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Weegies Are Officially Thick

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More than a third of people in Glasgow North East have no school qualifications.


A table published by the University and College Union (UCU) showed 35.3% of those of working age left school without passing a single examination.


The result gives the area the lowest rating in the UK.


Every Edinburgh constituency was placed in the top third for educational achievement. Every constituency in Glasgow was below the British average.


The best result in Scotland was for West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine, where only 4.4% of people had no qualifications.


UCU said its findings showed the "extreme" differences across the country. It ranked areas defined by UK parliamentary constituency.

'Full potential'


Sally Hunt, UCU general secretary, said: "There is a clear Glasgow-Edinburgh divide in Scotland - one city with education and the massive personal benefits it can bring, the other without.


"There is a real danger that children growing up in places where it is not unheard of to have no qualifications will have their ambition blunted and never realise their full potential."


The Scottish government has defended its record on education.


A spokesman said: "The Scottish government is committed to raising attainment and ambition across the board.


"We want to ensure that every child and young person in Scotland has the best possible chance to succeed."




I was raised in West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine so pretty happy with these findings :cool:

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More than a third of people in Glasgow North East have no school qualifications.


A table published by the University and College Union (UCU) showed 35.3% of those of working age left school without passing a single examination.

The result gives the area the lowest rating in the UK.


This situation has probably arisen as a result of their animal like hand-to-mouth existance - some of them just have no capacity for learning. Classic case in point:



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He'll no doubt inform you that he resides in Rutherglen, which is Glasgow SOUTH east.


Actually if data correspond to parliementary seats he will be Rutherglen and Hamilton, not part of Glasgow at all.


Suspect their figures will be a bit better as although there are some deprived areas there are some quite affluent ones too.


Is it not all going to correspond to affluence and infrastructure anyway?


The next thing they'll do a survey on is disposible income is related to wealth.


Some people have too much time on their hands.

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or, not even really part of glasgow!


neither is wissssshhhhaaaaw, motherwell kilmarnick, prestwick, ayr or any of the other places round about but they are all stinkin weegies in my book. Doesnt matter how many time the say "am no from glaesga, am fae wissshhhhaaaaw" they are still weegies and dont let anyone tell you any different, OK.


Speaking of stinking weegies, anyone else think the Polish in Aberdeen are just Europes weegies?

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neither is wissssshhhhaaaaw, motherwell kilmarnick, prestwick, ayr or any of the other places round about but they are all stinkin weegies in my book. Doesnt matter how many time the say "am no from glaesga, am fae wissshhhhaaaaw" they are still weegies and dont let anyone tell you any different, OK.


Speaking of stinking weegies, anyone else think the Polish in Aberdeen are just Europes weegies?


I've seen plenty of lazy weegies, plenty of lazy Aberdonians but all the Poles I've met have been hard working, almost to a fault. So where is the similarity between polish people and weegies?

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A giant wall should be built round the whole place. Let them get on with cocking up their own lives.


on the news just now, i'm surprised violence increases on the same day as an old f**k match. i'm shocked.

When the wall gets built, we must remember to get the league trophy, or snake plisken will have to escape from glasgow with the cup.

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I've seen plenty of lazy weegies, plenty of lazy Aberdonians but all the Poles I've met have been hard working, almost to a fault. So where is the similarity between polish people and weegies?


I used to work with a few polish boys and i have to say i %100 agree with you - they would put all the local lads to shame (could always be relied on). They can fair handle their drink aswell.


Their similarity with weegies however lies in their ability to create trouble wherever and whenever football is involved:




Disgusting :ThumbsDown:

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I've seen plenty of lazy weegies, plenty of lazy Aberdonians but all the Poles I've met have been hard working, almost to a fault. So where is the similarity between polish people and weegies?


both wear cheap minky tracksuits, horrid jeans, gold/silver tops, loads of shitty rings and necklaces and both also have issues when it comes to speaking in an understandable way.


Oh and they're both rude as f**k.

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neither is wissssshhhhaaaaw, motherwell kilmarnick, prestwick, ayr or any of the other places round about but they are all stinkin weegies in my book. Doesnt matter how many time the say "am no from glaesga, am fae wissshhhhaaaaw" they are still weegies and dont let anyone tell you any different, OK.


Speaking of stinking weegies, anyone else think the Polish in Aberdeen are just Europes weegies?


I know the geography. Very well in fact. You are indeed correct, they are not "fae glaesga". they want to be. everybody does. thats why everyone goes on about "glaesga".



I've seen plenty of lazy weegies, plenty of lazy Aberdonians but all the Poles I've met have been hard working, almost to a fault. So where is the similarity between polish people and weegies?



not of all them are! met plenty through my work who are lazy as hell. come over, live in a scheme, claim benefits, drink vodka and cause bother.

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That BBC story (and maybe the underlying survey) is very weak. At least compare like-with-like and give more detail on the results.


What proportion of the people in the report were actually born in the area and how many were moved there later?

What was the financial background to the people in the survey?

How many were from single-parent families?

What was the age of their parents when they gave birth?

What jobs do their parents do?

What is the educational background of their parents?

etc etc


Is the survey just saying "people in rich areas do better at school"?

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