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f**kin awful. but thats largely due to the ref giving them every single niggly little thing. it always sounds cheap to blame the ref but today he and his team played a large part in our downfall.


foster, hand back the armband and join any other club because that today was one of the worst displays of professional football from ANY player let alone someone who is meant to be the captain.


secondly, i dont mind us playing with 4 centre backs, it makes us narrow and hard to break down in theory.


4 centre mids however DOES NOT work. it makes us too narrow and gives us nowhere to move the ball. also means milsom and fyvie are totally wasted as they cant ping the ball around.


Osbourne i love however, the guy runs through anyone and didnt give up on anything. cant pass the ball 10 yards but hell brick anyone. hes the only positive thing about today for me.


vernon and mackie were absolutely absent today. Arnason was largely anonymous.


best thing about being there was the paedo chants and the creative way the dandies abused the home "support".


personal favourite was to the tune of the music man

"i play with children.....

pedo pedo pedophile pedophile pedophile"


or "your only here for the children....here for the children"


thats the sad thing however, we had more laughs singing than we got enjoyment from any 5 mins of football today

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Good seeing you today robbo! Aberdeen were awful today, there is no getting round it. Started brightly, Kari was unlucky with the header but then heed and arse go at the same time. Yet another lapse on concentration for goals 1 and 3.


Foster- better player my arse, 4 games in and the lad looks worse than ever.

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f**kin awful. but thats largely due to the ref giving them every single niggly little thing. it always sounds cheap to blame the ref but today he and his team played a large part in our downfall.


foster, hand back the armband and join any other club because that today was one of the worst displays of professional football from ANY player let alone someone who is meant to be the captain.


secondly, i dont mind us playing with 4 centre backs, it makes us narrow and hard to break down in theory.


4 centre mids however DOES NOT work. it makes us too narrow and gives us nowhere to move the ball. also means milsom and fyvie are totally wasted as they cant ping the ball around.


Osbourne i love however, the guy runs through anyone and didnt give up on anything. cant pass the ball 10 yards but hell brick anyone. hes the only positive thing about today for me.


vernon and mackie were absolutely absent today. Arnason was largely anonymous.


best thing about being there was the paedo chants and the creative way the dandies abused the home "support".


personal favourite was to the tune of the music man

"i play with children.....

pedo pedo pedophile pedophile pedophile"


or "your only here for the children....here for the children"


thats the sad thing however, we had more laughs singing than we got enjoyment from any 5 mins of football today

Pretty much agree with everything apart from Arneson, thought he looked good and a class above most.


There was never 3 goals between the teams. The goals aside, Gonzales had very little to do apart from 2 free kicks from Grainger.


Finisher and creative player needed, Milne NEEDS to dip in to his pocket sharpish.

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And the steward getting twatted at HT... nothing else of any value or enjoyment on display today... Pure utter unimaginative sh*te...


good shout, forgot about the steward. i thought it was a fan in the front row at 1st the way the players were coming over to check but then realised it was just a steward. laughed at the 1st aider checking to see if he had a concussion. a) its a football and b) it wasnt exactly a rocket


only other good thing was the 2 little hearts mascots during the warm up. 7 year old boy was a class act. ball up to his knee but it didnt stop him launching the long passes around. the little girl looked decent aswell. (trying to nae sound like craig thomson here :unsure: )


i cant get over how easily the hearts players were going down all afternoon. slightest touch and they were crumpling and holding their face.


Jonson at the end was a prime example, he goes down holding his face rolling around making you think hes been elbowed in the chops....then the physio is checking out his ribs. f**king cheating pricks

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foster had 1 pass that cemented my hatred of him in the 1st half.


ball gets played down our left side and all foster has to do is roll is casually back to gonzales but instead he smashes it cross field towards mcardle but gives it away.


then in the 2nd when he tries to dribble from LB through the CBs and gives it away. then starts shouting at everyone else that they arent making angles for him.


pain in the arse.


watching it again on alba now for some reason. still laughing at "pedo's, gee us a song"

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Gonzalez couldn't really be faulted.

