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We're designing Gauntanamo Bay 2 right now.


"You'll like it so much you won't leave" is the slogan.


Quite catchy I thought.


Remember and get old shipping containers, and Shania Twain CD's, and sleep deprivation devices, and a nice set of powerful speakers, the ultimate mind game, breaking the will and crushing the spirit of the most hardened of the mujahideen.

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Remember and get old shipping containers, and Shania Twain CD's, and sleep deprivation devices, and a nice set of powerful speakers, the ultimate mind game, breaking the will and crushing the spirit of the most hardened of the mujahideen.

My mate listens to Shania Twain on his tape player while he potters about with his sprint car in his garage. His radio doesn't work and I reckon it has been played over and over for at least 5 years. He has ears of steel.

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My mate listens to Shania Twain on his tape player while he potters about with his sprint car in his garage. His radio doesn't work and I reckon it has been played over and over for at least 5 years. He has ears of steel.


Louis Theroux reckons it genuinely crushes the spirit of people.


I have to agree, there are subliminal messages in it, like Judas Priest LP's when you played them backwards.


After which, you'd self harm and become a full time devil worshipper.


I can see your mate topping himself, this is his cry for help.

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