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Big Man

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Canna see your picture at work but for some advice next time you post a picture for a Fazzat use tinyurl or tinypic so that folk dinna just right click the picture and get the properties.


Plenty cheating b*stards on the go.


I know i tried tinyurl, but it said i can't use that image extension on this board. Da ken?

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Ask Phoenix as he manages fine.


Anyway it's still nae showing up but I'll guess it's Dionne Bromfield. :hysterical:


Far's my coconut?


How did you know that... :wtf:










































Na, well done you plick you're correct. :trophy:


Nae coconuts for cheatery though.

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The way I do it big man is to right click the picture you want to use and left click 'save picture as'.


Delete whatever is in the 'file name' box that appears to something of your own eg fazzat#9


I keep a coconut on standby in 'My Pictures' folder for all you clever people.

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