Considine, Foster, Mawene, McArdle all useless.

Arnason unlucky wth his header early doors and that long throw is a great weapon.

Osbourne is a f**king solid and committed guy.

As if it wasn't bad enough for young Fyvie to be playing in such a poor side, he's now being wasted at right midfield. To fulfil his obvious potential he should jump at the first decent offer down south.

Milson clearly the most skilful player in the side but is being relied upon too heavily.

Vernon and Mackie useless without proper service e.g. replacement for Maguire/Aluko.

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Have to say I thought we were the better team for long periods of the game but like Craig Thomson's girlfriends we had nothing up top.

We desperately need at least a one striker and a wide player asap. And whilst you may admire Brown's loyalty to some of the current players it's clear that the team he inherited needed a much bigger overhaul than has happened to date.

There has to be more funds released to Brown soon or the club is in danger of becoming irreparable.

On a brighter note I thought all of Brown's signings ate showing promise so I do have confidence that given the chance Brown can bring in the right players. He just has to be given thatchance soon.

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Yeah watched it on Alba too and have to say that we really ARE going to struggle to score goals this season on that evidence. WTF is the point in playing 4 centre mids against a team like Hearts? And McCardle was getting raped time and time again by Templeton, so Brown you have to get a full-back signed before the end of the transfer window and most definitely a creative midfielder and striker. The few times we did get into the Hearts penalty area Vernon and Mackie f**ked up.

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f**kin awful. but thats largely due to the ref giving them every single niggly little thing. it always sounds cheap to blame the ref but today he and his team played a large part in our downfall.


foster, hand back the armband and join any other club because that today was one of the worst displays of professional football from ANY player let alone someone who is meant to be the captain.


secondly, i dont mind us playing with 4 centre backs, it makes us narrow and hard to break down in theory.


4 centre mids however DOES NOT work. it makes us too narrow and gives us nowhere to move the ball. also means milsom and fyvie are totally wasted as they cant ping the ball around.


Osbourne i love however, the guy runs through anyone and didnt give up on anything. cant pass the ball 10 yards but hell brick anyone. hes the only positive thing about today for me.


vernon and mackie were absolutely absent today. Arnason was largely anonymous.


best thing about being there was the paedo chants and the creative way the dandies abused the home "support".


personal favourite was to the tune of the music man

"i play with children.....

pedo pedo pedophile pedophile pedophile"


or "your only here for the children....here for the children"


thats the sad thing however, we had more laughs singing than we got enjoyment from any 5 mins of football today


Did you see the second goal? Having a centre back at full back was the reason they scored it! McArdle is useless at right back - Templeton skinned him.

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Please, Mr Brown, fix it for me so McArdle is not playing right back.


Then take it from there.



Did you see the second goal? Having a centre back at full back was the reason they scored it! McArdle is useless at right back - Templeton skinned him.

Above, from page one of the mini huns v Dons thread. He is a liability at RB.

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We were so far on top of the game up to the first goal, but just absolutely nothing to show for it, with the final third letting us down yet again.


Probably was a free-kick for their first, but Fyvie should have picked up one of their left sided players, instead of complaining at the ref and then blocking a quick free-kick to anywhere other than the very place them taking a quick free-kick would be a danger. All too easy to go from there, cross in and poor defending there.


Thereafter, we went to pot. Not surprising it was down their left side repeatedly with Templeton up against McArdle, out of position. Foster was dire, not helped by his complete inability to use his left foot it seems.


Arnason and Osbourne the only to get near enough passmarks by the end. So little of their play went through the middle, with Osbourne getting in to challenges (unfairly penalised on a couple of occasions) and Arnason always wanting the ball and using it well. Fyvie and Milsom were both wasted out on the wings (Milsom also pissed me off with being a pussy so often and shirking challenges). Magennis did more than Vernon and Mackie combined in a fraction of the time, but that is more reflective of how poor the other two player's contributions than his being good.


