Crucifying them before a ball is kicked is total madness.

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It's all about opinions.



Mine is that he shouldn't be captain purely on the basis that a captain is an automatic pick and if Ricky Foster is an automatic pick then we really are f.ucked.



I won't boo him but I ain't going to cheer him either, other than when he does something good. Same for the rest really, they have to earn our support.



37/38 games in 09/10, when he won poty.

34/38 in 08/09

33/38 in 07/08

37/38 in 06/07


That's nae to mention his cup games



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Absolute joke if these boys have been banned. Sets a precedent from the club. If the majority of the crowd boo him next season will we ban the lot of them too?


This is of course if they've been banned for booing and not severe personal abuse.


I don't agree with them being banned either. Are we not allowed to voice our opinions now? It's the bloody football. Players should expect abuse.

Darren Mackie gets enough of it from people, just read his testimonial thread, one poster saying he's not going back if he starts up front in the new season...should he be banned, where does it stop?

Over reaction by AFC, Foster and muppets on here as I said on another thread. 2 guys. TWO! Probably pissed on a beano to Germany. Get over it.

How namby pamby have you lot become!

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Mine is that he shouldn't be captain purely on the basis that a captain is an automatic pick and if Ricky Foster is an automatic pick then we really are f.ucked.



I won't boo him but I ain't going to cheer him either, other than when he does something good. Same for the rest really, they have to earn our support.



That seems reasonable.

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I don't agree with them being banned either. Are we not allowed to voice our opinions now? It's the bloody football. Players should expect abuse.

Darren Mackie gets enough of it from people, just read his testimonial thread, one poster saying he's not going back if he starts up front in the new season...should he be banned, where does it stop?

Over reaction by AFC, Foster and muppets on here as I said on another thread. 2 guys. TWO! Probably pissed on a beano to Germany. Get over it.

How namby pamby have you lot become!




Player will expect abuse if they have actually done something wrong, what had Foster done last night to deserve any form of abuse

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I don't agree with them being banned either. Are we not allowed to voice our opinions now? It's the bloody football. Players should expect abuse.

Darren Mackie gets enough of it from people, just read his testimonial thread, one poster saying he's not going back if he starts up front in the new season...should he be banned, where does it stop?

Over reaction by AFC, Foster and muppets on here as I said on another thread. 2 guys. TWO! Probably pissed on a beano to Germany. Get over it.


Being pissed does not excuse moronic behaviour as many seem to think, it's not as if you suddenly morph into a neanderthal after a couple of shandies.


We've had this problem for some time, with other players, so it's not exclusive to Foster.


Perhaps banning the clowns responsible will be a blessing in disguise in the long run.


I can remember the days when ALL the players were given 100% support, regardless of supporters personal opinions on their personalities. We need to get back to that if we are hoping to challenge.


Maguire was the victim of this last season, and as I said at the time at those offended that he reacted, I'd be flicking the V's constantly at idiots abusing me incessantly when they're meant to be supporting me.


Perhaps a Cantona style attack is in order from Foster, right into the stand, karate kick, nips it in the bud immediately as we seen with the Crystal Palace mouthpiece, who truly shat himself when he got some back.

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I agree with banning people who are hellbent on disruption.


We need to be together, not constantly slating this, that and the next thing.


Foster is here, he's been made captain, he is obviously showing the right attitude, Brown kens what he's doing, so let's just move forward on that basis and leave prejudice at the front door for now.


If he is hopeless in the real games then by all means, open season, but until such time as that happens I think he should be left to get on with it.


The players need 'support'. Crucifying them before a ball is kicked is total madness.


Incidentally I have been reading that Foster had a good game.

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And every single year a sizeable amount of the support has want shot of him, because he's sh*te. POTY means f**k all to me seeing as Derek Young was his closest challenger for the award.


Langfield has also won that award, along with a few other donkeys.


To the likes of Tup etc. You were hell bent on booing Foster when the season started but now you're saying folk booing should be banned? Make up your mind eh.


