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How Many Times Does Brown Have To Keep On Apologising

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Yesterday we got the usual script from Brown........ terrific supporters, deserve better, can only apologise, have told the players its unacceptable, not our strongest team, etc., etc,........


I'm fed up hearing this as nothing ever seems to change. Occasionally there's a little flutter of hope, but then performances like yesterday happen yet again.


No doubt next week the players concentration will be more focused, which may limit the level of defeat somewhat, but surely this can't go on.


Regardless of the debate on the lack of skills from Mackie and Vernon, if forwards are not getting through balls from midfield to run on to, we will score very few goals whoever is up front.


No doubt someone will say that things aren't as dire as they seem to be, but unless management (Brown/Knox) can get this lot focused as a team it could be a disastrous season.


I don't want to hear any more dismal apologies from Brown.

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Aye, the thing is the supports fkn sh*te and he still describes it as terrific. Its like a boss at my work, she says "we smashed it" about every target ever set, got to the stage last week where she said "we planned 80 and got 70...smashed it as usual" :laughing: They are both on auto pilot going through the motions.

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prefer the apology to the "its not my fault you know" "a supporter spat on me you know" "we had to change the goalie cos of the wind you know"


But as you tell the kids


you cant just get away with things by apologising all the time at the end of the day you have to change your ways so you dont have to apologise in the first place

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Yesterday we got the usual script from Brown........ terrific supporters, deserve better, can only apologise, have told the players its unacceptable, not our strongest team, etc., etc,........


I'm fed up hearing this as nothing ever seems to change. Occasionally there's a little flutter of hope, but then performances like yesterday happen yet again.


No doubt next week the players concentration will be more focused, which may limit the level of defeat somewhat, but surely this can't go on.


Regardless of the debate on the lack of skills from Mackie and Vernon, if forwards are not getting through balls from midfield to run on to, we will score very few goals whoever is up front.


No doubt someone will say that things aren't as dire as they seem to be, but unless management (Brown/Knox) can get this lot focused as a team it could be a disastrous season.


He could always says the supporters get what they deserve as they are the biggest moaning greetin faced c@nts in the country


I don't want to hear any more dismal apologies from Brown.

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Aye, the thing is the supports fkn sh*te and he still describes it as terrific. Its like a boss at my work, she says "we smashed it" about every target ever set, got to the stage last week where she said "we planned 80 and got 70...smashed it as usual" :laughing: They are both on auto pilot going through the motions.



Getting fed up of Brown, too old and negative.

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good point about through balls, when was the last time we had a striker receive one of these?



Mackie was put through against St Johnstone, one on one with the keeper only last week and he fluffed it as usual, straight at the keeper.


The strikers have to help the midfield by making intelligent runs but our strike force don't have the footballing brains to offer this unfortunately.

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This board won't change it's signing policy until the new stadium and the debt is cleared off. We might as well accept this rubbish until that day.


However I think once we do move and start fresh we'll see a team capable of top 3 finishes and cup finals. Right now we'll be lucky to be in the top 6 as we've no fire-power.

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Darren Mackie, 23/7/2011.



Mackie was put through against St Johnstone, one on one with the keeper only last week and he fluffed it as usual, straight at the keeper.


The strikers have to help the midfield by making intelligent runs but our strike force don't have the footballing brains to offer this unfortunately.

fair enough, nearly f**ked it up though by almost falling over.

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Brown's largely not to blame for the state of the team... he had to gut a team of abject losers, and he's had minimal funds with which to replace those losers.


He's forced to play a guy who used to be a goalie, converted to striker and now has to fill in the gap on the wing...... and we're supposed to be a professional club?




That's the sort of thing you get in Sunday League... "Oy, Billy, Donald didnae turn up so you're goalie."


People were complaining that there was virtually no crosses into the box.. well, when you play a f**king goalkeeper on the wing you're not getting Peter Weir, you're getting a f**king goalie... that means NO service into the box. And no service into the box means nothing in the way of goal attempts, particularly when your entire midfield is being raped by one big black dude.


So even to the fans, who are collectively about as smart as small dog, it's OBVIOUS that we desperately need width. And yet the club is going to deny the manager the backing to give us a goal threat or even a guy to bury the chances that we're not getting....


This isn't even 'Speculate to accumulate', this is 'Release the f**king funds to make us competitive on the most basic f**king level before we end up in a relegation f**king dogfight you f**king halfwits'.


But na... will they f**k.


Wait till the end of August and MAYBE we'll see if there's anything free... and if not then f**k all y'all, you can whistle for the players we desperately need.

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This board won't change it's signing policy until the new stadium and the debt is cleared off. We might as well accept this rubbish until that day.


However I think once we do move and start fresh we'll see a team capable of top 3 finishes and cup finals. Right now we'll be lucky to be in the top 6 as we've no fire-power.


I didn't realise the Tooth Fairy would be sprinkling magic dust on the pitch at the new stadium turning donkeys into thoroughbreds.

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