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A Viewpoint For Younger Dandies

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Okay, I understand that at 19 I am open to scrutiny and mockery. Jimmy Calderwood is open to "mockery" and hatred within these parts.


As a "young" Dandie, it is possible that I will never grasp the contempt in which Calderwood is held. As far as my lifetime expands, the likes of Copenhagen and Munich are more than I can hope to imagine, and what great times they were ( the best footballing times for me so far )


Of course my dad tells me of Munich and Madrid (83, both of which he attended), and I can't help be envious.


To be honest, I'm not quite sure of the point that I am making, but they were the happiest of times in terms of football, that I can see me being for a long time being.

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So whats the question? Yes bayern at home and copenhagen were good!

Dundee utd, qos. Dunfermline, queens park etc were horrendous by the same token! Jc was also a weegie f**kin moron but it did not stop him doing his best, he had run out of steam though

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Okay, I understand that at 19 I am open to scrutiny and mockery. Jimmy Calderwood is open to "mockery" and hatred within these parts.


As a "young" Dandie, it is possible that I will never grasp the contempt in which Calderwood is held. As far as my lifetime expands, the likes of Copenhagen and Munich are more than I can hope to imagine, and what great times they were ( the best footballing times for me so far )


Of course my dad tells me of Munich and Madrid (83, both of which he attended), and I can't help be envious.


To be honest, I'm not quite sure of the point that I am making, but they were the happiest of times in terms of football, that I can see me being for a long time being.


There is no point to your post however it's worth me pointing out that although I was at Gothenburg and Bayern games Calderwood is seen as a joke figure because he's a clown. A gobshite full of self importance and self promotion. He had some decent games and had for a little while a decent team but he couldn't manage time.


As much as winning a game against Copenhagen was great at the time if you look at the big picture it was a 1 off game that won us a match to make some decent money. I'd swop that win against Copenhagen for a win in the cup semi final against QOTS every time.


We will continue to be pish for the forseeable future unless, as promised to Brown before he came, Milne gives him the pot of money to spend this month. (August)


I have it on very good authority that Brown was given promises that he can spend a substantial amount of money in August if the signings he made prior to the start of the season were not showing potential to secure a top 4 finish.


Even if we look like doing not too bad by getting 10 or 11 points out of 15 in first five games Brown still has a large fallback of cash to strenghten the team prior to the transfer window closing.

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There is no point to your post however it's worth me pointing out that although I was at Gothenburg and Bayern games Calderwood is seen as a joke figure because he's a clown. A gobshite full of self importance and self promotion. He had some decent games and had for a little while a decent team but he couldn't manage time.


As much as winning a game against Copenhagen was great at the time if you look at the big picture it was a 1 off game that won us a match to make some decent money. I'd swop that win against Copenhagen for a win in the cup semi final against QOTS every time.


We will continue to be pish for the forseeable future unless, as promised to Brown before he came, Milne gives him the pot of money to spend this month. (August)


I have it on very good authority that Brown was given promises that he can spend a substantial amount of money in August if the signings he made prior to the start of the season were not showing potential to secure a top 4 finish.


Even if we look like doing not too bad by getting 10 or 11 points out of 15 in first five games Brown still has a large fallback of cash to strenghten the team prior to the transfer window closing.



Is Riordan in our starting line up today?

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I'm also some what of a youngster but it was pretty clear to see the problem most people had with Jimmy.


Let me say straight off the bat, my issue was in no way anytihng to do with him being a hun.


To be honest I think most people had started to get a bit sick of Calderwood's approach to most games. How often did we set out to try and nullify the threat from a bottom six team rather than try and play our own game against them?


Looking at it performance wise we had started going backwards after the season we finished 3rd. Ok we had the European run, but as mentioned above the amount of losses Jimmy had to lower league teams was what did him really.


Now people may come back and say 'Oh aye but Mcghee was sh*te', however at the time we had to try and take a gamble going forwards. McGhee was hampered by the board really his budget was massively reduced from Claderwood's. We must have paid the best part of

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Okay, I understand that at 19 I am open to scrutiny and mockery. Jimmy Calderwood is open to "mockery" and hatred within these parts.


As a "young" Dandie, it is possible that I will never grasp the contempt in which Calderwood is held. As far as my lifetime expands, the likes of Copenhagen and Munich are more than I can hope to imagine, and what great times they were ( the best footballing times for me so far )


Of course my dad tells me of Munich and Madrid (83, both of which he attended), and I can't help be envious.