You and vda have been very vocal on the fact he's sh*te but now he's been made captain he's suddenly a favourite?

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Unless you were at the game, it's difficult to know what was said exactly. However, we are setting a dangerous precedent by banning supporters for booing.


I've never boo'd an Aberdeen player myself, because I certainly don't think it does any good, however I do believe that paying supporters are entitled to make their feelings known as such. Without these guys paying supporters Aberdeen FC would be nothing. Football began in this country as a working mans game and this would be yet another step towards desensitising the sport. If players are getting upset about criticism coming from the stands, then they're probably in the wrong career.

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And every single year a sizeable amount of the support has want shot of him, because he's sh*te. POTY means f**k all to me seeing as Derek Young was his closest challenger for the award.


Langfield has also won that award, along with a few other donkeys.


To the likes of Tup etc. You were hell bent on booing Foster when the season started but now you're saying folk booing should be banned? Make up your mind eh.


You and vda have been very vocal on the fact he's sh*te but now he's been made captain he's suddenly a favourite?


has it been confirmed that it was just two guys booing? I've been vocal in the past about him being sh*te but I've also repeated several times lately that our league has fallen so far that he will be a good or competent player in it and at no point did I say he was a favourite. You are putting words in our mouths here.


My point here is that he should not have received any abuse last night before he even kicked a ball. The jury is still out on his captaincy and how he performs this season. Incidentally its reported that he had a good game last night.


Lets just wait and see how he gets on first before starting with the abuse

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Unless you were at the game, it's difficult to know what was said exactly. However, we are setting a dangerous precedent by banning supporters for booing.


I've never boo'd an Aberdeen player myself, because I certainly don't think it does any good, however I do believe that paying supporters are entitled to make their feelings known as such. Without these guys paying supporters Aberdeen FC would be nothing. Football began in this country as a working mans game and this would be yet another step towards desensitising the sport. If players are getting upset about criticism coming from the stands, then they're probably in the wrong career.


contradiction there SOTR?

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Unless you were at the game, it difficult to know what was said exactly. However, we are setting a dangerous precident by banning supporters for booing.


I've never boo'd an Aberdeen player myself, because I certainly don't think it does any good, however I do believe that paying supporters are entitled to make their feelings known as such. Without these guys Aberdeen FC would be nothing. Football began in this country as a working mans game and this would be yet another step towards desensitising the sport. If players are getting upset about criticism coming from the stands, then they're probably in the wrong career.


Whilst I agree with the sentiment, you pay your money you have a right to an opinion, my personal take on this is it's a problem we have had for some time, with our own supporters goading our players into reactions, then going mental when they get one.


How many players has it happened to in recent times? I can think of several in the last three or four years, Langfield, Diamond, Maguire, Mackie (boo'ed ON as a substitute FFS) Foster to name but a few, and others will have suffered sporadically.


It lends weight to the theory that the people doing this are in fact morons, and we'd be better off without them.

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contradiction there SOTR?


I should have been more specific.... it depends on the content. If these lads were just booing, or cat-calling, then it's a disgrace that they've been banned. However, perhaps something more sinister was said... that's why I said it's difficult for us to make an exact judgement on this case.

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I should have been more specific.... it depends on the content. If these lads were just booing, or cat-calling, then it's a disgrace that they've been banned. However, perhaps something more sinister was said... that's why I said it's difficult for us to make an exact judgement on this case.


fair enough, I agree with that.

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To the likes of Tup etc. You were hell bent on booing Foster when the season started but now you're saying folk booing should be banned? Make up your mind eh.


You and vda have been very vocal on the fact he's sh*te but now he's been made captain he's suddenly a favourite?


I've never said he's sh*te, not once. I don't think he is.


I said his attitude towards AFC was abysmal last year.


However, I also said I believe in redemption and second chances.


The slate is wiped at the START of a new season. Give him laldy at the END of the season if he's been rubbish.

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