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Seems a lot of folk think the end of the World is nigh and a giant planet called Nibiru is going to almost cause the end of days, it won't hit us but will come by so close that the poles will switch, anything under 3000ft will be wiped out.


it happens later this year incase anyone was wondering.


Folk have seen Nasa emails admitting they know of it.

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Seems a lot of folk think the end of the World is nigh and a giant planet called Nibiru is going to almost cause the end of days, it won't hit us but will come by so close that the poles will switch, anything under 3000ft will be wiped out.


it happens later this year incase anyone was wondering.


Folk have seen Nasa emails admitting they know of it.



I know this lot are shitting it anyway.


Which way is North?

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Oh well, scaremongering aside, like haunted house stories to kids, who actually gives a f**k, seeing as we'll be wiped out?


I thought this was a thread about anagrams, and was about to scream I know it, I know it 'IRN BRU!!!'


I'm disappointed it's this pish.


Irn Bru doesn't fit.


You'll only be wiped out if you're below 3000 feet.


I'd just sit above that level and watch the polar bears and penguins swop ends.


About time the bears got a decent crack of the whip as the Antarctic seems to be getting off a lot lighter with global warming.

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Irn Bru doesn't fit.


You'll only be wiped out if you're below 3000 feet.


I'd just sit above that level and watch the polar bears and penguins swop ends.

About time the bears got a decent crack of the whip as the Antarctic seems to be getting off a lot lighter with global warming.



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Irn Bru doesn't fit.


You'll only be wiped out if you're below 3000 feet.


Yes I knew that.


I'm well below 3,000 feet, so I'll be wiped out. I couldna care less.


Thing is, it must be bollocks, are you trying to tell me that if you're sitting there at 3,001 feet, upstairs in your house in Bolivia for argument's sake, with your Liverpool strip on, and your wife is in the downstairs room with her DVD's, at 2,995 feet, she will be wiped out, but you will not?


Is there a magical wipeout line at 3,000 feet?


If so, I might speculate on the Bolivian property market.

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Niburu/Niburu/Planet X/ The Winged Planet/ The Brown Dwarf.... all names for the same bollocks. And it doesn't exist.


I know next to f**k all about Celestial Mechanics, but I heard a scientist explain it so that even a buffoon like myself could understand the principles behind the idea and why it's utter shoite.


The idea is that a mystery planet (and an assortment of really fantastic notions attached to said planet) is headed towards the Earth from below our plane of orbit. The only way it would be visible would be from an Observatory in the Antarctic, and conspiracy theorists claim that the South Pole Observatory has spotted Nibiru approaching us, and that it's estimated that it will come close to our own orbit around December 2012. The obvious effects of this approach will be a massive gravitational pull, causing earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis, complete with devastation to human civilisation and a break down of society.


And if you want to REALLY want to delve into madness, there's apparently a race of alien-Gods on Nibiru, who 3000 years ago enslaved humanity and forced us to work in gold mines... in fact the nutters who espouse this theory claim we were genetically engineered* by these aliens, by merging their own DNA with monkey DNA millions of years ago in order to create a slave race, and every 3000 years or so they swing by on their crazy orbit, enslave us and make us mine gold. Only last time we rebelled or something... f**k knows.


The problem with the whole Nibiru theory is that if such a planet exists, it would have to follow the same rules of Celestial Mechanics as all the other planets. That means that any object orbiting the Sun has to travel at a certain speed in order to transit the Sun in a set amount of time adnd maintain its orbit. Nibiru, in order to reach Earth by December 2012 would have to be travelling at X velocity, which, according to astrophysicists, is so fast that the Sun's gravitational pull wouldn't be able to hold it in any kind of an orbit.... Nibiru would, in fact, have to be travelling faster than its own escape velocity to reach us by Dec 2012. And if it travels faster than its own escape velocity then it wouldn't be orbiting the Sun... it would have long ago catapulted out of our Solar System and be headed into deep space.


