Ke1t Posted August 2, 2011 Share Posted August 2, 2011 Getting the patio ripped out and replaced before the f**ker falls on someone's head. So a day off for Kelty boy. Crew turns up to start work... one English speaker and some Mexicans. When we got our roof replaced last year... one English speaker and a whole f**kload of Mexicans, all running around on the roof talking Spanishtalk. "Hey," I says to one of them... "Time you going to be finished?" "Que?" "Finished?" I repeat... "Tiempo... finished?" "Ah." says the Mexican, and wanders off. So I'm none the wiser... 10 minutes later there's a knock on the door. I answer it, and it's the Mexican I previously spoke to. "Cchhhhhaaaaf pas eleffen" he says showing me a watch. "Fit?" "Eees Haaaf pass elefen." "Half past eleven?" "Si, Hhhaaaf pass Elefen." And right enough, it was half past eleven.... obviously he thought I had no means of telling the time in the house.. no clocks or DVD players or phones or any other electronic devices that would tell me the time. And clearly he though I was just asking the time. "So what time do you finish? Tiempo del oot o here?" I asked optimistically. "Eees Hhhhaff pass elefen." He repeats, waving the watch in front of me. Amusing though it is to me in retrospect, I'm not into re-enacting bits of Fawlty Towers in my spare time. So I'm an old hand at this now. Always go straight to the English speaker. Anyway, bored the day. Nowt to do except watch some Mexicans rip the front of the hoose to bits then, hopefully, put it back together... so, ay, that's me since this mornin' by the way, but. Link to comment
Tommy Posted August 2, 2011 Share Posted August 2, 2011 Getting the patio ripped out and replaced before the f**ker falls on someone's head. So a day off for Kelty boy. Crew turns up to start work... one English speaker and some Mexicans. When we got our roof replaced last year... one English speaker and a whole f**kload of Mexicans, all running around on the roof talking Spanishtalk. "Hey," I says to one of them... "Time you going to be finished?" "Que?" "Finished?" I repeat... "Tiempo... finished?" "Ah." says the Mexican, and wanders off. So I'm none the wiser... 10 minutes later there's a knock on the door. I answer it, and it's the Mexican I previously spoke to. "Cchhhhhaaaaf pas eleffen" he says showing me a watch. "Fit?" "Eees Haaaf pass elefen." "Half past eleven?" "Si, Hhhaaaf pass Elefen." And right enough, it was half past eleven.... obviously he thought I had no means of telling the time in the house.. no clocks or DVD players or phones or any other electronic devices that would tell me the time. And clearly he though I was just asking the time. "So what time do you finish? Tiempo del oot o here?" I asked optimistically. "Eees Hhhhaff pass elefen." He repeats, waving the watch in front of me. Amusing though it is to me in retrospect, I'm not into re-enacting bits of Fawlty Towers in my spare time. So I'm an old hand at this now. Always go straight to the English speaker. Anyway, bored the day. Nowt to do except watch some Mexicans rip the front of the hoose to bits then, hopefully, put it back together... so, ay, that's me since this mornin' by the way, but. And fit time div they finish ? Link to comment
Big Man Posted August 2, 2011 Share Posted August 2, 2011 Amusing though it is to me in retrospect, I'm not into re-enacting bits of Fawlty Towers in my spare time. So I'm an old hand at this now. Always go straight to the English speaker. Anyway, bored the day. Nowt to do except watch some Mexicans rip the front of the hoose to bits then, hopefully, put it back together... so, ay, that's me since this mornin' by the way, but. Brilliant. Fawlty towers was my first thought if im honest. Link to comment
Ke1t Posted August 2, 2011 Author Share Posted August 2, 2011 Brilliant. Fawlty towers was my first thought if im honest. Did they no have any of the BIG pictures? Link to comment
muttondressedaslamb Posted August 2, 2011 Share Posted August 2, 2011 Ah cheap Hispanic labour. Good for the economy or bad? Are they driving down wages and taking jobs or are they making a valuable contribution to the economy? I watch with interest how the Democrats and Republicans are going to play the Hispanic card at the next election. Never before have so much Hispanics voted Democrat when Obama came in, although the majority have always voted Democrat anyway. But the Republicans had been making gains during the Bush era. With the Hispanic population increasing at rate faster than all other ethnic groups surely the Democrats must be rubbing their hands and the Republicans going to have to rethink thier immigration policy, which post 9/11, has been very hostile. Link to comment