To be honest, I'm not quite sure of the point that I am making, but they were the happiest of times in terms of football, that I can see me being for a long time being.


The thing we had in the 80's and to an extent in the early 90's that you would've never really experience 360 was constancy and stature.


Guys my age, 36 and older can either remember or were brought up on a team that never constantly let us down against minnows and were never turned over 5, 6 and 7 nil, that habit started with the likes of Stenhousemuir and has never really left us. With that the stature of the club in Scotland is shot to f**k. Instead of being the team we expect to turn up and easily take care of QotS etc we're now a club that worries about games like that.


Its not that we think we can get back to the days of winning European trophies, leagues and constantly being in finals, its that we want to see a team that goes out and plays for the badge, wont lie down, wont let us down against Peterhead, QotS, Raith etc and one that can put the like of Utd, Killie and Motherwell in their place.


For me its the confidence I used to have in the club and team thats gone and has never returned. Be that with A Miller, Aitken, Uncle Ebbe, Paterson, Blunderwood or McGhee. The lack of confidence leads to wanting more, better, vast improvement, drive... all the things we used to have but no longer.

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I'm 33 and can barely remember us winning. Munich and Copenhagen are the best things I can remember for the last 20 years or so. Anything further back that 15 or 20 years is so far in the past it doesn't matter.

We have been pathetic for so long I'm surprised anyone supports us anymore.



Up and wisen min!


I feel for the younger supporters that don't remember the good times.

I'm not sure I'd continue to go if I didn't have my memories and had only witnessed shyte they have.


The Euro run a few years ago was good and nice for the non 80's support but the memory of WINNING European comps and expecting to be winning leagues and cups is something I'll always remember.

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Truth be told, when I made this post I had had a fair amount of ice cold alcoholic beverines. But the somewhat loose point still stands.


I was at the QOTS match, can remember driving up from Middlesbrough with my dad expecting a comfortable victory, and I can recall the surreal feeling driving back after we had been beat. But, in my mind the joy of the likes of Copenhagen and Munich (2008) outweighs these. But maybe I have become more accustomed to defeat, for example today's result did not surprise me at all.


Again, another pointless post, but sums up my feelings for AFC at the moment.

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Truth be told, when I made this post I had had a fair amount of ice cold alcoholic beverines. But the somewhat loose point still stands.


I was at the QOTS match, can remember driving up from Middlesbrough with my dad expecting a comfortable victory, and I can recall the surreal feeling driving back after we had been beat. But, in my mind the joy of the likes of Copenhagen and Munich (2008) outweighs these. But maybe I have become more accustomed to defeat, for example today's result did not surprise me at all.


Again, another pointless post, but sums up my feelings for AFC at the moment.


not pointless at all 360..


I concurr...sometimes I catalogue my guttedness...and today's defeat was hard to take

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Truth be told, when I made this post I had had a fair amount of ice cold alcoholic beverines. But the somewhat loose point still stands.


I was at the QOTS match, can remember driving up from Middlesbrough with my dad expecting a comfortable victory, and I can recall the surreal feeling driving back after we had been beat. But, in my mind the joy of the likes of Copenhagen and Munich (2008) outweighs these. But maybe I have become more accustomed to defeat, for example today's result did not surprise me at all.


Again, another pointless post, but sums up my feelings for AFC at the moment.


Guys who are in their teens now are supporting a shadow of the Aberdeen team of the 80s and 90s.


a decade and a half of Milne has you following a club that is, to all intents and purposes, the equivalent of Motherwell or Partick Thistle from when Aberdeen dominated. A poorly run, inept club that hopes against hope that it can stay in the top division. League success is a fantasy for alkies, druggies and glue sniffers, no sane Don believes that will happen.... but worse, it's clear that Aberdeen has been run down to the extent that even cup success is a fantasy.


Any promises you hear of 'significant investment' or 'Marquee signings' are to be laughed at. Unless you consider Chris Clark a, what was it called, a "stellar signing"? If Chris Clark is to be considered a stellar signing then the club is truly, irredeemably f**ked beyond all hope.


But younger fans, what's left of them, have been brought up watching Aberdeen Football Club win nothing, shrink year upon year, reduce the quality of its playing staff year upon year, seen the club become a joke, and wonder repeatedly if this is the year Aberdeen gets relegated.


