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Significant Investment


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A great philosopher once wrote:


"there will be significant investment in the squad this season".


Achieved, not achieved, or a significant waft of bullsh*t?


You be the judge.... Kangaroo court is now in session.

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I'll decide come 31st August. So far I cannot see how we have even matched last year's wages spending unless the players coming on are on very good SPL wages.


The season has commenced... points are being dropped. You could feasibly argue that judge us when the winter transfer window is closed, but investment for me, has been neither forthcoming, nor is it going to be. A loanee, perhaps two, is not going to sway my firm opinion on this one.


We lack a proper left back (or right back if Foster plays at LB).

We lack a proper winger (we are employing Fyvie on the wing - surely not correct)

We lack a replacement for Maguire (starting with Mackie has us right back to square one)


In summary - we have used the freed up wages to replace the players that have left. But overall, we are still short on numbers and short on depth of quality.


Significant investment my hairy ar$e.

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The season has commenced... points are being dropped. You could feasibly argue that judge us when the winter transfer window is closed, but investment for me, has been neither forthcoming, nor is it going to be. A loanee, perhaps two, is not going to sway my firm opinion on this one.


We lack a proper left back (or right back if Foster plays at LB).

We lack a proper winger (we are employing Fyvie on the wing - surely not correct)

We lack a replacement for Maguire (starting with Mackie has us right back to square one)


In summary - we have used the freed up wages to replace the players that have left. But overall, we are still short on numbers and short on depth of quality.


Significant investment my hairy ar$e.



f**king A


Had a decent draw with the fixtures we should have had our targets choses and signed up in time for the players going back to training


now we are just waiting for some premier league cast offs who we know nothing about.


f**king sh*te.

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f**king A


Had a decent draw with the fixtures we should have had our targets choses and signed up in time for the players going back to training

now we are just waiting for some premier league cast offs who we know nothing about.


A good example of this - Hearts. OK, they are spending money they don't have, but if you were to believe the person who came up with this investment notion, then we had money to burn in advance of pre-season training.

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A good example of this - Hearts. OK, they are spending money they don't have, but if you were to believe the person who came up with this investment notion, then we had money to burn in advance of pre-season training.


At the end of last season Hearts didn't require to gut and rebuild the spine of the whole team as we did. They also have the advantage of being able to outbid all the other scottish teams outside the OF. Despite this they have simply added a few decent SPL standard players and in fact probably lost better players than they have gained.


I just don't see how your example adds anything to this debate tbh.


I think we have done reasonably and Brown has achieved his initial objective - get some backbone into this team. I think that was the right thing to do as frankly the team of the last 2 years has been so feable minded and week willed its unbelievable.


You list 3 positions that need strengthened - I'd agree with all of them.

Now we have the backbone in place the question is whether we will adequately fill those 3 positions.


If we do get those 3 then I think we have to be satisfied for now (until we can move a bit more of the dross on at the end of the season when contracts expire).

If we do not fill these 3 then we can question how serious the board are about improving the side.


I think we need to wait until the end of the transfer window to answer that.

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What's your problem? Do you blame tup rather than Stewrat Milne? Can't you see what tup was doing? You think his strategy is worthy of condemnation?


Awa back to your stories about war and planes and other boy stuff. Come back when you've matured.


Honest answer? I blame the former for falsely raising the hopes of many a Dons fan and the present incubment of our club for failing to deliver of a prolonged period of time (or if having delivered negative aspects is seen as a deliverable, then he should be applauded).



At the end of last season Hearts didn't require to gut and rebuild the spine of the whole team as we did. They also have the advantage of being able to outbid all the other scottish teams outside the OF. Despite this they have simply added a few decent SPL standard players and in fact probably lost better players than they have gained.


I just don't see how your example adds anything to this debate tbh.


I think we have done reasonably and Brown has achieved his initial objective - get some backbone into this team. I think that was the right thing to do as frankly the team of the last 2 years has been so feable minded and week willed its unbelievable.


You list 3 positions that need strengthened - I'd agree with all of them.

Now we have the backbone in place the question is whether we will adequately fill those 3 positions.