This wise old Space Scientist should set everyone's mind at rest...


Ask a Space Scientist

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You're just saying that, kelt.


You know the truth and you're keeping it from us.


Plenty sh*te right here on Earth to keep us concerned... no need to start making up crazy alien planets to scare people.


We should be more concerned about the potential economic collapse of the West. That's what's genuinely scary.

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Seems a lot of folk think the end of the World is nigh and a giant planet called Nibiru is going to almost cause the end of days, it won't hit us but will come by so close that the poles will switch, anything under 3000ft will be wiped out.


it happens later this year incase anyone was wondering.


Folk have seen Nasa emails admitting they know of it.


There is no scientific basis for the planet. If it really was there then even if we couldnt see it we'd still detect its gravitational pull. Pluto was suspected to be exactly where it was years before it was officially discovered because of the pull it has on other planets in the solar system.


However, the poles switching is another story, happens every 30-40 thousand years. We are in the middle of it happening now, they can tell this has happened several times from magnetic volcanic deposits in Hawaii as every 30K years of sediment or so the magnetic markers are facing the opposite direction.


Will it kill us all, na. It will however has a huge effect on the human population. When the poles switch we'll also lose a lot of the protection we get from the suns radiation that is provided by the magnetic field.

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There is no scientific basis for the planet. If it really was there then even if we couldnt see it we'd still detect its gravitational pull. Pluto was suspected to be exactly where it was years before it was officially discovered because of the pull it has on other planets in the solar system.


However, the poles switching is another story, happens every 30-40 thousand years. We are in the middle of it happening now, they can tell this has happened several times from magnetic volcanic deposits in Hawaii as every 30K years of sediment or so the magnetic markers are facing the opposite direction.


Will it kill us all, na. It will however has a huge effect on the human population. When the poles switch we'll also lose a lot of the protection we get from the suns radiation that is provided by the magnetic field.


That's only if the wars caused by mass migration of the citizens of the equatorial and tropical regions of the world don't get us first.

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I have a hunch Kelt knows more than he's letting on!


Check out links to FEMA, why would they have made hundreds of thousands of coffins which sit within empty holding camps, they also cleaned out the Worlds supply of dried food ration packs, even the army were struggling to get dry food for the troops as FEMA had placed so much orders with the Worlds suppliers, this is all FACT.


I think something is coming soo, I've been following a thread on the ADVFN site which has even shown pictures of the object coming towards us.

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You could guarantee that if this were true the mega-rich would already be relocating lock , stock and barrel and real estate prices above 3,000 feet would be through the roof. In fact it's possibly a scam released by property developers.


I have read that every 50,000 years or so the planet Earth turns turtle.....and we are due another one soon.....but this planet thing I think would have been anticipated way before now.

So many astronomers around today , both professional and amateur.


It's not gonnae happen.



I hope.

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You could guarantee that if this were true the mega-rich would already be relocating lock , stock and barrel and real estate prices above 3,000 feet would be through the roof. In fact it's possibly a scam released by property developers.


I have read that every 50,000 years or so the planet Earth turns turtle.....and we are due another one soon.....but this planet thing I think would have been anticipated way before now.

So many astronomers around today , both professional and amateur.


It's not gonnae happen.



I hope.


I've read giant arcs have been built for the Worlds elite.

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FEMA also ordered up millions of blankets and body bags.


Their job is to go into areas where there has been a natural disaster, but they failed massively in the aftermath of Katrina. People were starving, getting sick through lack of clean water and had no shelter from the elements. They were arbitrarily stuck into stadiums where there was no order, no facilities and no hope of relief because FEMA was underfunded and under-equipped. Bodies were just floating around in the streets, rotting because there was no means by which to dispose of them.


People were raping each other and shooting each other then raping each other some more. And FEMA stood around with its collective thumb up its arse going, "eeeeeeeeeehmmm... sh*t. That's not good... help?"


