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!st half we suffered a lot from the celtic attacks BUT kept in it


Thought we played best in the second half but one loss of concentration and you are punished.


We do still have the same problem as this season - strugling with a lack of deliveries to make us a chance. too many times get the ball in the corner and then players just wondering how to get the ball in the box, no one capable of making a yard to knock a ball into the box. Problem is there not the strikers


Magnenis 1st half was in a little timewarp it seemed - he was always 3 seconds behind the game. started runs late saw balls late and so on


this is a celtic team that is head and shoulders abover anything else in the league and for 89 mins 30 seconds we kept them at bay but you give celtic 30 seconds and they will take it


1 point - any comments about lennon leaving his technical area AND entering the field of play or would it be swept away.


Hearing lennon now - and he is wrong complete backing in from hooper for their "claim".


Over all happy with the performance - still need a wide player who knows how to make 1/2 a yard to put a ball in and a ref who isnt afraid of celtic and lurch would help



Oh 1 time we did get 1/2 a yard and fired the ball across we missed the goal when it was gaping waiting for the ball to burst into it

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Good Points:


Gonzales is better than Langfield


Arnason is a good defender. Tackles and manages a pass to a red shirt which makes a refreshing change from Diamond's pish.


Milson carries the team by himself. Without him we are screwed.



Bad Points:


Considine (hoof) and Mcardle (hoof), whilst good defenders, makes things so difficult for the team by giving the ball straight back to Celtic within seconds of receiving the ball.


The team seems incapable of using width. It ends up that our two wingers become man-markers for the opposition full backs: Pointless. If we can find another winger to replace Magennis and somehow manage to utilise them properly then maybe the team can click. As it stands any chance we create (I use the word chance very very genorously) completely relies on Milson to do something. Far too often things go through (ie: get hoofed) through the middle to Vernon and Mackie who are devoid of using any control, techinique or ability to pass the ball to someone. I have hopes that if we can use some sort of width there will be a use for Vernon who, whilst pish at everything else, can at least get on the end of something in the box. Without using wingers properly we'd be as well not play him.


And Lennon is an odious prick.

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Good Points:


Gonzales is better than Langfield


Arnason is a good defender. Tackles and manages a pass to a red shirt which makes a refreshing change from Diamond's pish.


Milson carries the team by himself. Without him we are screwed.



Bad Points:


Considine (hoof) and Mcardle (hoof), whilst good defenders, makes things so difficult for the team by giving the ball straight back to Celtic within seconds of receiving the ball.


The team seems incapable of using width. It ends up that our two wingers become man-markers for the opposition full backs: Pointless. If we can find another winger to replace Magennis and somehow manage to utilise them properly then maybe the team can click. As it stands any chance we create (I use the word chance very very genorously) completely relies on Milson to do something. Far too often things go through (ie: get hoofed) through the middle to Vernon and Mackie who are devoid of using any control, techinique or ability to pass the ball to someone. I have hopes that if we can use some sort of width there will be a use for Vernon who, whilst pish at everything else, can at least get on the end of something in the box. Without using wingers properly we'd be as well not play him.


And Lennon is an odious prick.


Problem with this is that he says he doesnt like playing at the back and would rather be in the middle of the park. So the longer he gets played there the more fed up he will get and down goes the head.

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Good Points:


Gonzales is better than Langfield


Arnason is a good defender. Tackles and manages a pass to a red shirt which makes a refreshing change from Diamond's pish.


Milson carries the team by himself. Without him we are screwed.



Bad Points:


Considine (hoof) and Mcardle (hoof), whilst good defenders, makes things so difficult for the team by giving the ball straight back to Celtic within seconds of receiving the ball.


The team seems incapable of using width. It ends up that our two wingers become man-markers for the opposition full backs: Pointless. If we can find another winger to replace Magennis and somehow manage to utilise them properly then maybe the team can click. As it stands any chance we create (I use the word chance very very genorously) completely relies on Milson to do something. Far too often things go through (ie: get hoofed) through the middle to Vernon and Mackie who are devoid of using any control, techinique or ability to pass the ball to someone. I have hopes that if we can use some sort of width there will be a use for Vernon who, whilst pish at everything else, can at least get on the end of something in the box. Without using wingers properly we'd be as well not play him.


And Lennon is an odious prick.


Considine did all that was asked of him today. To pick him out as a bad point, unfair.