Ke1t Posted August 2, 2011 Author Share Posted August 2, 2011 Ah cheap Hispanic labour. Good for the economy or bad? Are they driving down wages and taking jobs or are they making a valuable contribution to the economy? I watch with interest how the Democrats and Republicans are going to play the Hispanic card at the next election. Never before have so much Hispanics voted Democrat when Obama came in, although the majority have always voted Democrat anyway. But the Republicans had been making gains during the Bush era. With the Hispanic population increasing at rate faster than all other ethnic groups surely the Democrats must be rubbing their hands and the Republicans going to have to rethink thier immigration policy, which post 9/11, has been very hostile. I think it's Florida where the primary language is now Spanish, with English now relegated to a secondary position. Doesnae bother me, by the time it becomes the predominant language of the US, and it will, I'll either be deid or one of those crotchety auld b*stards who hits folk with his walking stick and tells them all to "Git back to where ya cames from! Durn Furners!" And I'll be using God's English to say it. The loon will be taught Spanish and we're considering having him learn Mandarin Chinese, just so he'll be of use to his Asian Overlords when they finally call in their loans and take over the United States. So he'll be sorted. Mexicans up here are fine enough... hard working if unskilled. I've no problem with that until they learn to strip computers and rebuild them, troubleshoot Windows OS from 3.1.X onwards, network multiple computers or shake their heids sadly while looking at a BSOD while going, " Ooooh, ees gon cost ya!" If someone has no skills then I can see how immigrants would afear them.... Link to comment
Admin Bebo Posted August 2, 2011 Admin Share Posted August 2, 2011 Ah cheap Hispanic labour. Good for the economy or bad? Are they driving down wages and taking jobs or are they making a valuable contribution to the economy? I watch with interest how the Democrats and Republicans are going to play the Hispanic card at the next election. Never before have so much Hispanics voted Democrat when Obama came in, although the majority have always voted Democrat anyway. But the Republicans had been making gains during the Bush era. With the Hispanic population increasing at rate faster than all other ethnic groups surely the Democrats must be rubbing their hands and the Republicans going to have to rethink thier immigration policy, which post 9/11, has been very hostile. Illegal immigrants in America paid around $11 billion in taxes last year. While huge corporates like General Electric paid $0, or in many cases are given money back. Companies such as Exxonmobile, chevron, Boeing, etc, they all make billions in profits but actually get rebates from the IRS. The likes of the tea party have their priorities wrong. As for the increasing population of mexicans, specifically in California and Texas, i'd really love for them to eventually defect back to Mexico once the demographics align, after all, they were annexed by the United States. Link to comment
muttondressedaslamb Posted August 2, 2011 Share Posted August 2, 2011 I think it's Florida where the primary language is now Spanish, with English now relegated to a secondary position. Doesnae bother me, by the time it becomes the predominant language of the US, and it will, I'll either be deid or one of those crotchety auld b*stards who hits folk with his walking stick and tells them all to "Git back to where ya cames from! Durn Furners!" And I'll be using God's English to say it. The loon will be taught Spanish and we're considering having him learn Mandarin Chinese, just so he'll be of use to his Asian Overlords when they finally call in their loans and take over the United States. So he'll be sorted. Mexicans up here are fine enough... hard working if unskilled. I've no problem with that until they learn to strip computers and rebuild them, troubleshoot Windows OS from 3.1.X onwards, network multiple computers or shake their heids sadly while looking at a BSOD while going, " Ooooh, ees gon cost ya!" If someone has