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Favourite Dons Quotes

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Yesterday's result put me in mind of a quote from Ebbe Skovdahl;


"The operation was a success, but the patient died"


Which led me to remember the other quote he was famed for (referring to statistical comparisons between Stavrum and Larsson);


"Statistics are like mini-skirts - they give you great ideas, but hide the most important bits"


Another from around the same time was from Keith Wyness referring to the Old Firm;


"..lifting their skirts to any passing league like a couple of tarts on Sauchiehall Street" :hysterical:


Anyone got any classic Dons quotes from yore?

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"Sloppy" - Jimmy Calderwood


"Y'know" - Mark McGhee


"f**k me, it'sh dark in thish taxshi" - Steve Paterson


"This is a voice message system. If this is an emergency, please call the Scotland camp." - Alex Miller


"Hawrerbagmanbyrawaybutsoitis." - Roy Aitken


"We can't hope to compete with the Old Firm" - Ian Porterfield


"That's no ma joab." - Willie Miller


"I was lost." - Keith Burkinshaw ;)


"I almost won a European trophy inna... almost" - Paul Hegarty

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Alex Ferguson after we had just limped to a 1-0 victory over the Forces of Darkness in the Scottish Cup, in the same year that we destroyed some of the finest teams in Europe, and took part in a massively exciting title race, and were not outpaced by scum from Glasgow, but by Dundee Utd, refreshingly, who went on to make the semi-final (should have been the final) of what the glaikit clowns who pass themselves off as football fans these days refer to as the 'Champions League'


i.e. the European f**king Cup to the rest of us.


We also made the semi for historical reference, although most of you will know that, although I suspect some of the EPL fanatics probably shelved it in their minds to make room for statistical waffle about Man United and Liverpool and all that pish.

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Not an Aberdeen quote as such but love Charlie Nicholas goal against the huns and the commentary.


Aberdeen......come again.......Bett.....Useful ball...Woods Stays....Nicholas scores.......joy and jubilation for Aberdeen.


Fk it, here's the video



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Alex Ferguson after we had just limped to a 1-0 victory over the Forces of Darkness in the Scottish Cup, in the same year that we destroyed some of the finest teams in Europe, and took part in a massively exciting title race, and were not outpaced by scum from Glasgow, but by Dundee Utd, refreshingly, who went on to make the semi-final (should have been the final) of what the glaikit clowns who pass themselves off as football fans these days refer to as the 'Champions League'


i.e. the European f**king Cup to the rest of us.


We also made the semi for historical reference, although most of you will know that, although I suspect some of the EPL fanatics probably shelved it in their minds to make room for statistical waffle about Man United and Liverpool and all that pish.





canna weait for the footy season to kick off on sat. big curtain raiser for united on sunday. 'mon roooooonnnnnnnneeeeeeey!!!

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Alex Ferguson after we had just limped to a 1-0 victory over the Forces of Darkness in the Scottish Cup, in the same year that we destroyed some of the finest teams in Europe, and took part in a massively exciting title race, and were not outpaced by scum from Glasgow, but by Dundee Utd, refreshingly, who went on to make the semi-final (should have been the final) of what the glaikit clowns who pass themselves off as football fans these days refer to as the 'Champions League'


i.e. the European f**king Cup to the rest of us.


We also made the semi for historical reference, although most of you will know that, although I suspect some of the EPL fanatics probably shelved it in their minds to make room for statistical waffle about Man United and Liverpool and all that pish.


I think the quote went along the lines of

Disgraceful performance....Miller and Mcleish played Rangers themselves... Our standards were set long ago and we won't be accepting that from any Aberdeen team



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Still think this quote is relevant to us today.


Too many at our club think having high standards is a bad thing.

There's the fine line to consider though Bri. We should be competing at a higher level than we are at the moment but we've also got to be realistic too.

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I think the quote went along the lines of





I have him on cine film saying Garbage when cornered by Gerry McNee in the Hampden corridor, would bring a tear to a glass eye.


Can you imagine any c**t in charge of the Dons going mental at a 1-0 win in the SC final these days?


Says it all, they bend over and take the OF sausage right up them, losers mentality, at least KGB man Romanov has a set of cojones on him, fat c**t journalists rip him, can they swim Loch Ness?


Can they drive a submarine?


Can they f**k!

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It says "light-hearted". :suicide:


But it's a valid point, so I'll let you off. :tommy:


I'll shave my dreads off if I dinna score 20 this season' or something like that - Arild Stavrum, clever chap and admitted as much, after which he was torn to ribbons by the pig-ignorant Scottish press for being educated, must be a bufty a la Le Saux, who made the heinous mistake of reading the Guardian in front of his team-mates after which he was understandably branded a raving homosexual who had a wife and two kids in a cunning ruse to con the world into thinking he was a straight peg.


'If I do, bloated perma-critical mouthpiece Charlie Allan can run a half-marathon, instead of eating a 48 box of full-marathons, the Banchory een will be just tickety boo' said Stavrum a day later, in the days when the Evening Express was worth reading because of the fact our players were openly abusive and contemptuous of it's 'employees', or complete arseholes as they are more widely known outwith their Lang Stracht propaganda comfort zone.


I canna honestly mind what happened, Stavrum got a haircut, so I reckon, on the basis of the nick of him in the present day, Allan won the bet, and sat and laughed his fat hairy arse off at this stupid optimistic foreign clown who had the temerity to actually offer the supporters some hope at the season's beginning, which Allan promptly shot down in flames in the fashion of a proper Aberdeen supporter, high maintenance, nothing is good enough, and had we the likes of a young Messi or Baggio on the books at that time, rest assured the hopelessly unfit, morbidly obese, wantonly critical, never seen his cock without a mirror since the 80's heyday, would have ripped them with the complicit but bought assistance of Harper and McKimmie who are happy to sell their souls for the P&J shilling, and tear us to bits constantly.


Stavrum had a few storming quotes.

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I have him on cine film saying Garbage when cornered by Gerry McNee in the Hampden corridor, would bring a tear to a glass eye.


Can you imagine any c**t in charge of the Dons going mental at a 1-0 win in the SC final these days?


Says it all, they bend over and take the OF sausage right up them, losers mentality, at least KGB man Romanov has a set of cojones on him, fat c**t journalists rip him, can they swim Loch Ness?


Can they drive a submarine?


Can they f**k!

Keeping it light hearted, here's us winning a cup. Rant is last 30 seconds or so.


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