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With the whole Foster thing going on just now made me think why we still have this "thing" wi rangers.

(I actually think its a crock o sh*te and has been made into far too much but.........)


A large amount of folk who keep this fire burning don't know the reasons for it as most were not born when it first raised its ugly head.


Folk sing about Simmie and think it was "that tackle" that started it but prob most never saw him play. Its remarkable!


I detest the huns but not as much as I did twenty odd years ago.


If your under the age of say 25 why do you hate the huns and tell me how it all began?


I'll guess the majority can't.

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This goes back longer than Simpson's tackle.

I assume you've never been to ibrox to witness what AFC fans have endured over the years ?

What about "the people" invading pitches coz their team was losing ?

There's simply too many reasons why i detest the huns and always will.

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Instinct, deep seated hatred, north/south divide, the people who follow that club are by and large vermin who I would not share oxygen with otherwise.


It's in my blood, I simply cannot abide Glasgow Rangers and it's followers, or Celtic for that matter.


It's nothing to do with on field events, I just canna stand them, and it's part of my mindset.


Even bairns hate them, proving it's purely instinctive.

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so, really, youre insinuating that there are folk in our support who just hate rangers because they were brought up that way, much in the same way as younger old firm fans sing sectarian crap, because they weere brought up that way?


ergo...were actually not any different?



I think there may be a father son pass down of info but I don't think it can be said its at the same level as your lot in the weeg.


Personally I find the sight of the younger generation singing about things they have no clue about silly regardless who it is.

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so, really, youre insinuating that there are folk in our support who just hate rangers because they were brought up that way, much in the same way as younger old firm fans sing sectarian crap, because they weere brought up that way?


ergo...were actually not any different?



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I hate Rangers because of growing up during the nine-in-a-row. Hate Man United for the same reason. Actively wish them a loss in every domestic match.


I support Rangers in Europe and don't care about the English teams overly.


Sing no anti-Rangers songs as can't be arsed with that malarky.


Look forward to home games against the Huns but can't be arsed with away games against them apart from the token one trip every five years.

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This goes back longer than Simpson's tackle.I assume you've never been to ibrox to witness what AFC fans have endured over the years ?

What about "the people" invading pitches coz their team was losing ?

There's simply too many reasons why i detest the huns and always will.

Correct min, as McMasters throat, and W*llie f**king J*hnstone's studs will testify.

I could fill a whole thread myself on the countless reasons, but my hatred stems from that incident circa 1980?

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This goes back longer than Simpson's tackle.

I assume you've never been to ibrox to witness what AFC fans have endured over the years ?

What about "the people" invading pitches coz their team was losing ?

There's simply too many reasons why i detest the huns and always will.



That is my point Tommy.


I'm old enough to mind and ken the reasons but I don't think the majority are.


I'm sure you and I could exchange stories of trips and games that would scare the sh*te out of most of todays support.


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AFC have been so sh*te for the past 10+ years that we barely even register on RFC's radar anymore whereas some Dons fans seem to hate Rangers more than they support Aberdeen which is embarrassing.


We register on their radar ok had a weegie on my Facebook having a go at us yesterday and it wasn't about the Foster thing

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Instinct, deep seated hatred, north/south divide, the people who follow that club are by and large vermin who I would not share oxygen with otherwise.


It's in my blood, I simply cannot abide Glasgow Rangers and it's followers, or Celtic for that matter.


It's nothing to do with on field events, I just canna stand them, and it's part of my mindset.


Even bairns hate them, proving it's purely instinctive.



Also the fact I know people who are born and bred in Aberdeen/shire and support the old filth. I can't tell you how passionate I am about supporting your home team.

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the number of times i have been to places like motherwell or st mirren and folk have started singing about ian durrant whats the relevance ?


Console yourself with the thought that these folk who go to away games in such hellholes are probably weegies themselves, and are of the same mindset as the scum in the Rangers and Celtic stands.


AFC was a much better club when no Glaswegian accents were heard in our support.

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Also the fact I know people who are born and bred in Aberdeen/shire and support the old filth. I can't tell you how passionate I am about supporting your home team.


What about folk born and bred NE Scotland, support "anyone but England" in major tournaments, but support Man Utd/Chelsea/Liverpool/Arsenal etc?

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What about folk born and bred NE Scotland, support "anyone but England" in major tournaments, but support Man Utd/Chelsea/Liverpool/Arsenal etc?




People who support the above four, and come from Aberdeen in the north of Scotland, are every bit as bad as Celtic and Rangers followers in the area.


I hate the English national team, PLUS all their club teams, every one of them, arseholes.

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Instinct, deep seated hatred, north/south divide, the people who follow that club are by and large vermin who I would not share oxygen with otherwise.


It's in my blood, I simply cannot abide Glasgow Rangers and it's followers, or Celtic for that matter.


It's nothing to do with on field events, I just canna stand them, and it's part of my mindset.


Even bairns hate them, proving it's purely instinctive.


I remember going along to games when I was about 5 with my Mum and brother and just feeling horrible when it was Rangers or Celtic, it was probably just their presence in the stadium. But that just set me on my way. Don't think it's really hard to justify hating them.

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With the whole Foster thing going on just now made me think why we still have this "thing" wi rangers.

(I actually think its a crock o sh*te and has been made into far too much but.........)


A large amount of folk who keep this fire burning don't know the reasons for it as most were not born when it first raised its ugly head.


Folk sing about Simmie and think it was "that tackle" that started it but prob most never saw him play. Its remarkable!


I detest the huns but not as much as I did twenty odd years ago.


If your under the age of say 25 why do you hate the huns and tell me how it all began?


I'll guess the majority can't.




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