So FEMA gets the funding to start organising a realistic means of helping in a national emergency, the dry rations, the blankets, the water, the body bags, and every conspiracy site on the interwebs starts freaking out because they think something terrible is about to happen... stuff like giant planets headed for us (even though no-one has seen it and it should have been visible for the last two years), complete with alien overlords who will send us down the gold mines,


In my garage I've got an emergency cupboard stocked with dry food, bottled water, flashlights, knives, rope, kerosene, wind-up-radio, matches, and a bunch of other stuff I'll need in the event of a major disaster... one which might interrupt electrical, water, gas or food supplies. We could probably survive a few weeks alone if needs be. I also have a contingency plan to kill and eat the neighbours in the event of an extended period of civil breakdown.


Now, simply because I have a contingency plan to murder, skin, dismember and dry the meat of my kindly neighbours doesn't mean that I'm for sure going to do it... just that I have a contingency plan to do it. And I will. I'll kill them and eat them. If I'm forced to. And they'll be delicious.


So it is with FEMA. They have a contingency plan to feed, keep warm, or bury millions of people in the event of an emergency. That's kind of what their job is. Doesn't mean they know something's up, just that they're getting their sh*t ready in the event of another Katrina, or an Earthquake along the New Madrid Fault.

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In my garage I've got an emergency cupboard stocked with dry food, bottled water, flashlights, knives, rope, kerosene, wind-up-radio, matches, and a bunch of other stuff I'll need in the event of a major disaster... one which might interrupt electrical, water, gas or food supplies. We could probably survive a few weeks alone if needs be. I also have a contingency plan to kill and eat the neighbours in the event of an extended period of civil breakdown.






Do you expect a global apocalypse or are you just convinced that the final collapse of the US is just around the corner?


Or are you making it up.


Personally, I think I'd rather die in the "Event" rather than live through a Nuclear Winter.

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Do you expect a global apocalypse or are you just convinced that the final collapse of the US is just around the corner?


Or are you making it up.


Personally, I think I'd rather die in the "Event" rather than live through a Nuclear Winter.



Not making it up at all... I have a unit in the garage full of dried food with a 2 year shelf life, and a whole bunch of things that can be used in the event of a total loss of power or utilities. As I said, flashlights, knives, hatchet, kerosene, water, Walkie-Talkies, etc. I want to get a water filter, but have an idea how to rig a home-made water filter in the event of water being cut off.


The bit about killing and eating my neighbours is, I will admit, at the extreme end of any potential plan of action, but certainly not being ruled out. ;)


But no, that cupboard is out there in the garage, very real indeed. Just your basic emergency supplies for a couple of weeks of gettig through a crisis.


A few years ago, 2003, a massive blackout hit the entire American North East, where I live. We went without power for a couple of days, with no electricity and, as a result, no water because the pumping stations shut down. You couldn't use cell phones because the system was overloaded, so I had no means by which to communicate with Mrs Kelt when the power went down. Stores had to shut down, refrigeration was non-existent, even basic stuff like Traffic Lights didn't work, and there were nowhere near enough cops to direct traffic, meaning gridlock hit many of the surface roads.


You can check out Wiki, but the area I live in gets a mention... Some areas lost water pressure because pumps lacked power. This loss of pressure caused potential contamination of the water supply. Four million customers of the Detroit water system in eight counties were under a boil water advisory until 18 August, four days after the initial outage. One county, Macomb, ordered all 2,300 restaurants closed until they were decontaminated after the advisory was lifted.


North East Blackout


Now Americans are irrational, easily spooked lunatics at the best of times... and watching the telly last night i see that's now true of Britons as well... so for a few days there was near chaos. You literally couldn't do anything but stay indoors and ride it out. And with no fresh water, no means by which to produce our own drinking water, and absolutely no question about going to the store to pick up water, you had to hope things would get better quickly. I don't know about you, but we had very little in the way of drinkable water laying around the house,.


