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There is no need to put the boot into Fyvie. This reeks of reaction and lashing out at everything because of the sad state of affairs at the club.


Lets at least TRY to keep the head and NOT throw the baby out with the bathwater eh?


He's been played out of position so far and is not that long back from injury. I think in spells he has looked birght but needs to play through the middle even if that means he starts on the bench for now and comes on to replace milsom or osbourne etc when the are tiring in games.


As usual it all comes back to the lack of depth and quality in our squad. Decent players are played out of position and others who shouldn't be there at all are played week after week.


McArdle - Should not be played at FB. Is a contender for CB - probably as good as considine in that position.

Foster - has proven he is poor at FB. not sure where he should be played to be honest, but given our lack of width maybe we shoud stick him on the wing for a game or 2. Otherwise not sure he should really be on the pitch given current form.

Magennis - should not ever be on the wing and probably should be kept to replacing vernon as the target man in games.

Mackie - given his form this year should not be in the team at all IMO. he is at best a sub and when he hits a goal or two you might give him some starts while his confidence is high. Should not be given weeks in the first team of playing poorly in an attempt to build his confidence - we can't afford to.

Fyvie - is a CM, please leave off playing the lad on the wing or at CF as he does not need the pressure.


If we had more quality in depth and the missing positions, as discussed at great length then these guys would not be starting games out of position.

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There is no need to put the boot into Fyvie. This reeks of reaction and lashing out at everything because of the sad state of affairs at the club.


Lets at least TRY to keep the head and NOT throw the baby out with the bathwater eh?


He's been played out of position so far and is not that long back from injury. I think in spells he has looked birght but needs to play through the middle even if that means he starts on the bench for now and comes on to replace milsom or osbourne etc when the are tiring in games.


As usual it all comes back to the lack of depth and quality in our squad. Decent players are played out of position and others who shouldn't be there at all are played week after week.


McArdle - Should not be played at FB. Is a contender for CB - probably as good as considine in that position.

Foster - has proven he is poor at FB. not sure where he should be played to be honest, but given our lack of width maybe we shoud stick him on the wing for a game or 2. Otherwise not sure he should really be on the pitch given current form.

Magennis - should not ever be on the wing and probably should be kept to replacing vernon as the target man in games.

Mackie - given his form this year should not be in the team at all IMO. he is at best a sub and when he hits a goal or two you might give him some starts while his confidence is high. Should not be given weeks in the first team of playing poorly in an attempt to build his confidence - we can't afford to.

Fyvie - is a CM, please leave off playing the lad on the wing or at CF as he does not need the pressure.


If we had more quality in depth and the missing positions, as discussed at great length then these guys would not be starting games out of position.


Top post..... :applause:


I think Foster and McArdle should be on the bench. Have never rated either and find it astonishing CB gave Foster the captain arm band!! Is never a leader.


There is no doubt we need another 2 or 3 signings. A striker, a winger and a FB.

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