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No Scientific Measure Of Genius


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I mean, we can probably say that if anyone is a genius it would be people like Einstein, Hawking, Da Vinci, Tesla, Newton, Beethoven and Amy Winehouse..... all immense intellects, artistic prodigies, scientific giants and Amy Winehouse.




But what about those people who fall short of the likes of Aristotle, Kant, and Amy Winehouse?


Not everyone can be an Alexander the Great, a Henry Ford, a Socrates or an Amy Winehouse.... but there must be great people who approach genius, but haven't quite made it to the towering heights of Plato, Archimedes or this generation's greatest musical talent... Amy Winehouse.


Who do you nominate as 'Almost Genius'?

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Rolf Harris must be in there with a shout for being an 'Almost Genius'.


A man who turned his hand to many things; musician, singer, songwriter, painter, inventor & TV presenter.


Even has a few catchphrases associated with him, "can you tell what it is yet?" and has been famous forever.


....and the only person ever to have produced a recognisable tune from a Stylophone.


However he's no Monet at painting, his inventions are not life changing (he's the only one who ever uses them) and his music is frankly awful (although his rendition of 2 little boys was quite a poignant number). Plus he's Australian.


So only nearly genius from me.

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Rolf Harris must be in there with a shout for being an 'Almost Genius'.


A man who turned his hand to many things; musician, singer, songwriter, painter, inventor & TV presenter.


Even has a few catchphrases associated with him, "can you tell what it is yet?" and has been famous forever.


....and the only person ever to have produced a recognisable tune from a Stylophone.


However he's no Monet at painting, his inventions are not life changing (he's the only one who ever uses them) and his music is frankly awful (although his rendition of 2 little boys was quite a poignant number). Plus he's Australian.


So only nearly genius from me.




That clearly precludes him from attaining genius status.

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Rod Hull was nothing without Emu


That said, we don't see much of that bird since Rod fell off the roof


I have him in my cupboard. Emu, not Rod Hull, that would be creepy as all f**k that would.


I was gearing up to do a full exposure interview with Emu regarding his time with Rod Hull, a dirty laundry, balls to the wall expose of what it was like to have a madman's fist up his arse for his entire TV career.


And then I didn't bother... which is a shame, because it would have been truly magical.


You try to do something productive, then some f**ker comes along and insists you do some actual work instead.



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I suppose if you were F##cked from the neck doonwards....


You'de be unlikely to get a game for AFC...


but huddon noo....


Boy pulls up at traffick lights in his rolls royce...beggar recognises him, and from his phukked-oot moped says "OY remember me mn" see's a couple o quid for an aul radge ye eesed to ken...C'maaan"


Boy in roller rolls doon window and says "A lender nor a borrower be... Wiliam Shakespeare" and takes off to the next traffic lights


Moped boy well phukked off

Catches up to the snobby hoor at the next set of lights...


Window comes down...


Moped boy says


"c**t!!! DH Lawrence!!)


I know I know I know

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I'd like to change my vote. Just been going over some of millertime's old posts - scammed on ebay and what's good for a burnt back are definate highlights. Not pished my pants like that in a very very long time.


The man is an almost genius.





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