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Afc - Squaring The Circle

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Well that's us off to a season's start which some predicted but no-one takes any pleasure from.

By the time we play ICT at home we could possibly be in a position of having 1 point and no goals.


What gets me is that the club continues to press ahead with a plan for a new and by all accounts fantastic stadium, but are doing absolutely nothing to ensure that there will actually be supporters who are willing to go there.


We currently have tumbling gates and the perception among many of us is that we have a Board which totally lacks ambition on the playing side and is hell bent on simply balancing the books. Balancing the books is of course vital, no two ways about that, but our biggest expenditures are the cheques written to failed managers. The one constant at AFC is the Board, most of whom who have been in situ through the past mind numbing 15 years. None of them have been fired or have chosen to "fall on their sword".


We are told that we need the new stadium because the Main Stand is crumbling. OK, so what? We never fill the stadium any way. Why not close the Main stand to spectators, Move the TV cameras to the Main Stand and redevelop the South and Merkland stands. Surely that is a much more sensible financial solution and it fits in with the Board's perceived lack of ambition. I get the impression that the Board seem to think that the move to a new stadium will suddenly magic up a team on the pitch!


I think it really is time now for Stewart Milne and Martin Gilbert to sh*t or get off the pot.


If they can't do it then they should be actively marketing the club for sale.

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Silence from the "substantial investment" mob. Unfortunately a team that has to rely on Mackie, Foster, Considine, Magennis and Paton is going to struggle . Brown though has purchased very poorly so far, in terms of buying players that we simply do not need.


Early days for Brown yet but I'm very perturbed to hear that a player prone to injury, Mawene, is out for three weeks already.

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The one constant at AFC is the Board, most of whom who have been in situ through the past mind numbing 15 years. None of them have been fired or have chosen to "fall on their sword".


This, for me, is the crux of the matter.


These incompetent arseholes have presided over 15 years of failure. It's time they took some responsibility and sacked themselves.

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The board are banking on our "youth" system to provide the team with some players that will help us along the way. Personally I think this decline is like the Global recession, it's pretty much staring us in the face and every so often we try and do quantitative easing to plug the gaps.


We are delaying the inevitable.

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Silence from the "substantial investment" mob. Unfortunately a team that has to rely on Mackie, Foster, Considine, Magennis and Paton is going to struggle . Brown though has purchased very poorly so far, in terms of buying players that we simply do not need.


Hardly a time for point scoring is it?


On the main point of the thread, they obviously won't choose to fall on their own sword and sack themselves. I am at a loss how I as a fan, or we as fans collectively can influence the board more.

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Be it Brown, McGhee, Calderwood, Paterson, Skovdahl, Miller, Aitken and Miller the recurring theme is the total lack of ambition by the board. Season after season we all get a little bit excited in July & August that that things will be a little better. Jesus today is only the 1st of August and the picture is very clear it actaully could be worse.

I would love a new stadium but surely priority is a team at least being able to attract plus 10k crowds to make that even half way possible. Apart from 3000 OF fans turning up maybe on 3-4 occasions this season that target is a long way off.

How fkn blind or stupid are they. I am ever the optimist regarding AFC but after reading this all about Saturdays performance and looking at what playing staff we have available I fear another season of dread.

All the managers mentioned above and thats 8 of them have indeed made some questionable signings and tactical f-ups but when you are working under a system like that then it really is no wonder we have regressed into a crap provincial team that we are

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Hardly a time for point scoring is it?


On the main point of the thread, they obviously won't choose to fall on their own sword and sack themselves. I am at a loss how I as a fan, or we as fans collectively can influence the board more.


Point scoring ? There have been numerous posts on here ramming it down everyones throats that there is "substantial investment" coming etc etc, it is time for the people behind that to tell the truth

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Point scoring ? There have been numerous posts on here ramming it down everyones throats that there is "substantial investment" coming etc etc, it is time for the people behind that to tell the truth


It is boring when every thread is descending in to the same farce about what such and such said. I don't understand why anyone cares and forms opinion based on what anyone says on here without knowing them.

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Well that's us off to a season's start which some predicted but no-one takes any pleasure from.

By the time we play ICT at home we could possibly be in a position of having 1 point and no goals.


What gets me is that the club continues to press ahead with a plan for a new and by all accounts fantastic stadium, but are doing absolutely nothing to ensure that there will actually be supporters who are willing to go there.


