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Bbc Football Price Survey

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"Despite their own price structure, Inverness Caledonian Thistle attracted only 3,600 spectators to their first home match of the season"


I thought there was some rule that all SPL clubs had to stick to on pricing ? I know near season end with the meaningless post split games lower prices have to be agreed to but if Inverness can cut prices on their first home game why cant we. St Johnstone drew a crowd of +/-10. If some sort of discount was on I reckon that at least another 1000 might have made their way along, surely a positive step

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Just looked at the prices at clubs in England vs Scotland...seems we charge the same as lower Championship clubs/top League one for admission...


Check it out




Seems they have our cheapest adult ticket wrong as used the 18 quid ticket for Merkland but need to have child with you. Using standard 23 quid tickets that would make us most expensive in SPL.

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"Despite their own price structure, Inverness Caledonian Thistle attracted only 3,600 spectators to their first home match of the season"


I thought there was some rule that all SPL clubs had to stick to on pricing ? I know near season end with the meaningless post split games lower prices have to be agreed to but if Inverness can cut prices on their first home game why cant we. St Johnstone drew a crowd of +/-10. If some sort of discount was on I reckon that at least another 1000 might have made their way along, surely a positive step

Clubs can charge what they want. Only rule is away fans in same stand as home fans must get charged same price.

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"Despite their own price structure, Inverness Caledonian Thistle attracted only 3,600 spectators to their first home match of the season"


I thought there was some rule that all SPL clubs had to stick to on pricing ? I know near season end with the meaningless post split games lower prices have to be agreed to but if Inverness can cut prices on their first home game why cant we. St Johnstone drew a crowd of +/-10. If some sort of discount was on I reckon that at least another 1000 might have made their way along, surely a positive step


A long term pricing structure and ability to have a range of packages on offer. Granted the club have introduced a family package this season, but we should be offering 3, 5 and 10 ticket offers as well as season tickets. Not all of us can make 19 SPL games a season, and so a season ticket isn't viable.


Offer a ticket, programme, drink and food (Pie, burger etc) deal, - making a loss on the latter two especially will be more than covered by the ticket price.

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A long term pricing structure and ability to have a range of packages on offer. Granted the club have introduced a family package this season, but we should be offering 3, 5 and 10 ticket offers as well as season tickets. Not all of us can make 19 SPL games a season, and so a season ticket isn't viable.


Offer a ticket, programme, drink and food (Pie, burger etc) deal, - making a loss on the latter two especially will be more than covered by the ticket price.


Good ideas there MD.

Take the cinema which indirectly is competition to where I might spend my hard earned of a weekend. The are always coming up with deals. On a saturday morning its only a

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All tickets should be a tenner.


Regardless of opposition.



I wouldn't go that low but certainly big reductions for televised games should apply.


Also Adult and child should be so much cheaper - AFC are losing a generation of

fans because their prices are ott - it's only a game of football being played by pretty

average players.

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Clubs can charge what they want. Only rule is away fans in same stand as home fans must get charged same price.


When the 5% tax came out, I reckon AFC should have given the OF the entire Merkland Road stand, @ 100 quid a skull. Job done.


And re: the survey, surely some bright spark at the marketing department should be offering a 20 quid day out off the back of this survey. Ticket, pie, programme and a drink, 20 notes sir, thanking you. Family version for 40-50 (adult, two kids).

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Spot on!


Sooner the clubs are forced to pay the same wages accross the board the better.


Thats the only things thats going to improve scottish football.

SKY / Live Fitba has killed the game. FIFA gets tons of money from sponsership from TV Deals and all that money gets filtered down to the "elite" clubs where it pretty much stays. The smaller clubs in the league get that bit richer, but then the inflated prices of the players and wages massively outweighs any additional money, plus the gap just gets gappier!

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Lower to a tenner, and see how many people will pay the tenner rather than more than double the price. A wee experiment, we'll see if Aberdeen have the balls to do it....





What's that supposed to mean?


Stoney suggests something that absolutely will not happen (incidentally I agree with the sentiment, 15 notes is more than enough to pay for all SPL games) and you're now implying AFC don't have the balls to do it.



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to me it has feck all to do with the price, we are playing in a league we cant win, the league games outwith the OF just seem a pointless exercise, you go to the away day fixtures with the same apathy....even playing the OF these days is a joke. I like the cup games as we have a chance, I like the Euro nights, as we may just upset someone during that process...


id rather take the kids out for a decent meal, a movie or the theartre these days, than pay to watch the chance of finishing in the top6

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How much do you pay for your tickets? Do you attend games?


If Aberdeen lowered the prices to a tenner, would you attend more games?


It's a social experiment, all we hear is 'oh the fans not coming through the gates is killing the club and bla de bla'.


Tickets for a Dundee United / Rangers / Celtic - make the tickets a tenner, see how many EXTRA fans come through the gates. I can put my tenner, infact make it

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Thank you, and I see your point now.


I would like more punters to go back to Pittodrie (myself included in that) - I just feel ticket prices are too much, I think I priced up a while back on a father taking his 2 kids to football for the day, it's utterly ridiculous.


I used to love going with my old man to fitba when I was younger, but I seriously think he would struggle to take me to every game if I was born 4 years ago.


Reducing ticket prices could work, but I see your point - a

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