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Looking For A First Pet Idea


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Hey guys looking to get a first pet for my wee niece shes only seven so i reckon a dog is out the question


was think that maybe a cat,but i reckon the novelty will soon die,so what do you think would be a good starter for her,i havent asked her because its for her birthday


i think it would be a bit obvious if i trailed her into the pet shop for a look


so something that's easy to keep and not to expensive


cheers guys


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Hey guys looking to get a first pet for my wee niece shes only seven so i reckon a dog is out the question


was think that maybe a cat,but i reckon the novelty will soon die,so what do you think would be a good starter for her,i havent asked her because its for her birthday


i think it would be a bit obvious if i trailed her into the pet shop for a look


so something that's easy to keep and not to expensive


cheers guys



If her mother is OK with it and she has a big enough garden get some chickens.


Super friendly, easy kept and you get the bonus of eggs every morning.


My 3 year old loves the three chickens we have in the garden. Makes her day going down each morning to let them out and collect the eggs.

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If her mother is OK with it and she has a big enough garden get some chickens.


Super friendly, easy kept and you get the bonus of eggs every morning.


My 3 year old loves the three chickens we have in the garden. Makes her day going down each morning to let them out and collect the eggs.

well she does have a big garden and i suppose the fact that she could make a fun thing out of collecting eggs would be a bonus


good idea Boofon plus its something different to tell her pals about

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well she does have a big garden and i suppose the fact that she could make a fun thing out of collecting eggs would be a bonus


good idea Boofon plus its something different to tell her pals about


Garden needs to be quite secure if you let them out all day. That's more for foxes and badgers when it begins to get dark. We've a big wall surrounding our garden which is fox and badger proof due to the height. If not you can build a decent sized run using chicken wire cheap as chips and make sure they are back inside the coop before it gets to dusk.


Seriously the chickens we have are like kids themselves. Great fun.

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Something that doesn't last too long, kids get bored quickly.


I've had loads of animals over the years and think a budgie is probably the lowest maintenance out of the lot of them.


I've got a dog and cat just now but would never replace them when they pop off, just takes too much work, especially the dog.

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This came up in conversation on Friday evening.


I can't recall how we got onto the subject but J was saying how much your wee one enjoys going down to collect the eggs.



She sure does.


The sh*t is great for the compost as well. Chickens are all win win and there is no negatives to keeping them.


Even when they're deid you can use the feathers to refill a pillow or two.


Chop one of their heads off and you have a Darren Mackie impersonation.


So many uses.

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