We currently have tumbling gates and the perception among many of us is that we have a Board which totally lacks ambition on the playing side and is hell bent on simply balancing the books. Balancing the books is of course vital, no two ways about that, but our biggest expenditures are the cheques written to failed managers. The one constant at AFC is the Board, most of whom who have been in situ through the past mind numbing 15 years. None of them have been fired or have chosen to "fall on their sword".


We are told that we need the new stadium because the Main Stand is crumbling. OK, so what? We never fill the stadium any way. Why not close the Main stand to spectators, Move the TV cameras to the Main Stand and redevelop the South and Merkland stands. Surely that is a much more sensible financial solution and it fits in with the Board's perceived lack of ambition. I get the impression that the Board seem to think that the move to a new stadium will suddenly magic up a team on the pitch!


I think it really is time now for Stewart Milne and Martin Gilbert to sh*t or get off the pot.


If they can't do it then they should be actively marketing the club for sale.


Spot on min.


The Board are the common denominator in the equation. With the levels of apathy among the support at the moment we'd be as well moving to Cove now and sharing Allan Park.

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Our problem has and always will be that players think that Aberdeen is up the gods of Scotland, Where as if they are in the Central belt they can see family, friends etc etc......


This didn't seem to pose a problem back in the 80's... why should it now?


And why, when Inverness is even more remote and backwards, did they finish above us last season?


Moot point.

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I've said it before... This team doesn't deserve your money, ran by idiots and a man who has more money than probably most people combined in a typical home game at Todders who won't put his hand in. Why would you keep paying money into something that clearly doesn't work...


I'll always bee a Dons fan but it's more of a novelty interest now rather than a passion for me. And no amount of "nice shiny" stadium is going to change the fact that if the same sh*te is on the park no one is going to want to come and watch...

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Oh ffs... *another* the-board-suck thread?

Nice constructive post.


But you don't think it is valid topic debating our board, considering we are circa 15 million in debt, still losing millions every year and are suffering badly on the pitch?

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Glad you think so. Doesn't anyone else find it incredibly boring running over the same old wah-wah ground?

It is totally relevant. Feel free to not read now you know what the thread is about.




Glad you think so. Doesn't anyone else find it incredibly boring running over the same old wah-wah ground?

We could always just ignore it and hope the debt disappears, someone gives us 40 million for new stadium and on field fortunes take turn for better and we win SPL.

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Glad you think so. Doesn't anyone else find it incredibly boring running over the same old wah-wah ground?



These type of posts wouldn't be generated if the board actually too a sniff of the coffee.

In today's evening express you can safely say that Miller will be spouting some crap

about the fans need to stick with the team.

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It should never have been allowed to come to this but we let it happen. The signs were there in the 90's with the proposed move to Kingswells, an insane proposition given that the paint was barely dry on the RDS.


I don't believe it was an insane proposition given that, as part of the Scotland's European bid, we stood to gain quite a lot in grants for the building of the new stadium. It would only have been built had we won the bid, but as it happened, it got pulled due to the bid collapsing. It wasn't, as a many people would like to think, pulled because the nimby's got their own way.


As for losing our only asset - will Loirston not become our new asset. We will have a mortgage on the build, albeit a bloody long one - but with the correct finances in place (ie, we make more than we owe every season), it'll be paid off in 25 years or whatever. It's not as if this will be owned by the Council and let back to AFC.


I agree with the rest though.

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There is nothing constructive about the same bitchfest over and over.




Glad you think so. Doesn't anyone else find it incredibly boring running over the same old wah-wah ground?




So you don't think the board is to blame? The crippling unserviceable debt that costs us

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Only way to approach, far less solve, a problem is to identify it.

A problem can only be identified if it is agreed upon, following open discussion and debate.

It can only be agreed upon if heads are extracted from sand.


If you disagree, put forward your case or counter points. It's dissent like yours that has prevented unanimity and potential action.


+1 from me RS.....

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The MD recently stated that the next 3 years are of significant importance leasing up to the new stadium. Essentially saying the team needs to perform to ensure the fans will be there to fill the new stadium.


I think the board should present it's strategic plan for the club so the fans can understand what is going on.


There is no way the budget has increased and unless more investment is made in the team, the new stadium may well cripple the club with even greater debt. The board need to answer the fans!

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There is nothing constructive about the same bitchfest over and over.




Glad you think so. Doesn't anyone else find it incredibly boring running over the same old wah-wah ground?





Suggest a topic then.

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Suggest a topic then.


Sod that.... let him suggest what is so good about AFC that we don't need to debate this sort of thing, year after year, after year....


I'm no half empty guy, but there's not much to sing and dance about with AFC is there?

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