If we do get those 3 then I think we have to be satisfied for now (until we can move a bit more of the dross on at the end of the season when contracts expire).

If we do not fill these 3 then we can question how serious the board are about improving the side.


I think we need to wait until the end of the transfer window to answer that.


Please do not twist what I have originally said, It matters not that Hearts lost or did not lose players in the close season... the fact is that they selected the players they wanted, and went and purchased them. My point and question was, if we were in a position of financial strength (ie significant investement had happened), then surely we would not be scraping around looking at trial players not fit to grace Culter's ground, let alone Pittodrie. We to would have lined up our targets and bought them.


This thread is loaded and I'm sure you know why. For weeks now, I have waited for the impending explosion of investment to befall the current manager, for a plethora of experienced and exciting players to join our ranks.




Simply put - a very sincere and short apology to all would put this to bed.

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Please do not twist what I have originally said, It matters not that Hearts lost or did not lose players in the close season... the fact is that they selected the players they wanted, and went and purchased them. My point and question was, if we were in a position of financial strength (ie significant investement had happened), then surely we would not be scraping around looking at trial players not fit to grace Culter's ground, let alone Pittodrie. We to would have lined up our targets and bought them.


This thread is loaded and I'm sure you know why. For weeks now, I have waited for the impending explosion of investment to befall the current manager, for a plethora of experienced and exciting players to join our ranks.




Simply put - a very sincere and short apology to all would put this to bed.


Why would you put reliance on anything anyone says on here, short of them having a history of delivering the goods?

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Honest answer? I blame the former for falsely raising the hopes of many a Dons fan and the present incubment of our club for failing to deliver of a prolonged period of time (or if having delivered negative aspects is seen as a deliverable, then he should be applauded).





Please do not twist what I have originally said, It matters not that Hearts lost or did not lose players in the close season... the fact is that they selected the players they wanted, and went and purchased them. My point and question was, if we were in a position of financial strength (ie significant investement had happened), then surely we would not be scraping around looking at trial players not fit to grace Culter's ground, let alone Pittodrie. We to would have lined up our targets and bought them.


This thread is loaded and I'm sure you know why. For weeks now, I have waited for the impending explosion of investment to befall the current manager, for a plethora of experienced and exciting players to join our ranks.




Simply put - a very sincere and short apology to all would put this to bed.


Nothing has been twisted. My point is quite simple hearts identified and got their players early because:


- they have more money than the teams competing for these players

- they needed to get fewer players in, so more focused effort

- they were happy to being in players probably lower in quality than those they already have


We are not in the same position as Hearts so I say this example is irrelevant.


The question of where the board investment and commitment to improving the squad is and if it is real is the right question. Your example is irrelevant however.


In all honesty you cannot judge until the evidence is all in and thats when the window closes in this case.


So while you are right to be sceptical of anything good coming with the current board in charge you've kind off shot your bolt too early.


As for demanding an apology from I assume tup, well thats pretty sad.

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As for demanding an apology from I assume tup, well thats pretty sad.


He had pinned all his hopes on tup's words though, despite (knowing his usual thoughts on the Aberdeen board) them being completely contrary to what his own beliefs were.


tup, why did you fill Twl with such false hope, you b*stard...

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I hoped what tup suggested turned out to be true myself. But I didn't pin all my hopes on it, thats just plain daft.


Its quite possible the board's intention was to invest more in the squad, indeed possible that this was discussed and somehow the info gets to tup. Perhaps he passed it on in good faith.


Its equally possible the club plans change or more likely they don't quite follow through in the way we hope. Lets face it "significant investment" is fairly open to interpretation and the board might talk about it without following through in any particularly startling way.


So I don't really see why folk are getting their knickers in a twist.


If there is more investment great! woohoo.


If not, blame the board of the club for failing to deliver not someone who passed on info that there MIGHT be investment coming.


But before we get to that stage, lets give it a few weeks, who knows we might be surprised.

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First, I didn't pin any hope on what Tup said. I decried this when he first mentioned it and I decry it now. It sounded wishy washy at the time and it's just panned out that way. I want the man to admit he was wrong... have the balls to come out and say, ok, I was fed a pile of p*sh.