no skills then I can see how immigrants would afear them.... In California too, there is no majority ethnic group. I think by 2050 the rest of the US will be same. I take it every kid gets the chance to do Spanish at school? Just like French here? I like the fact you are considering Mandarin for your son. There are very few schools who provide it here and schools are missing a trick if you ask me. They need to refocus how language is taught in schools, make pupils and parents realise the impact of globalisation and the rising dominance of the Chinese in global markets as well as the growth of some of the South American states and teach Spanish and Madarin. Maybe even link it to learning about business and finance. My mate was a Spanish teacher with Aberdeen Council, their cutbacks resulted in her being punted off to another school to teach French. So now she's off to the other side of the world to head a Spanish Department in an International School in Hong Kong. Also on the subject of Mexicans - are these cash in hand guys? Link to comment
Ke1t Posted August 2, 2011 Author Share Posted August 2, 2011 Illegal immigrants in America paid around $11 billion in taxes last year. While huge corporates like General Electric paid $0, or in many cases are given money back. Companies such as Exxonmobile, chevron, Boeing, etc, they all make billions in profits but actually get rebates from the IRS. As for the increasing population of mexicans, specifically in California and Texas, i'd really love for them to eventually defect back to Mexico once the demographics align, after all, they were annexed by the United States. I'd be MORE than happy to see Texas f**k off out of the Union.... but within 10 years the place would be like NAZI f**king Germany. The Independent Reich of Texas. Mind you, then the other 49 States would have an excuse to bomb them and steal their oil... everyone wins. Link to comment
tommo1903 Posted August 2, 2011 Share Posted August 2, 2011 I'd be MORE than happy to see Texas f**k off out of the Union.... but within 10 years the place would be like NAZI f**king Germany. The Independent Reich of Texas. Mind you, then the other 49 States would have an excuse to bomb them and steal their oil... everyone wins. Texas, the huns of America. Link to comment
Ke1t Posted August 2, 2011 Author Share Posted August 2, 2011 In California too, there is no majority ethnic group. I think by 2050 the rest of the US will be same. I take it every kid gets the chance to do Spanish at school? Just like French here? I like the fact you are considering Mandarin for your son. There are very few schools who provide it here and schools are missing a trick if you ask me. They need to refocus how language is taught in schools, make pupils and parents realise the impact of globalisation and the rising dominance of the Chinese in global markets as well as the growth of some of the South American states and teach Spanish and Madarin. Maybe even link it to learning about business and finance. My mate was a Spanish teacher with Aberdeen Council, their cutbacks resulted in her being punted off to another school to teach French. So now she's off to the other side of the world to head a Spanish Department in an International School in Hong Kong. Yeah, we're making sure the loon is well balanced and ready to face the world by the time he leaves college. Got him involved in sport to keep him healthy, none of this video game sh*te for him... swimming lessons. He's actually been ready to advance to the next level for a year, but he's too young to step up, so he has to keep taking the same grade over and over until he's 5. He starts karate at 5, then Krav Maga at 7 or 8, and he'll be coming along to my class to learn how to scuffle effectively The wife's not best happy about it, because she's watched me fight and thinks it's just people punching one another and she doesn't want her little boy doing that... but f**k that, he's not getting bullied at school.... he'll learn to boot someone in the bollocks at the first sign of a threat.... EDIT: And he'll be speaking Chinese when he does it... :thumbs: Also on the subject of Mexicans - are these cash in hand guys? Never do cashers when it comes to the hoose. Last thing you want is some fly-by-night lad doing a sh*te job then disappearing as your house falls down around your ears. Link to comment
Admin Bebo Posted August 2, 2011 Admin Share Posted August 2, 2011 Pretty sure kelt's training his son to be an assassin. :ninja: Link to comment
