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0-0 as predicted.


Think we'll have many more as the season goes on. :rolleyes:

Saints came for a point and we can't break teams down with that current squad.


Red card was prob about right.

Not a horrific tackle but enough in todays game.


Vernon was poor.

Nae width even wi Jack on the park.


Think its going to be a long boring season but hey we kind of knew that.


All in all a snore!






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0-0 as predicted.


Think we'll have many more as the season goes on. :rolleyes:

Saints came for a point and we can't break teams down with that current squad.


Red card was prob about right.

Not a horrific tackle but enough in todays game.


Vernon was poor.

Nae width even wi Jack on the park.


Think its going to be a long boring season but hey we kind of knew that.


All in all a snore!



What he said!

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I thought we were ok better than last season. I feel if we had 11 on the park we would have won. The only time STJ looked like scoreing was when we f**ked about at the back. Milsom was great in the middle of the park. it was a defo red card no complants from me you can lung like that and get away with it.

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Think the one thing the ref got right was actually the red card!


Holds off playing the whistle to see if advantage get that advantage and then pulls play back


Worst for me was fyvie's yellow - no problem with the yellow it was late but also a fair bit of the accidental about it. to then see players get away with similar late fouls with more intent about them slaps of inconsistency


As does an incident with mackie


A 50-50 ball between mackie and enkleman and mackie gets the big lecture., a 50-50 with pawlett and enkleman that leaves pawlett sparko and the goalie even adnitting to catch him doesnt even deserve a telling off, not so much the ref but more a symptom of refereeing goalies who get all the benefit


But as mentioned we do miss an ability to unlock defenses - we are getting forward, look at the number of corners but we lack that killer pass that width hopefully we can find it




foster had a good game and a good captains game

Osbourne ran our midfiled without a doubt best of the lot in there

Vernon was extremly anonymous


gonzales havent a clue if he is any good if we were toothless St J were jawless


pleasing we will see a lot of 0-0 but be entertained which is how I feel today. Be great to get some forward wide players in the next few weeks

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We had 14 corners to 3 and still had most of the play according to live text on bbc,did we ever look like scoring?


we managed a few half chances i would say and a few helped by a swirling wind (summer football eh?)


Most of our best chances came from set pieces, to be honest. By the way its not that we werent attacking we were a very offensive set up and play and quickly got the ball forward well, we just couldnt use the ball in the final 3rd. Probably the reason Vernon seemed so awful in that we couldnt provide our forwards decent service

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I watched the game online, couldn't get up the road cos was working this morning. Always find it harder judging when watching it on laptop. I thought Fyvie and Pawlett had a good half each. Thought Foster was fairly solid but his distribution was woeful (shock!). Vernon and Mackie don't seem to have what it takes as a partnership. Vernon was anonymous, and Mackie made a few challenges and missed a chance (shock!).


However St Johnstone have always been hard to beat under McInnes and today was no different. We would have definitely lost that game last season, especially after the red card. The red card I thought was harsh on the lad because I don't think there was any intent, but it was the correct decision, he had to go.


In need of a creative striker and a wide man to make things happen against teams like this. If most people on here can see it, I'm certain Brown will as well.


Overall disappointed we didn't win cos we were the better team, but glad we didn't lose. Fancy us to win next week against St Mirren, they won't sit back as much as STJ cos they are the home team, and I also don't think they are as good as STJ.



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Milsom was total balls today. If you aren't in his direct vision, you aren't getting it passed to you.

Vernon never did anything.


Why did Magennis get a foul against him near the end for running past a defender? f**king terrible from the "ref".


I'd have Magennis up front rather than Vernon any day.

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Don't see why folk are being so negative. We were on top for more or less the whole game and didn't get thre breaks today. On another day the shots hitting the post would have sneaked in and we'd win 3-0.


Folk saying we have nothing going forward baffles me. Time and time again Fyvie found his way through. Then boy was awesome today. Mackie missed a brilliant chance and their defenders were getting their toes on a lot of balls in to the box, taking the ball of our players toes.


Sure we rode our luck at times at the back but all in all I came away from the game happy for the first time in a long while.


At the time I thought it was never a red but hearing Craig Brown say after viewing it again he probably agrees tells me the full story although as Bamber says the ref was shocking, very inconsistent.


And Milsom was balls? The guy got us in to some good positions today.


Fyvie MOTM by far.

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Anyone see the disgraceful behaviour of the police/stewards in the RDU today? Bunch of f**king tosspot jobsworths constantly telling loyal fans to sit down and half of these lads were in the back row (not blocking anyone's views) and getting a decent atmosphere going. Think a few guys got ejected for standing up FFS and everyone around was rightly outraged.


What a waste of Council Tax, we paid for your hats!

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I thought it was more 3 5 2?



Foster Mawene Considine


Jack Pawlett (wingers/full backs)


Fyvie Osbourne Milsom


Vernon Mackie


But was hard to tell on my stream I had

If Jack was a right wing back then he was the deepest looking wing back I've ever seen with Foster being the widest centre half I've ever seen. He was charging down the line and crossing man.

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Nah, definite 4-4-2 with Jack right back and Foster left back. Fyvie was meant to be right wing I think, but in the first half kept going central before sticking to the line (and playing superbly) second half.


I was very pleased with todays performance based on expectation. It has just reaffirmed the point that we need 1 or 2 more creative players on the wing and up front, but we were still a shitload better than we were in the game at home to them at the end of last season, and would have won comfortably on another day if the chances were taken.


All new signings looked an upgrade on who they replaced. Gonzalez, Mawene and Considine did have a couple of issues, but should hopefully iron them out when they play more together. Mawene's reading of the game looks far superior to any centreback we have had in recent years.


Osbourne and Milsom ran the game early on before St Johnstone narrowed and clogged up their space. This wouldn't have been such an issue had it not been for our own lack of width. Osbourne was getting stuck in all over the pitch though, full of energy and not shirking.


Arnason when he came on looked superb also, and his ball over the top for Mackie delightful. Mind is a bit fuzzy, but I think that was the ball that put him through 1 on 1, which although Enckelman spread himself well, I still think he should have done better with.


Service in to the front two was not the best though, and hopefully Brown is working on this, as I think we are just a couple of players short of a very competitive team in this league.


Oh year, I wish our players would just make sure the ball wasn't moving before taking free-kicks. A couple of times the play was smart but pulled back because of the ball not being stationery.

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If Jack was a right wing back then he was the deepest looking wing back I've ever seen with Foster being the widest centre half I've ever seen. He was charging down the line and crossing man.


You're right enough. Just couldn't seem to work out the midfield cos Fyvie wasn't really playing wide in the first half. Just seemed to be a strange shape to the back line as well. But like I said, wasn't a great stream I had either which didn't help

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You're right enough. Just couldn't seem to work out the midfield cos Fyvie wasn't really playing wide in the first half. Just seemed to be a strange shape to the back line as well. But like I said, wasn't a great stream I had either which didn't help

First half I thought we were a bit disorganised but second half had a much better shape,

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I thought Fyvie looked great in the second half as well. Reckon if we'd kept the 11 men we'd have won the match.

Fyvie was immense in the second half, walking through their defence.


I've noticed the folk saying our performance wasn't good or the game was sh*t weren't in attendance. The wind was absolutely hounding and the players did well to keep it down and try and play some good stuff.

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