Back to your point about Hearts. Look, this is pretty simple yeah, why are you trying to confuse the entire thing. There were decent (ie better than what we had or now have) players available from other SPL teams. Hearts bought them. Forget about what situation they found themselves in. There were players available, and they were signed up early. The ONLY point that you need to equate in all this is, if (huge if with flashing lights) AFC had received 'significant investment', then why didn't we try to sign the likes of Sutton?


The only answer is thus, that we don't have enough cash to spend and are more (or less) then same budget as last season.


I've no problem with folk posting on what they have heard from insiders, but to continually say everyone else who has a difference of opinion on the matter is wrong and would be shown the truth come judgement day, is just petty.


AFC, under Milne, will never gain significant investment. Thems the facts.

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We've more or less replaced like for like, which includes promoting youngsters and getting Foster back, who was already an Aberdeen player, and we for sure haven't (and won't) replace current and future international striker, Chris Maguire, except with mabye a loaner which is not a replacement by any definition I understand.


That's not 'significant investment' by any stretch of the imagination, more like the bare minimum, considering how paper thin our squad was.


It's about what I expected.... nothing.


We're probably better than we were (aside from attack) but we're not a team capable of winning anything... but then I don't think that's an ambition of AFC anyway. Survival is what we shoot for, and that's the team we're building. One that'll stay in the SPL and not much more.


Good times.


AFC, under Milne, will never gain significant investment. Thems the facts.


That's the size of it.

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I agree and never believed otherwise but starting a thread for the sole purpose of attempting to humiliate a fellow Dons fan is pretty sick in the extreme.


The climate on this forum was neg neg neg. I admired his misguided optimism, not because I believed it but because he exposed the patheticness of others.


For this, he should be lauded, not vilified. You shouldn't believe everything you read literally. There are more levels than one.


He obviously caught you an a. You'll learn when you grow up a bit.


Exposed the patheticness of whom in particular... I'm not quite with you on that one?


We should laud someone who is hell bent on believing some made up yarn and determined that others should listen? I know this is a forum and everything goes, but perhaps we should temper all this enthusiasm with a sprinkling of sober reality. We are a debt club that is ran to tick over... no more, no less. Our chairman and board of directors have no one iota of dynamic enterprise about them in as far as taking this club forward.


And let us get one thing straight before I go off on one... I, at no point in time, believed one word Tup uttered when he joined up here and told us significant investment was on the cards and our squad would 'surprise' many of us. I don't think it sick one little bit to expect someone to fess up for their errors.... heck, you make a living out of exposing the wrongs of others RS, so please don't lecture me on this occasion.


And for the record, I am an middle aged mannie and have matured and grown up as much as think necessary, thanks all the same.

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Exposed the patheticness of whom in particular... I'm not quite with you on that one?


We should laud someone who is hell bent on believing some made up yarn and determined that others should listen? I know this is a forum and everything goes, but perhaps we should temper all this enthusiasm with a sprinkling of sober reality. We are a debt club that is ran to tick over... no more, no less. Our chairman and board of directors have no one iota of dynamic enterprise about them in as far as taking this club forward.


And let us get one thing straight before I go off on one... I, at no point in time, believed one word Tup uttered when he joined up here and told us significant investment was on the cards and our squad would 'surprise' many of us. I don't think it sick one little bit to expect someone to fess up for their errors.... heck, you make a living out of exposing the wrongs of others RS, so please don't lecture me on this occasion.


And for the record, I am an middle aged mannie and have matured and grown up as much as think necessary, thanks all the same.


Maybe he just felt the need to stand his ground and defend himself. After all a lot of the discussion on this forum is poorly founded juvenile pish and accusation, its easy to find yourself feeling the need to respond to it time after time.


I've no reason to feel hard done by, misled or anything else by tup and i'm not really bothered if he made it up or geniuinely passed on something he heard and believed. Makes not much difference to me as I am keeping my eye on what happens and what sense I can make of that rather than what people say or have said.


Likewise I've no real problem with the crux of your thread, ie you believe there is NO increased investment from the board in the team. I can't argue to the contrary. But I do find both the demand for heads on plates, apologies etc and also the reactionary stuff re hearts etc rather pointless and unconstructive.


