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f**k You Chick Young

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Latest blog is a disgrace. Sent an email of complaint to the BBC.


Chick Young make it clear that he doesn't give a f**k about anyone except the Huns and the Tims ..... Quote

"I still find it humiliating for the SPL that the big kick-off is followed by a couple of weeks of damp squibs...."
. FU Chick.....grrrrr.


ie if it doesn't include the OF its a damp squib...c**t should be nowhere near the BBC..c**t c**t c**t c**t


c**t c**t c**t c**t c**t




Explain to me how Rangers are going to square their oncoming tax bill and I'll wager you could teach us how to nail jelly to a tree.


Frankly I still don't quite comprehend how the Ibrox club's takeover has built a jigsaw puzzle picture of a sunny future. But then why listen to me? I never thought Craig the Whyte knight would get his hands on the club in the first place.


So off we jolly well go into another season which has already fired up more questions than answers, with its embarrassing hiccupping start as the Old Firm take their sabbatical before the term has learned to walk.


Of course I understand the desire - requirement, maybe - for the big clubs to go big buck hunting, but I still find it humiliating for the SPL that the big kick-off is followed by a couple of weeks of damp squibs as Celtic then Rangers throw the other clubs a deaf one.


It's like getting married then bodyswerving your own reception.


Rangers fans can't be full of the joys of life. All window shopping in the transfer market, but no real spirit of the shop to drop. Sure, they've been linked with more big names than Piers Morgan

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The SPL has humiliated itself by allowing Celtic and Rangers to take part in these games.



Hibs & Killie have arranged friendlies for one of the first three games, too.


But, yes, absolute facre. Fair enough if the clubs had already signed contracts to play in games, but if they've arranged friendlies after they knew when the season was starting, the SPL should have been telling them to get to...

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You are correct Chick Young is a c**t, only Davie Provan/Craig Burley can run him close to the biggest c**t in Scottish football journalism.


But what exactly has he said wrong that you felt the need to get so upset about? I just cant see it in that article. If half the games are allowed to be posponed because the SPL are allowing teams to go and play games elsewhere, then he right the season has already started off a farce, he only pointing that out.

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CY is too easy to dislike and I find him an entertainment.....for all the wrong reasons...which can occasionally be the best of reasons.


He does know a little bit about the game but gets drunk on his own verbosity and opinionated view of Scottish Football.


A little nyaff who has crafted himself a sizeable ego , mostly out of the efforts of others.


He is building himself up to take another fall here but seems to be like that character in Greek mythology , every time he takes a fall he gets up stronger.


Until somebody chucks him in the ( North ) sea. :crossfingers:



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Hibs & Killie have arranged friendlies for one of the first three games, too.


But, yes, absolute facre. Fair enough if the clubs had already signed contracts to play in games, but if they've arranged friendlies after they knew when the season was starting, the SPL should have been telling them to get to...

No, not fair enough at all. The other teams have every right to arrange something and show up the farcical arrangement made by the SPL chiefs to cater for the old Firm. If the Edinburgh duo have done this deliberately for just that purpose, then even more power to their elbows.

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