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Following on from that awkward tosser with the census, other than English and jibberish yadda yadda, anyone speak any foreign languages?


Did French at school, but I've forgotten a large amount of it. Would like to learn another language though, it's just getting round to it.

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Following on from that awkward tosser with the census, other than English and jibberish yadda yadda, anyone speak any foreign languages?


Did French at school, but I've forgotten a large amount of it. Would like to learn another language though, it's just getting round to it.


Speak some French, not conversational which makes it worthless, can ask a question but can't understand the answer, some ees.


Also was speaking a bit of Russian for a while, since I was in Russia for a while.


What a f**king hellhole that place is.

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nae bad at the nederlands

pish poor it frog

did gerry at school, forgotten most of it.


One thing I learned living abroad was everyone is the same when it comes to how they act in other countries. Loads of Germans invade Scheveningen during the summer, it reminds them of the good old days and they still believe the bikes are free, anyhoo... Standing outside my house and 4 German tourists come up to me and ask in their best German "spraak en ze deutsch", nee i answered, Engels? Trying to give them a couple of options. But instead of trying the dutchie or a bit of pigeon English they proceeded to shout at me in their slowest voice with a hint of a daft Dutch accent "WO IST DER STRAND BITTE" It was just like the English in Spain. C-A-N I H-A-V-E 20 BENISONS AND HEDGESES por va vor, tis por va vor is it Sheila, no its por favor Eric, thats what a said Sheila...

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Russian eh? Weird but fascinating country. Mentalists.


Fair like their rules in Russia.


Best part was meeting a cab driver in Volgograd (Stalingrad) who had fought in Afghanistan. Completely mental, f**ked up lad, the Russian version of a Vietnam Vet who'd been exposed to too much Agent Orange and had gone funny in the heid while also suffering Post Traumatic Stress, coupled with his overt and obsessive love of all things Hendrix.


Amyerican?" He shouted over the full blast 'Watchtower', as we fly through the streets of the one time site of the Stalingrad siege.


Na, min... Scottish, Schotlandya" , Says I.


I'M American! says the wife, helpfully, but stupidly.


AMYERIKA! He shouts, taking his hands off the wheel so he can turn around in his seat and roll up his sleeves to show us his Hendrix tats. "I LOVE JEEMEE HENDRIX!", watching the road now a secondary concern as he launched into his stories about Hendrix and Afghanistan and how awesome Russia and America are. No mention of how awesome Scotland is, which I took as a personal slight...

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Try and learn a little bit of every where i've been but normally forget just as quick.


I can currently say Hi, Good Morning, how are you, your Beautiful, in Russian.


Similar in Norwegian plus a few more day to day bits n bobs.


Could say How are you, good and not good in Hindi.


Just bought a 6 month online course in Portugese.


Fluent in bullshit!


French counting up to 100 and beyond and the usual pleasantries.


Portuguese Good morning, how are you, I'm fine, and Russian same.


Glasnaya Popka I believe in Russian is nice arse. :thumbs:

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Try and learn a little bit of every where i've been but normally forget just as quick.


I can currently say Hi, Good Morning, how are you, your Beautiful, in Russian.

Similar in Norwegian plus a few more day to day bits n bobs.


Could say How are you, good and not good in Hindi.


Just bought a 6 month online course in Portugese.


Fluent in bullshit!


I like your approach son.


''Hi, Good Morning, Me Cheespipes. How are you? Your beautiful.''


Then Sexytime. End of story and move on...


That's all you need.



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Spanish - not as fluent as I used to be, but love to speak it when I can. Just back from a fortnight in Lanzarote and spoke it all the time there. The locals love it when you speak to them in their own language and treat you in a totally different way to the English speak tourists.

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nae bad at the nederlands

pish poor it frog

did gerry at school, forgotten most of it.