I'll come back to your earlier post re the example of hearts in a bit, need to pop out to the shops for more wine (i'm on a nice "rest" night from my running and cycling ;-) )

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The season has commenced... points are being dropped. You could feasibly argue that judge us when the winter transfer window is closed, but investment for me, has been neither forthcoming, nor is it going to be. A loanee, perhaps two, is not going to sway my firm opinion on this one.


We lack a proper left back (or right back if Foster plays at LB).

We lack a proper winger (we are employing Fyvie on the wing - surely not correct)

We lack a replacement for Maguire (starting with Mackie has us right back to square one)


In summary - we have used the freed up wages to replace the players that have left. But overall, we are still short on numbers and short on depth of quality.


Significant investment my hairy ar$e.


If you feel hard done by or let down, how the hell do you think Brown & Knox are feeling?


I'm guessing they were fed all kinds of BS to finally persuade them to sign on with us, after firstly refusing.


Haven't heard Brown complaining yet but then he's probably too much of a gent & overall nice man to do this (at least in the public anyway) or maybe he's still quite happy with the way things are going & believes he can get by with what he still may have left to invest in the squad.


We cannot complain too much until we see the final squad come 31st Aug but yes we can have a wee moan that we're missing out on potentially very important points by counting on getting these great loans (that we may not even get) coming in at the end of the window.


The thing that worries me with regards Brown is that he's never in his whole career (club & International) been one for going for the creative exciting football & this worries me in that he may be out of his depth in his search for a creative spark for us & may just carry on as he always has & just set out his teams to be hard to break down but create very little & rely on set pieces to gain the majority of his advantages.

I hope he can change in this respect & now that he has mostly got the backbone he wants in the side & strengthened back to middle of the park, that he can finally go out an find us some exciting players to get us all :bounce: again cos I want, I REALLY REALLY want a good :bounce: it's been foraaaaaaaaaaaaaages since the last time I :bounce: properly for the Dandies.

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First, I didn't pin any hope on what Tup said. I decried this when he first mentioned it and I decry it now. It sounded wishy washy at the time and it's just panned out that way. I want the man to admit he was wrong... have the balls to come out and say, ok, I was fed a pile of p*sh.


Back to your point about Hearts. Look, this is pretty simple yeah, why are you trying to confuse the entire thing. There were decent (ie better than what we had or now have) players available from other SPL teams. Hearts bought them. Forget about what situation they found themselves in. There were players available, and they were signed up early. The ONLY point that you need to equate in all this is, if (huge if with flashing lights) AFC had received 'significant investment', then why didn't we try to sign the likes of Sutton?


The only answer is thus, that we don't have enough cash to spend and are more (or less) then same budget as last season.


I've no problem with folk posting on what they have heard from insiders, but to continually say everyone else who has a difference of opinion on the matter is wrong and would be shown the truth come judgement day, is just petty.


AFC, under Milne, will never gain significant investment. Thems the facts.


*re-enters with full glass in hand.


Right I wanted to pick up on this bit again because you suggest i'm confusing or misdirecting on the use of hearts as an example or comparison. Thats not my intention.


Let me pick through it a different way to see if i can explain myself better because I really don't think hearts transfer activity this summer should be the yardstick to measure what we are achieving.


Lets say Aberdeen did make a significant increase in the playing budget and this was maybe 10k a week more.


We'd still be 20 or 30k a week behind what hearts spend a week on playing budget, if not more.


So if even IF we had made an increase in budget to assume we can therefore compete with Hearts for players simply wrong. They can still offer better wages. So quite simply if there are 4 or 5 decent (and in my opinion they are no more) SPL standard players available which hearts want, we have not got much chance of getting any of those players as we have less cash to offer, even if we invested more in the squad.


Its a pointless comparison.


Like I say, I'm not in disagreement with your questioning of the board's ambition, far from it. I just don't see the point in the other stuff you brought into this discussion.


If you want to start a thread that says "tup is a c**t for getting me all excited and hopeful we'd triple our wage budget and start out bidding hearts" then fill your boots. You won't find me contributing to it.