Simply, we need 3 more players minimum. Left back, left winger and a striker. If we don't get them, we are in for bottom 6 mediocricity again.

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Its a sad state of affairs when we an ex goalie and Fyvie virtually playing CF when we were chasing the game. Really hoped we could pull it back when Pawlett came on but he looked like a timid lassie, well compared to Osbourne anybody would just only wish he had a bit more pace and could pass 5 yards. In one way I don't think we deserved to lose by 3 but if you don't take chances they you always get punished. Game 4 and I think I will be giving it a miss until they hopefully show some improvement.


Best part today apart from steward getting walloped was Big Josh's fiji at Foster, he feckin deserved it as well. Foster is on a sticky one with a lot of fans already

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sh*te, best bit of the game was getting threatened to be "smashed" for saying Mackie was unlucky when he done well and got two great tackles put in on him.

Ok i know Mackie's hardly a lot of folks favourite player and i've lambasted him myself but you're saying you get threatened for making a positive comment about one of our own players? f**king hell :o And we wonder why players don't want to sign for us as well.

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Gonzalez - Made some decent stops today, but was never going to prevent any of the goals. 6/10


McArdle - Simply not a RB. I hope to never see him in that position again, but know I probably will. That however is no excuse for the tree times he mis-kicked the ball and it flew in to the Wheatfield Stand. That's basic stuff. 5/10


Mawene - It's obvious that this guy reads the game well, but he got caught out for the second goal, leaving John Sutton to try and close down Templeton's ball across the box. 6/10


Considine - Had a fairly solid game, although he did make one or two poor passes from the back when he had plenty of time to pick somebody out. 6/10


Foster - Thought he would have learned his lesson about cutting inside from full back last week, but he got caught out like he did against Celtic on two occasions today, the second very nearly costing us another goal. Passing was pretty poor for most of the game and every time it seemed sensible for him to run down the wing he never did it, and when he wasn't required to he would do it. 5/10


Fyvie - Very poor today. Not helped by the fact he was again being played out of position. Missed a sitter in the second half, think it was before they went 3-0 up. Could have changed things then. 5/10


Milsom - A decent performance, but just not suited to the wing. At times he was again pulling out of challenges that he would have probably won which was frustrating to see. 6/10


Osbourne - Got stuck in there. Probably a but lucky not to have been punished for a tackle on Templeton where he went right over the ball, but had an ok game all round. 6/10


Arnason - Again he stood out for me. Yes there was some instances of poor passing, but he wins the ball, decent enough dribbler given his position and isn't scare about going in to a tackle. 6/10


Mackie - Didn't have much of an effect at all. Apart from that header in the 1st half that just went wide he rarely threatened. Him and Vernon just don't seem to be able to work together. 5/10


Vernon - Desperately needs a creative striker next to him, totally anonymous without one. 5/10




Pawlett - Probably the most attacking player in the team, but again he's not the type who's going to beat a man in the sense that Templeton does for Hearts. 5/10

Magennis - Amazes me that for all his height and his build that he never seems favourite to win a header. Didn't really make any imapact. 4/10

Jack - Nothing to report. 2/10


Overall...the same problems we've been pointing out since before the season even began. Left back, left winger and striker needed. We're going nowhere until at least the last two positions are filled. 4 games in and no goals scored is an embarrassing statistic.

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He'll be afforded the same chances as every other player, skipper or not. I judge players firstly on their own performance. I've seen enough of him over 8+ to be convinced in my own mind it's a disastrous appointment. I can pretty much guarantee, the first slack pass, the first error which leads to losing a goal he'll look round to point the finger at the first young scapegoat, leading to resentment.

Best part today apart from steward getting walloped was Big Josh's fiji at Foster, he feckin deserved it as well. Foster is on a sticky one with a lot of fans already

Foster - Thought he would have learned his lesson about cutting inside from full back last week, but he got caught out like he did against Celtic on two occasions today, the second very nearly costing us another goal. Passing was pretty poor for most of the game and every time it seemed sensible for him to run down the wing he never did it, and when he wasn't required to he would do it. 5/10

I hate being a "I told you so" type, but, I told you so. After 8 years of his sh*te, the people who believed, because he had a season at rangers would automatically improve him as a player were quite simply deluded.