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I think on the plus side we are certainly more solid a team than last season. Arneson looks a good player, Gonzalez looks a good keeper. I still like Considine despite some negative comments above, thought he had a good game today.


All our problems are going forward. We are utterly devoid of creativity. Vernon doesn't have the pace to run the lines so he needs someone with him who can create space and score goals. Mackie is not that man and never will be. Equally, Magennis, or any striker for that matter, is not the answer on the wings. It's one of my biggest hates in football this sh!te about playing strikers down the wing. I can't think of a single striker ever who has made playing on the wing look a good idea. Fyvie coming back will give us more of a spark in midfield but we still desperately need a couple of players going forward or its going to be a long dull season.

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Looked like a foul on Foster to me, but I was a long way away. Why he took another touch instead of clearing it, I don't know.


Other than that, thought we were solid and limited there chances with what still looks like a makeshift team. Pawlett was excellent first half but had little involvement in the second. As has been said many times, we still need another winger and striker to complete the team in an attacking sense. Vernon looks like he needs a goal or benched for a game though. Missed an opportunity put on a plate for him by Mackie and made it pretty easy for the keeper with his chance late on in the first half.


Overall, better than expected, thought we just about deserved something out of the game. After the reports from the St. Mirren game I feared the worst. Just hope we get the players required to push us onwards his season by the end of the month.

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I think on the plus side we are certainly more solid a team than last season. Arneson looks a good player, Gonzalez looks a good keeper. I still like Considine despite some negative comments above, thought he had a good game today.


All our problems are going forward. We are utterly devoid of creativity. Vernon doesn't have the pace to run the lines so he needs someone with him who can create space and score goals. Mackie is not that man and never will be. Equally, Magennis, or any striker for that matter, is not the answer on the wings. It's one of my biggest hates in football this sh!te about playing strikers down the wing. I can't think of a single striker ever who has made playing on the wing look a good idea. Fyvie coming back will give us more of a spark in midfield but we still desperately need a couple of players going forward or its going to be a long dull season.


Very good post. Re: strikers who play well when drifting wide, you are right - there are very few examples. The one that springs to my mind from the Scottish game is Paul Sturrock, who was excellent at doing just that. His delivery from out wide was just as effective as his orthodox forward play in the middle.

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!st half we suffered a lot from the celtic attacks BUT kept in it


Thought we played best in the second half but one loss of concentration and you are punished.


We do still have the same problem as this season - strugling with a lack of deliveries to make us a chance. too many times get the ball in the corner and then players just wondering how to get the ball in the box, no one capable of making a yard to knock a ball into the box. Problem is there not the strikers


Magnenis 1st half was in a little timewarp it seemed - he was always 3 seconds behind the game. started runs late saw balls late and so on


this is a celtic team that is head and shoulders abover anything else in the league and for 89 mins 30 seconds we kept them at bay but you give celtic 30 seconds and they will take it


1 point - any comments about lennon leaving his technical area AND entering the field of play or would it be swept away.


Hearing lennon now - and he is wrong complete backing in from hooper for their "claim".


Over all happy with the performance - still need a wide player who knows how to make 1/2 a yard to put a ball in and a ref who isnt afraid of celtic and lurch would help



Oh 1 time we did get 1/2 a yard and fired the ball across we missed the goal when it was gaping waiting for the ball to burst into it


Can't really add much to that - thought we were unlucky to lose and if Vernon had got a toe to that Mackie cross, we may well have held on for a win.


A lot of positives to take from the game - Arnasen's performance in particular. I thought he was excellent in terms of timing the tackle, was strong in the air and the tackle, composed and distributed the ball well - he looks a real find. If he's better in midfield than defence, he will be a very important player for us this season.

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Thought Vernon played quite sh*t again. All he can do is attempt to flick it on and he rarely manages it. Although Magennis was sh*t he can win the flick ons alot more than Vernon can.


Megginson needs a start. Considine and Arnason were ok. Gonzalez was good.


Everytime Commons had the ball at the edge of our box and didn't fall down, there were about 4 celtic players running in ready for the tap in.

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Good Points:


Gonzales is better than Langfield


Arnason is a good defender. Tackles and manages a pass to a red shirt which makes a refreshing change from Diamond's pish.


Milson carries the team by himself. Without him we are screwed.



Bad Points:


Considine (hoof) and Mcardle (hoof), whilst good defenders, makes things so difficult for the team by giving the ball straight back to Celtic within seconds of receiving the ball.