But you started a thread debating the presence or lack of investment in the team (good question says I) and when we can expect to so it (also good, but we have different opinions on judging that one, fair enough). You also chucked in some angry nonsense comparig us to hearts and blaming folk getting your hopes up. totally fcking irrelevant and a distraction from the important bits of your point. In fact now I think if it, its not me thats confusing this, its you. Your original post confuses really good important questions and how we can be expected to judge what we see, with pointless comparisons and accusations.


You need to 2 threads.


thread 1: where is the f**king money? (like the pimps' poet contest in "i'm going to get you sucka")



thread 2: tup is a c**t. i cry myself to sleep at night.


Now if it was Stewart Milne himself who stood up and promised he was going to splash the case you'd be now targetting your anger in the correct direction..

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I'm interested to know who fed Tup these lines of bullshit, to be honest.


First the one that we had all but guaranteed the signing of a particular player... which we didn't.


Second, the notion that there would be significant investment... which from what I can tell there isn't.


If I were Tup I'd be wary about asking this source what time of day it was without double and triple checking.


Seems our Tup was stitched up like a kipper.

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Maybe he just felt the need to stand his ground and defend himself. After all a lot of the discussion on this forum is poorly founded juvenile pish and accusation, its easy to find yourself feeling the need to respond to it time after time.

I've no reason to feel hard done by, misled or anything else by tup and i'm not really bothered if he made it up or geniuinely passed on something he heard and believed. Makes not much difference to me as I am keeping my eye on what happens and what sense I can make of that rather than what people say or have said.


Likewise I've no real problem with the crux of your thread, ie you believe there is NO increased investment from the board in the team. I can't argue to the contrary. But I do find both the demand for heads on plates, apologies etc and also the reactionary stuff re hearts etc rather pointless and unconstructive.


I'll come back to your earlier post re the example of hearts in a bit, need to pop out to the shops for more wine (i'm on a nice "rest" night from my running and cycling ;-) )


Yes, I agree. For example, if this information had been passed down the line to us in the shape of "I heard a strong rumour from someone with very good contacts, that we're going to receive significant investment and that we'll all be pleasantly surprised by the shape of the squad come the new season... but hey, based on our previous with Milne, I'd believe this when I see it".... then I for one would not have batted an eyelid.


No, it was the consistent, 'what the f**k do you know about it' and the 'who are you to question my infinite knowledge on the matter' that rubbed me up the wrong way. At the time, all that needed was to temper this information with a watching brief, a wait and see outcome. We all know Milne and his cohorts, have continually given us sound bites, hollow promises and lip service. I am not suggesting Tup wasn't in the slightest bit sincere and I suspect he feels a little coy over the entire incident now.


But I'm fed up of people, individuals, large sections of the fan base and indeed, the media, who buy into Milne's plan at all. If we all started to waken ourselves from this slumber and fight back when we hear such nonsense, particularly pre-season when most folk are slightly cynical anyway... then maybe we would start to to take decisive action against the people who are running this club into the ground.


We all knew that significant investment WAS required... major surgery WAS needed. Brown is half way there in my opinion and has the basis of a decent squad. But we need Sutton's, not Patons or Mackies. We need Hamills, not Jacks or Robertsons. In many ways, my anger is not with Tup for his belief in this crock of sh*te, but in the person who fed him this yarn and the incumbents of this club who take us ALL for a ride. We deserve a sh*t load better than we are currently served up.

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If you want to start a thread that says "tup is a c**t for getting me all excited and hopeful we'd triple our wage budget and start out bidding hearts" then fill your boots. You won't find me contributing to it.


But you started a thread debating the presence or lack of investment in the team (good question says I) and when we can expect to so it (also good, but we have different opinions on judging that one, fair enough). You also chucked in some angry nonsense comparig us to hearts and blaming folk getting your hopes up. totally fcking irrelevant and a distraction from the important bits of your point. In fact now I think if it, its not me thats confusing this, its you. Your original post confuses really good important questions and how we can be expected to judge what we see, with pointless comparisons and accusations.


Jesus wept.... jump off the Hearts things for crying out loud!