I realise the money that was in Scottish Football is mostly gone, but this excuse from the club is utter bollocks. The money, if it has gone, has gone from ALL the clubs outside the OF... so we're playing on a level playing field. We're ALL working on reduced budgets, but AFC has been overtaken by smaller clubs, simply because we are being run by a group of incompetents, NOT because we've somehow got it worse than anyone else.


Milne and his cronies have had years to fix the problems at the club, and they had the massive advantage of being in control of the third largest club in Scotland. All they've done is f**k things up.


The board also gets credit for "starting the cost-saving earlier than the other clubs", well, whoop-dee-f**king-do... they piss all our club's money away and we're supposed to suck their cocks in gratitude that they've put us into so much debt that they can't even get a loan for a f**king Willie Miller fish supper (heavily discounted)?


Sorry, I don;t know where I'm going with this.. suffice to say, if you're 19 you've had the misfortune of being given the worst Aberdeen football club in living memory, and make NO mistake, it's the fault of the people running the club, NOT the fault of smaller incomes which have impacted EVERY club, not just Aberdeen.

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Up and wisen min!


I feel for the younger supporters that don't remember the good times.

I'm not sure I'd continue to go if I didn't have my memories and had only witnessed shyte they have.


The Euro run a few years ago was good and nice for the non 80's support but the memory of WINNING European comps and expecting to be winning leagues and cups is something I'll always remember.


My point is anything that happened 15/20/30/50 years ago is redundant and irrelevant as a point of reference. We shouldn't be comparing what our modern day managers do compared to what happened almost 30 years ago.


The main point about our decline isn't that we aren't winning European trophies or league titles or cups ..... its that we haven't made ANY PROGRESS in the last decade, the last 5 years or the last year.


It is the continuous drip, drip, drip of being sh*te and not improving that is hurting and disturbing. That is why the European run of a few years ago was great. It was fun, it was different and it was a relief from the monstrosity of getting beat by lower division teams.

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Okay, I didn't mean to turn this into a self-greeting thread.


For me, the likes of Copenhagen and Munich will always resonate 100x times more. But, I attended and supported Boro in the UEFA cup when they had that "great run". Aberdeen is my team. But, all my mates and so did I support Boro, they beat Roma. Basle and Bucharest were f**king great nights, the atmosphere were electric. The sad thing personally is that is the Dons will never have nights to match this.


Don't get me wrong, I know the nights in Fergie's reign would blow Boro out of the park, but just my experience.

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I :applause: all you youngsters.


How the f**k you can go and watch our current tripe is beyond me.

I grew up expecting to win trophies every season.

I've had to use my memories and pride to continue going but enough is enough.

Its a handful of games form me from now on.


Part timer perhaps but its heart breaking going now.

sh*te team in a sh*te league with sh*te atmosphere.



It was fun.

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and a partridge in a pear tree..


hard to disagree with your negativity there kelt..


but what to do then??


stand on the side lines and shout??


You up for a car-boot sale?


This is the question, what else is there to do. I was fkn pissed off last season with it all but still went when I could. I didn't even celebrate the goals at Easter Road I was that fed up and because that little c**t Maguire scored the goals and then cupped his ears like a spaced out mongo that he is.


Anyways, break done me good, I felt refreshed, enjoyeD Forfar, reasonably enjoyed the first game so somehow found myself at Love Street or fitever its called now yesterday. It was beyond sh*te. It wasn't football.


I only go now for the banter and to catch up with loons I don't see outwith the football. What folk like me need is something else to do. Yesterday I found myself reading TRF for a good 10 minutes of the game I was that fkn bored of the football.

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I can barely remember us winning a trophy yes the Europe trips in 07-08 were good but steadily in the last 10 years or so iv seen the quality drop more and more. I've not been able to make a game so far this season and Celtic this weekend will be my first I'm considering buying my season ticket then aswell but really can't justify the cost if the products going to be sh*te and I end up sacking it half way through the season.

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Guys who are in their teens now are supporting a shadow of the Aberdeen team of the 80s and 90s.


a decade and a half of Milne has you following a club that is, to all intents and purposes, the equivalent of Motherwell or Partick Thistle from when Aberdeen dominated. A poorly run, inept club that hopes against hope that it can stay in the top division. League success is a fantasy for alkies, druggies and glue sniffers, no sane Don believes that will happen.... but worse, it's clear that Aberdeen has been run down to the extent that even cup success is a fantasy.