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I'd say his passing, receiving and carrying of the ball. What is a major problem is that he doesn't seem to have taken the decision making on board with this and likes to carry the ball a bit too much in to danger areas when he is playing left back (to get on to his stronger right foot).


I am not saying he is a top player or anything, but anyone who doesn't see some improvement in him technically between the player that left a year ago and now is wrong in my opinion.

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secondly, i dont mind us playing with 4 centre backs, it makes us narrow and hard to break down in theory.




Did you see the second goal? Having a centre back at full back was the reason they scored it! McArdle is useless at right back - Templeton skinned him.



oh i agree, thats why i said in theory. see it all the time where a CB will play at FB and copes okay. however the fact that were STILL persisting with mcardle at RB into a 2nd season is beyond a joke.


seems i missed something in arnason today as everyone else seems to be rating him quite highly.


ill get lynched for this but says it all when i said to the mrs i wanted us to take off foster and a) put considine to LB b) arnason to CB c) milsom to CM and d) bring on chris clark to play LW.


go 433/451. get some width going and attack them down both flanks

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I'd say his passing, receiving and carrying of the ball. What is a major problem is that he doesn't seem to have taken the decision making on board with this and likes to carry the ball a bit too much in to danger areas when he is playing left back (to get on to his stronger right foot).


I am not saying he is a top player or anything, but anyone who doesn't see some improvement in him technically between the player that left a year ago and now is wrong in my opinion.



Passing? Seriously?


The way he receives the ball? What does that even mean?


I'm sorry. I realise people have favourites, and he is one of yours. I respect that. But in my opinion it was the only thing McGhee did right in his tenure, was actively getting shot of him. For Brown to make this sub standard even for our standard, as the skipper of our club, is a crazy, crazy decision.

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oh i agree, thats why i said in theory. see it all the time where a CB will play at FB and copes okay. however the fact that were STILL persisting with mcardle at RB into a 2nd season is beyond a joke.


seems i missed something in arnason today as everyone else seems to be rating him quite highly.


ill get lynched for this but says it all when i said to the mrs i wanted us to take off foster and a) put considine to LB b) arnason to CB c) milsom to CM and d) bring on chris clark to play LW.


go 433/451. get some width going and attack them down both flanks


Centre backs at full back is a recipe for disaster. Might get away with it against a side who don't have natural wingers, but against most sides it will never ever work. For me, that was one of tue major contributing factors to McGhee's disastrous tenure with us.


However, given our resources today, I agree somewhat with you about shuffling the defence to cope with Hearts. I'd have pushed Considine to left back and Foster to right back, with McArdle joining Mawene at centre half. Foster would have coped better against Templeton than McArdle did, and Considine at left back would have been ok because Hearts didn't really threaten down the right as much as they did on the left.

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Passing? Seriously?


The way he receives the ball? What does that even mean?


I'm sorry. I realise people have favourites, and he is one of yours. I respect that. But in my opinion it was the only thing McGhee did right in his tenure, was actively getting shot of him. For Brown to make this sub standard even for our standard, as the skipper of our club, is a crazy, crazy decision.


Passing, aye. I think has been evident, especially at right back, that his passing has improved. Again, not a world beater at passing but much improved.


As for receiving, this is a guy who regularly either missed a pass straight to him, or take a few attempts to control. Again, I think that aspect of his game has improved.


As for my favourites, as I have said before, it has been his willingness to fill gaps and put in full effort in a team that was better that put him amongst my favourites, more a mocking love than a great respect of his ability as a footballer.


He has improved technically in his time at Rangers, that is my only point really. Oh, and will be a useful right back for us should we hopefully get a left back.


As for the captaincy, I am firmly in the not too sure camp on that one. There must have been reasoning from pre-season and training behind the decision from Brown. There is hardly a great amount of obvious captains in the squad either.

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