It could have been Albion effin Rovers that I was quoting. All I said was, team A wanted to buy players. Players X, Y and Z were free agents. Team A went and offered deals early after season finished and got their men.


Now it doesn't matter who that team were. The comparison I made was in questioning, if we had received significant investment, as Tup suggested, then why didn't Brown go out early doors, get the players to replace the sh*te that had left, and left us in a much better position come 23rd July when the season kicked off?

The answer is obvious - we had no significant investment. I answered my own question yes? Is Tup a liar and a bullshitter who made many (not me), develop a false sense of hope.... answer - yes!


I couldn't give a sh*t what Hearts get up to, and what debt that carry... the simple truth is, players were available, and they snapped them up. If significant investment was available, would Maguire have walked? Would Aluko? Who knows..... all I know is what I stated when this subject first popped it's head up.... there is no significant investment... not whilst Milne is at the helm. No one in their right mind would invest in a business where he's got previous for losing money in.


Now, pass me that bottle of wine min.... and stop being a greedy barsteward :thumbup1:

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Yes, I agree. For example, if this information had been passed down the line to us in the shape of "I heard a strong rumour from someone with very good contacts, that we're going to receive significant investment and that we'll all be pleasantly surprised by the shape of the squad come the new season... but hey, based on our previous with Milne, I'd believe this when I see it".... then I for one would not have batted an eyelid.


No, it was the consistent, 'what the f**k do you know about it' and the 'who are you to question my infinite knowledge on the matter' that rubbed me up the wrong way. At the time, all that needed was to temper this information with a watching brief, a wait and see outcome. We all know Milne and his cohorts, have continually given us sound bites, hollow promises and lip service. I am not suggesting Tup wasn't in the slightest bit sincere and I suspect he feels a little coy over the entire incident now.


I guess it just didn't bother me that much. What you describe may well have happened but its not really the sort of thing that registers with me these days. People have all sorts of manners, attitudes, language etc, i've tuned very much out of this to focus on whats being said rather than how its being said. Although having said all that I may be talking sh*te as there are certain types of behaviour will have me angrily spewing bile and seconds flat, so i guess in this case i just wasn't fussed much.


But I'm fed up of people, individuals, large sections of the fan base and indeed, the media, who buy into Milne's plan at all. If we all started to waken ourselves from this slumber and fight back when we hear such nonsense, particularly pre-season when most folk are slightly cynical anyway... then maybe we would start to to take decisive action against the people who are running this club into the ground.


We all knew that significant investment WAS required... major surgery WAS needed. Brown is half way there in my opinion and has the basis of a decent squad. But we need Sutton's, not Patons or Mackies. We need Hamills, not Jacks or Robertsons. In many ways, my anger is not with Tup for his belief in this crock of sh*te, but in the person who fed him this yarn and the incumbents of this club who take us ALL for a ride. We deserve a sh*t load better than we are currently served up.


Best 2 paragraphs in this thread.

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Jesus wept.... jump off the Hearts things for crying out loud!


It could have been Albion effin Rovers that I was quoting. All I said was, team A wanted to buy players. Players X, Y and Z were free agents. Team A went and offered deals early after season finished and got their men.


Now it doesn't matter who that team were. The comparison I made was in questioning, if we had received significant investment, as Tup suggested, then why didn't Brown go out early doors, get the players to replace the sh*te that had left, and left us in a much better position come 23rd July when the season kicked off?

The answer is obvious - we had no significant investment. I answered my own question yes? Is Tup a liar and a bullshitter who made many (not me), develop a false sense of hope.... answer - yes!


I couldn't give a sh*t what Hearts get up to, and what debt that carry... the simple truth is, players were available, and they snapped them up. If significant investment was available, would Maguire have walked? Would Aluko? Who knows..... all I know is what I stated when this subject first popped it's head up.... there is no significant investment... not whilst Milne is at the helm. No one in their right mind would invest in a business where he's got previous for losing money in.


Now, pass me that bottle of wine min.... and stop being a greedy barsteward :thumbup1:



I think we have had sufficiently discource on the this bit and will just need to agree to disagree or perhaps we can disagree to agree.