Any promises you hear of 'significant investment' or 'Marquee signings' are to be laughed at. Unless you consider Chris Clark a, what was it called, a "stellar signing"? If Chris Clark is to be considered a stellar signing then the club is truly, irredeemably f**ked beyond all hope.


But younger fans, what's left of them, have been brought up watching Aberdeen Football Club win nothing, shrink year upon year, reduce the quality of its playing staff year upon year, seen the club become a joke, and wonder repeatedly if this is the year Aberdeen gets relegated.


I realise the money that was in Scottish Football is mostly gone, but this excuse from the club is utter bollocks. The money, if it has gone, has gone from ALL the clubs outside the OF... so we're playing on a level playing field. We're ALL working on reduced budgets, but AFC has been overtaken by smaller clubs, simply because we are being run by a group of incompetents, NOT because we've somehow got it worse than anyone else.


Milne and his cronies have had years to fix the problems at the club, and they had the massive advantage of being in control of the third largest club in Scotland. All they've done is f**k things up.


The board also gets credit for "starting the cost-saving earlier than the other clubs", well, whoop-dee-f**king-do... they piss all our club's money away and we're supposed to suck their cocks in gratitude that they've put us into so much debt that they can't even get a loan for a f**king Willie Miller fish supper (heavily discounted)?


Sorry, I don;t know where I'm going with this.. suffice to say, if you're 19 you've had the misfortune of being given the worst Aberdeen football club in living memory, and make NO mistake, it's the fault of the people running the club, NOT the fault of smaller incomes which have impacted EVERY club, not just Aberdeen.


Good post, the only part I'd take issue with is the bit I've highlighted.


On the (admittedly crude) measure of trophies won and cup final appearances, what we are currently watching is actually THE WORST Aberdeen team ever, not just 'in living memory'. A pleasant thought, eh!?

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I have it on very good authority that Brown was given promises that he can spend a substantial amount of money in August if the signings he made prior to the start of the season were not showing potential to secure a top 4 finish.


Even if we look like doing not too bad by getting 10 or 11 points out of 15 in first five games Brown still has a large fallback of cash to strenghten the team prior to the transfer window closing.


Why not just go sign decent players right away?

What will happen to the ones not deemed good enough out of the first batch, do we just pay them to do nothing?

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If you take out a small chunk of the clubs existence from the late 70's till say the early 80's then you can see that Aberdeen are no better than your Kilmarnocks or Motherwells of this world. Absolutely nothing to be proud of outwith this era.

Aberdeen are a small, badly run club with a large catchment area. Thats all the club are and its all we ever will be.

Football players dont ask their agent who is in the hunt for them and think " Aberdeen - f**k yeah. Im having some of that".

Thats the reality these days.

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If you take out a small chunk of the clubs existence from the late 70's till say the early 80's then you can see that Aberdeen are no better than your Kilmarnocks or Motherwells of this world. Absolutely nothing to be proud of outwith this era.

Aberdeen are a small, badly run club with a large catchment area. Thats all the club are and its all we ever will be.

Football players dont ask their agent who is in the hunt for them and think " Aberdeen - f**k yeah. Im having some of that".

Thats the reality these days.


True to an extent, I would say the other thing is the club does have a large travelling support, albeit most have given up, they are still reds. The support is fairly loyal and committed too, 2,500 turned up for their team photo but your right our history is littered with medicority but this past 15 years are beyond a joke. We should be top 4 minimum, regular cup finalists, thats what I expect but we're gettung f**k all. Early days this season but I fear the worst.

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If you take out a small chunk of the clubs existence from the late 70's till say the early 80's then you can see that Aberdeen are no better than your Kilmarnocks or Motherwells of this world. Absolutely nothing to be proud of outwith this era.

Aberdeen are a small, badly run club with a large catchment area. Thats all the club are and its all we ever will be.

Football players dont ask their agent who is in the hunt for them and think " Aberdeen - f**k yeah. Im having some of that".

Thats the reality these days.



I presume you mean late 70's to early 90's.

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I realise the money that was in Scottish Football is mostly gone, but this excuse from the club is utter bollocks. The money, if it has gone, has gone from ALL the clubs outside the OF... so we're playing on a level playing field. We're ALL working on reduced budgets, but AFC has been overtaken by smaller clubs, simply because we are being run by a group of incompetents, NOT because we've somehow got it worse than anyone else.

This sums it up for me :banghead:

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