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Samsung V Apple


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A shell shocked Samsung was yesterday drawing up its a response after a court in Germany ordered it to pull sales of its new tablet computer across Europe over charges it had copied the look of the iPad.



Like Apple even less for this and I hope it backfires on them ; does not seem to matter to them that we might like the choice.


When you get down to something as small and compact as a tablet computer , there are not many places left for the design to go , they will start to resemble each other.












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I won't have much sympathy for Samsung if they lose, they are clearly trying to copy Apple. The Galaxy S 4G was almost a carbon copy of the Iphone.


There are plenty of different looking phones and tablets out there which prove you don't have to copy Apple.


Sloppy, lazy and opportunist from the Samsung designers imo. :tommy:

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Agreed, but it's a dog eat dog world out there. And it is affa similar with the volume button placement. If it's strong enough of a case to go through court and win then Samsung shouldn't have produced something quite as close.




Aye mebbe pudgie but it's not the same on the inside as it's running Android. As you say , it's a dog-eat-dog affair and Apple are not as concerned about imitation as they are about market share. Which is to the detriment of the consumer. Competition is good and supposed to be the essence of Capitalism. Apple are just too powerful and I hate 'too powerful'.


The Germans have f u c k e d up , imo.

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Aye mebbe pudgie but it's not the same on the inside as it's running Android. As you say , it's a dog-eat-dog affair and Apple are not as concerned about imitation as they are about market share. Which is to the detriment of the consumer. Competition is good and supposed to be the essence of Capitalism. Apple are just too powerful and I hate 'too powerful'.


The Germans have f u c k e d up , imo.

Oh no. It looks completely different when it's on and being used but it looks a wee bitty like that cheap rip off's you get on eBay. All that was needed was a wee bit of a change to the buttons on the side and it and their case would have been thrown out on it's arse. The point about competition is a good one, but this isn't competition. It's blatant copying!

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Aye mebbe pudgie but it's not the same on the inside as it's running Android. As you say , it's a dog-eat-dog affair and Apple are not as concerned about imitation as they are about market share. Which is to the detriment of the consumer. Competition is good and supposed to be the essence of Capitalism. Apple are just too powerful and I hate 'too powerful'.


The Germans have f u c k e d up , imo.


Da ken min pheon


Use an example close to your heart...


If someone brings out a track and then a month later someone else brings out a track with the same rift, same drum beat, an impressionist doing the same voice but changed the lyrics slightly from us to them and me to we etc would you be as quick to condemn the original artist who made the song when they sued for copyright infringement.


Apple put a lot of work into the design element of their products, from the look of the actual device to the packaging it comes in... its one of their USP's... well it used to be. As a business its only right that they protect their image just like an artist protects their songs.


If someone wants to use part of a song in their own then they have to pay for that right.

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Well.....I'm listening but I'm still not convinced , Apple are far too big for comfort , let the public decide.


You guys would not buy the Samsung if you stand by your argument but the market should be allowed to decide. They are not identical products and the similarities are merely superficial.


Do we know the Germans were being impartial.....or was there pressure on them ? The Germans decide what we get to buy ?


D'a like it !

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Well.....I'm listening but I'm still not convinced , Apple are far too big for comfort , let the public decide.


You guys would not buy the Samsung if you stand by your argument but the market should be allowed to decide. They are not identical products and the similarities are merely superficial.


Do we know the Germans were being impartial.....or was there pressure on them ? The Germans decide what we get to buy ?


D'a like it !


It does seem a touch odd.


If I were to buy a HP desktop computer for example.


A Dell Desktop would look pretty much identical as would any other make.


Much and such like a television.


They all look pretty similar these days and I don't believe that electrical goods such as these can be too dissimilar. It's the sh*t that's in them that's the key. The looks are superficial. :dontknow:

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It does seem a touch odd.


If I were to buy a HP desktop computer for example.


A Dell Desktop would look pretty much identical as would any other make.


Much and such like a television.


They all look pretty similar these days and I don't believe that electrical goods such as these can be too dissimilar. It's the sh*t that's in them that's the key. The looks are superficial. :dontknow:


Or fridges - largely white, cuboid objects with shelves in them.


Or bookcase - wood, with shelves.


Cars are effectively the same as well - 4 wheels, etc etc.

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I wouldn't just blame apple. All of the consumer electronic companies are suing each other, it's actually quite normal. It always ends in cross-company patent sharing. A 'you can use my patents if i can use yours' outcome. I personally think patents are pretty f*cked up anyway, especially in America, their patent office approves anything.



Anyway, it's pretty obvious companies are copying Apple.



This is what Android looked like pre-iPhone.




After the iPhone:




Tablets pre-iPad




It's all well and good calling Steve Jobs a cock (He is), but you can't deny that Apple has a huge influence on Industrial Design, and that mostly comes from the British designer Jonny Ives.

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