There's no wine emoticon as aberdeen fans probably expect thats too gay for them. :cheers: chinchin

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I think we have had sufficiently discource on the this bit and will just need to agree to disagree or perhaps we can disagree to agree.


There's no wine emoticon as aberdeen fans probably expect thats too gay for them. :cheers: chinchin


I know where your coming from re HMFC... just that I think you took it in slightly the wrong manner. It didn't matter what team I was referring to... the basis of my argument was, if you had money to spend (as Tup suggested we would) then why did we let prime candidates go (a la Sutton and co)?


Anyway, nowt wrong with a wee cheeky Rioja or Merlot. We are a class above your average fitba fans after all, are us Dandies.



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In fact if you don't mind let me attempt to get your thread back on topic.


So questions are:


Do any of us believe the current playing investment is greater than last season?

How sure can we be of judging at this stage?


And for those who like to tinker with piles of theoretical numbers, where's the cash going now and where was it going last season. Points to Kelt and Dandyesque who tried to debate that bit already..

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In fact if you don't mind let me attempt to get your thread back on topic.


So questions are:


Do any of us believe the current playing investment is greater than last season?

How sure can we be of judging at this stage?


And for those who like to tinker with piles of theoretical numbers, where's the cash going now and where was it going last season. Points to Kelt and Dandyesque who tried to debate that bit already..


Very hard for any of us non AFC employees to come up facts and figures. I can only gauge my opinion on what I was presented with on Saturday at Pittodrie, and that was a side with a central midfielder employed as a winger.... Richard Foster at left back (albeit slightly improved from last season with us, but still couldn't pass wind), and Darren Mackie starting up front. I saw us huff and puff and ultimately, drop two points.


Now, with the potential for Cristina to come into the side, Folly and potentially a loan striker for EPL, I still don't know where we go from mid table fodder to top 3 or 4 competitors. I see Brown as no magician, and I see no signs that we will unearth some stars over the next week.


Better than last season - hard to tell. Confidence is a fragile thing. Win some games, and perhaps it can be galvanised. Lose a few and we could be in trouble again. I'd like to think the new guys have a bit more self belief, but we still have the likes of Considine, McArdle, Jack, Fyvie, Mackie, Foster and Clark.... all of whom we've seen with their lips trailing on the ground at some stage or another.


3 or 4 guys in the mould of Mawene and Osborne, may have seen significant improvements. That fabled investment - even a paltry one in comparison to some - could have made all the difference to us going forward. For the time being, I see us fighting it out with Motherwell, Hibs, Utd and maybe a St Johnstone, for 5/6/7 place.

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In fact if you don't mind let me attempt to get your thread back on topic.


So questions are:


Do any of us believe the current playing investment is greater than last season?

How sure can we be of judging at this stage?


And for those who like to tinker with piles of theoretical numbers, where's the cash going now and where was it going last season. Points to Kelt and Dandyesque who tried to debate that bit already..


Where's the cash going?


I'd say there's a huge, sucking debt that accounts for any and all extra cash, which would logically include monies saved on wages.


The numbers may be theoretical, but I'd say that they're rational. Unless the club has started paying silly wages to 3rd division players, freebies, potential injury-magnets and guys who weren't being paid at all, then I'd suspect our wage bill is less than it was. Can't see how it could be significantly more, which would be my personal interpretation of "significant investment".

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Where's the cash going?


I'd say there's a huge, sucking debt that accounts for any and all extra cash, which would logically include monies saved on wages.


The numbers may be theoretical, but I'd say that they're rational. Unless the club has started paying silly wages to 3rd division players, freebies, potential injury-magnets and guys who weren't being paid at all, then I'd suspect our wage bill is less than it was. Can't see how it could be significantly more, which would be my personal interpretation of "significant investment".


fox ache


ok, i didn't predict this pedantry min.


I didn't mean literally where has the money gone. Not in the sense of what the clubs outgoings are etc.


I meant to say i'm interested to see what sort of salaries people think the players who have left might have been earning compared to the ones we have brought in. You and Dandyesque started that and i'm up for discussing further if others can input more info. I think its quite revealing. Between us we can work out the approx budget last season and this.


I just can't be arsed doing the sums on it myself right now.

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