Fortunately within a couple days power was restored to our area, though I think Detroit took longer. Hundreds of power substations had been knocked off the grid based on an error at one power station. But following one small error there had been a knock on effect, killing power to tens of millions of people, depriving them of power, heat (or in this instance, Air Conditioning... and it gets HOT in Michigan), water and even transport.


Imagine if what had happened hadn't just been a simple error, but rather a major f**k up... and it had taken a couple of weeks to restore power... how many people could stay indoors and survive on just what they have laying around, with no way to refrigerate food, non-existent supplies of drinking water, no chance of getting to a hospital in less than a few hours, and no heat, assuming this happened in Winter?


I'm not talking about a situation where there's a Mad Max style breakdown of civilization, where hungry mutants are banging on your door... I'm talking about the ability to bunker down for a couple of weeks comfortably, with enough food, water and fuel to see you through the crisis until normal service is resumed.

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In my garage I've got an emergency cupboard stocked with dry food, bottled water, flashlights, knives, rope, kerosene, wind-up-radio, matches, and a bunch of other stuff I'll need in the event of a major disaster...




Sounds like quite a handy rape and torture dungeon kit you've gathered there if you ask me.


Something you're nae telling us?

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Sounds like quite a handy rape and torture dungeon kit you've gathered there if you ask me.


Something you're nae telling us?


Nah nah, that kinda stuff is all down in the rape and torture dungeon. Completely different set of equipment entirely.

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Nah nah, that kinda stuff is all down in the rape and torture dungeon. Completely different set of equipment entirely.




Your persona leads me to believe that might actually be the case and here's Dandyesque doubting you have a survival kit. :dontknow:


As this planet coming to us is clearly make believe and you seem to ken yer sh*t, are there any actual things shooting our way worthy of note? Not on a Doomsday scenario but maybe worth watching out for in months to come for a spectacular night show. Meteor showers or something similar to Haley's Comet?


Never really took much interest in what's up there before but it would be interesting to know what might be heading our way so I can take a gander.

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Your persona leads me to believe that might actually be the case and here's Dandyesque doubting you have a survival kit. :dontknow:


As this planet coming to us is clearly make believe and you seem to ken yer sh*t, are there any actual things shooting our way worthy of note? Not on a Doomsday scenario but maybe worth watching out for in months to come for a spectacular night show. Meteor showers or something similar to Haley's Comet?


Never really took much interest in what's up there before but it would be interesting to know what might be heading our way so I can take a gander.


Just to qualify, I don't doubt for a second that Kelt has a dungeon in his basement ;)


I just wanted to know his reason for it - I didn't think he seem gullible enough to go for the Deep Imact Scenario either.


But 2-3 days without leccy and a community coming close to losing it entirely - that I can believe.






On the same subject, has anyone else lived through a 2 or 3 day power cut? I have - but we didn't loot the streets- we put some candles on and played Scrabble.


And I wasn't even middle-class

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Just to qualify, I don't doubt for a second that Kelt has a dungeon in his basement ;)


I just wanted to know his reason for it - I didn't think he seem gullible enough to go for the Deep Imact Scenario either.


But 2-3 days without leccy and a community coming close to losing it entirely - that I can believe.






On the same subject, has anyone else lived through a 2 or 3 day power cut?


:wave: MEMEMEMEME!!!!!


I have - but we didn't loot the streets- we put some candles on and played Scrabble.


And I wasn't even middle-class


Well there's your mistake, right there. Instead of acting like human beings you should have gone looting and got yourself a new telly.... not that you could have watched it during a power cut.

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:wave: MEMEMEMEME!!!!!




Well there's your mistake, right there. Instead of acting like human beings you should have gone looting and got yourself a new telly.... not that you could have watched it during a power cut.


Even if the thought had occured to me to tramp for about an hour through a blizzard, I doubt the local sub post office would have had that much worth stealing.


A few chocolate bars and stamps aside.

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