One thing I learned living abroad was everyone is the same when it comes to how they act in other countries. Loads of Germans invade Scheveningen during the summer, it reminds them of the good old days and they still believe the bikes are free, anyhoo... Standing outside my house and 4 German tourists come up to me and ask in their best German "spraak en ze deutsch", nee i answered, Engels? Trying to give them a couple of options. But instead of trying the dutchie or a bit of pigeon English they proceeded to shout at me in their slowest voice with a hint of a daft Dutch accent "WO IST DER STRAND BITTE" It was just like the English in Spain. C-A-N I H-A-V-E 20 BENISONS AND HEDGESES por va vor, tis por va vor is it Sheila, no its por favor Eric, thats what a said Sheila...

Goedegmorgen, hoe is it?

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Goedegmorgen, hoe is it?




alles goed, met jou?


I used to have a little bit of fun in the coffeeshop when mates came over to visit.


Koffie verkeerd can sound like coffee f**kered. I used to ask for een coffee f**ker a.u.b when I went in, only with one of the girls, she spoke decent english and was up for a joke or 2. So when the mates came over, in I go, een coffee f**kered a.u.b what did you just say would be the question from the Scottish visitors. Yeh, coffee f**ker is a latte boys.


Take them to cremers in the centre and watch while they insulted all the staff :vader:

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Can't speak other languages really could claim bits of french but not really.


In latvia learnt "would you like a drink" "you have beautiful eyes" "do you have a condom" crossfingers.gif funnily enough was in a strip club in Aberdeen and it nearly worked on one of the strippers she was fair impressed (obviously omitted the last one).


When in Amsterdam got some lads to write down some dutch phrases for us but then for the last one have them write something nice in english and pure filth in dutch. So we went upto these girls and said something like "hi how are you" "this is a nice place" "yada yda" "I want to take you home and beast the sh*t out of your ring piece" then when they were all shocked ad stuff we'd show the paper which in english said the phrase was "you have lovely eyes" after that each one went "hahaha ohh go and tell, her this one this one" (meaning the filth) ended up meeting a whole bar full of girls through that one, quite the ice breaker. trophy.gif

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alles goed, met jou?


I used to have a little bit of fun in the coffeeshop when mates came over to visit.


Koffie verkeerd can sound like coffee f**kered. I used to ask for een coffee f**ker a.u.b when I went in, only with one of the girls, she spoke decent english and was up for a joke or 2. So when the mates came over, in I go, een coffee f**kered a.u.b what did you just say would be the question from the Scottish visitors. Yeh, coffee f**ker is a latte boys.


Take them to cremers in the centre and watch while they insulted all the staff :vader:



creamers ha ha.


i had a couple of mates who would be in there often.


did you know verkeerd is dutch for 'wrong' i think. so you order a coffee wrong. must be cuase they think the forthy milk is ot the way it should be done.


crazee dutch!

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alles goed, met jou?


I used to have a little bit of fun in the coffeeshop when mates came over to visit.


Koffie verkeerd can sound like coffee f**kered. I used to ask for een coffee f**ker a.u.b when I went in, only with one of the girls, she spoke decent english and was up for a joke or 2. So when the mates came over, in I go, een coffee f**kered a.u.b what did you just say would be the question from the Scottish visitors. Yeh, coffee f**ker is a latte boys.


Take them to cremers in the centre and watch while they insulted all the staff :vader:

We kunnen spreken deze manier en daar zal niemand kunnen begrijpen wat waren zeggen.

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creamers ha ha.


i had a couple of mates who would be in there often.


did you know verkeerd is dutch for 'wrong' i think. so you order a coffee wrong. must be cuase they think the forthy milk is ot the way it should be done.


crazee dutch!


Blue and White was my local, cremers was for the good stuff.


Bit if a hangover today, using a Celtic/Dutch remedy. Uitsmijter met Irn Bru.

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Blue and White was my local, cremers was for the good stuff.


Bit if a hangover today, using a Celtic/Dutch remedy. Uitsmijter met Irn Bru.


You should try a koopstoot(?), translated as a 'headbut' - beer and jenever chaser.


Have to say it's better than it sounds.

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