Ke1t Posted August 2, 2011 Author Share Posted August 2, 2011 Pretty sure kelt's training his son to be an assassin. :ninja: A lot of parents take no interest in their kid's development... and the result is gangs of little thugs roaming the streets setting fire to tramps and mugging old ladies, sticking their ASBOs up on the wall like it's their PhD. Last thing I want is for my loon to either hang out with those little scumballs or, worse, find himself at the mercy of some of those little pricks when they decide to give someone a kicking. Lot of bad b*stards out there, no-one wants their kid to fall prey to someone who goes after the weak. Aberdeen supporters seem to be a clever bunch, so I'm sure I'm far from unique in wanting the loon to be able to look after himself... and if he decides to pursue a career as a professional ninja then I'm sure the Mandarin lessons can only be to his advantage Link to comment
Betty Swallicks Posted August 2, 2011 Share Posted August 2, 2011 Kelt min, how the f**k can a patio fall on someones head? Is a patio nae just a few slabs? How sma are these mexicans? Link to comment
Ke1t Posted August 2, 2011 Author Share Posted August 2, 2011 He goes to fitba practice, has been since he was 2... he's at the stage where he's actually starting to learn wee tricks like elbowing the other laddies when they're tackling, pushing, tripping, throwing an arm across another player... just the basics for now. Later on I'll teach him cheeky wee stamps and how to fake being fouled to get other players sent off. He sits in the office with me and watches Aberdeen games on RedTV, he'll scream at the Aberdeen players to "Kick him!" when we lose possession. He's too young to understand just how pish AFC is, and I'm not telling him. Would be like taking him aside and telling him Santa Claus isn't real. "Well, son. Aberdeen sucks. That's right, just like iCarly and Victorious suck, only without the jailbait to make it worth watching them. No, don't cry... don't cry. Milne won't be here forever.... in fact I'm training you to steal in through his window in the dead of night and take him out with your mighty throwing stars.... yes, that's what all the practice is for." Link to comment
Ke1t Posted August 2, 2011 Author Share Posted August 2, 2011 Kelt min, how the f**k can a patio fall on someones head? Is a patio nae just a few slabs? How sma are these mexicans? Nah, min.. it's a raised brick patio. Probably about 5 or 6 feet from the ground to the top of the wall. The loon's only four and he runs around there, so if it falls he gets a brick wall on his heid. Probably best to get it fixed before something unfortunate happens. Mexican lads are pretty short like. Link to comment
Betty Swallicks Posted August 2, 2011 Share Posted August 2, 2011 Nah, min.. it's a raised brick patio. Probably about 5 or 6 feet from the ground to the top of the wall. The loon's only four and he runs around there, so if it falls he gets a brick wall on his heid. Probably best to get it fixed before something unfortunate happens. Mexican lads are pretty short like. Is a patio 5 or 6 feet up nae a roof? Plenty o room for the wife if she gets lippy though. Link to comment
Ke1t Posted August 2, 2011 Author Share Posted August 2, 2011 Is a patio 5 or 6 feet up nae a roof? Plenty o room for the wife if she gets lippy though. Can't say I've ever considered bludgeoning the wife to death in a blood-crazed frenzy, dismembering her in the bath, packing her into neat bundles, lifting one of the slabs on the patio, dumping her mutilated corpse under the cement and calling her family to tell them she's gone on sabbatical to Columbia.... what's that, Mr Kelt's wife's father? Columbia is a very violent country? Yes it is. Yes I hope nothing terrible happens to her too. Yeah, it probably would be awful. Link to comment
V for Vendetta Posted August 2, 2011 Share Posted August 2, 2011 Lol I thought introducing little miss "v" to indoor rock climbing, getting her into cycling and planning ahead for some Kung Fu or something would be enough but your kid sounds fcking dangerous man! Good thing about rock climbing is, I've never seen a fat bird do to so if I can get her hooked on it by time she's about 6 I dont need to worry about her turning into one of those lazy fat lasses so common in Scotland. Link to comment
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