The team seems incapable of using width. It ends up that our two wingers become man-markers for the opposition full backs: Pointless. If we can find another winger to replace Magennis and somehow manage to utilise them properly then maybe the team can click. As it stands any chance we create (I use the word chance very very genorously) completely relies on Milson to do something. Far too often things go through (ie: get hoofed) through the middle to Vernon and Mackie who are devoid of using any control, techinique or ability to pass the ball to someone. I have hopes that if we can use some sort of width there will be a use for Vernon who, whilst pish at everything else, can at least get on the end of something in the box. Without using wingers properly we'd be as well not play him.


And Lennon is an odious prick.



Really?? I thought Milsom was pritty poor today, again. Gives the ball away far too much, and always needs too much time on the ball.

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Thought we did ok today and certainly far better than expected us to.


Restricted them and frustrated them but we have absolutely nothing going forward.


Arnason standout for us today at the back. Other 3 at back defended ok in main but distribution shocking (Considine and McArdle in particular)


Osbourne and Milsom battled away in midfield but so many times got ball and looked for pass only to see nothing out wide. Osbourne looks slower than David Murray in quicksand but loves a crunching tackle.


No width at all and no creativety at all. Only creative player we have (Pawlett) played better defensively than going forward which says it all.


Played for a 0-0 draw and ended up with nothing, although could have even went goal up and maybe sneaked a win which would have been magnificent robbery.

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Thought we did ok today and certainly far better than expected us to.


Restricted them and frustrated them but we have absolutely nothing going forward.


Arnason standout for us today at the back. Other 3 at back defended ok in main but distribution shocking (Considine and McArdle in particular)


Osbourne and Milsom battled away in midfield but so many times got ball and looked for pass only to see nothing out wide. Osbourne looks slower than David Murray in quicksand but loves a crunching tackle.


No width at all and no creativety at all. Only creative player we have (Pawlett) played better defensively than going forward which says it all.


Played for a 0-0 draw and ended up with nothing, although could have even went goal up and maybe sneaked a win which would have been magnificent robbery.

Agree. Although Pawlett did have some encouraging runs.


Very happy with what we have for this season (defensively)but need some creative players in before the window closes otherwise we'll be in trouble.

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On a side note a crowd today of 12 and a half thousand against Celtic three games into the season must be a worry to the board.


Yes it was an early kick off on a Sunday but it's a terrible crowd considering their end was chock full. What would that be about 3000 Celtic fans?


Under 10,000 Aberdeen fans at a Celtic match?




Not good at all.


Perhaps a couple of signings would improve things. :itch-chin:


Just noticed your post Roberto. Apologies but you're currently idiot blocked with me and I have to open your posts if I want to read them.


I'll take you off. :liar:

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You put me on it, so must not be hard to work oot how to tik me aff loon.


Anyways, as we shared the same opinion, unreal how much attendance is falling for Aberdeen - it's embarrassing.



I'll have a look later. the crowd today was unbelievable for the time of season and the opponents.


I certainly won't be adding to the numbers when I get home unless we have some significant investment in the squad by the end of August.

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Proud of that, real blow to lose such a poor goal. Don't know whether or not it was a foul, many have argued that it was a foul.


Gonzalez - Comftorable the entire match and produced a couple of impressive stops in the second half


McArdle - Done really well for his first competitive match, distribution poor


Foster - Solid game despite at fault for the goal, had a few intelligent runs and distribution was ok


Considine - Solid enough, got rid of it when required. tremendous block after their penalty claim


Arnason - Stand out, looked calm and collected the whole game. Distribution was excellent, would like to see how he would do in CM


Pawlett - Looked superb early on then faded out the game once he was booked, making good progress. Nice to see him get his own back and get someone else on the stretcher for a change


Milsom - Back to his best after last week's shambles, distribution was excellent. f**ked about too much on the ball at times though, can't do that against Celtic


Osbourne - Solid game, coped with the pace of the game and had a strong presence which contained Kayal


Magennis - Looked alright, looked up for it. Lacking tactically though, runs were late and clumsy


Vernon - Best game of the season, looked a lot better than previous weeks. Some tidy flick-ons


Mackie - Did what he could, chased down everything. Didn't see much of the ball




Paton - Same as Mackie, wasted a few golden opportunities


Megginson - Looked out of his depth coming on up-front. Chased down lost causes


Low - Little time to have any impact, looked hungry

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