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Dufc In Trouble

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Old news as in everyone associated with United, including the fans, knew every penny of his transfer fee would go to the bank. Only his salary would be freed up for any transfer.


Well, United's in better shape than us... less debt, almost 3 million for 1 player, and his wage put towards his replacement.


And they don't have to sell their stadium just to keep the wolves at bay....


And they have a board that actually seems to give a f**k about their club.


Only thing we have over United is a better support.

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Well, United's in better shape than us... less debt, almost 3 million for 1 player, and his wage put towards his replacement.


And they don't have to sell their stadium just to keep the wolves at bay....


And they have a board that actually seems to give a f**k about their club.


Only thing we have over United is a better support.

And we play in red! Who the fuck wants a tangerine replica top?

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I also forgot... we don't play/live in Dundee, so that's a major factor we have over United.


Whiskey Ice Cubes.... that's f**king genius....!


As I was typing that first bit the idea of Jack Daniels ice cubes just came to me.


Think I'll make a tray of them right now.



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Well, United's in better shape than us... less debt, almost 3 million for 1 player, and his wage put towards his replacement.

7 players brought in and an 8th sanctioned by Wiggy, seems we're pretty well off in that department, not as we are this summer, in the position of having to sell anyone


And they don't have to sell their stadium just to keep the wolves at bay....
Neither do AFC. And unlike the Arabs, we have a brand new spaning stadium just a matter of months away, rather than a sticklebrick piece of sh*t. We also don;t have a Chairman with no money left at all.


And they have a board that actually seems to give a f**k about their club.
Although said board don't have a penny to rub between them


Only thing we have over United is a better support.

And a better ground, much better future ground, wealthier Chariman, a better history, more trophies won, and we are not in Dundee :sherlock:
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I think the greater issue with United is that if the Thomsons are unwilling to give any personal guarantees then they will be less open to continuing the same level of lending. With Aberdeen we know that they aren't going to call it in any time soon, even if it is considerablely higher...

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7 players brought in and an 8th sanctioned by Wiggy, seems we're pretty well off in that department, not as we are this summer, in the position of having to sell anyone


Neither do AFC. And unlike the Arabs, we have a brand new spaning stadium just a matter of months away, rather than a sticklebrick piece of sh*t. We also don;t have a Chairman with no money left at all.


Although said board don't have a penny to rub between them


And a better ground, much better future ground, wealthier Chariman, a better history, more trophies won, and we are not in Dundee :sherlock:



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7 players brought in and an 8th sanctioned by Wiggy, seems we're pretty well off in that department, not as we are this summer, in the position of having to sell anyone


We lost a shitload of our high earners and haven't replaced them.


Neither do AFC. And unlike the Arabs, we have a brand new spaning stadium just a matter of months away,


:hysterical: Believe that when you see it.


We also don;t have a Chairman with no money left at all.


Our chairman has 400 million.... he may as well be skint for all the good his fortune does us.


Although said board don't have a penny to rub between them


See above.


And a better ground,


Well, yeah, but is AIDS better than Ebola? It's relative , given they're both dumps.


much better future ground,


:hysterical: Believe that when you see it.


wealthier Chariman


He has a net worth of 400 million, but he may as well be skint for all the good his vast wealth does us.... deja vu.


, a better history, more trophies won,


Been a long time since anyone saw us win a trophy :(


and we are not in Dundee :sherlock:


Can't deny the benefits of not being Dundonian....

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At least we can console ourselves we dinna have a hun-lovin chairman who's prepared to take the side of Rangers FC, an organisation on a par with Hezbollah, over his own supporters.


He's a clown, and it's guys like him that have allowed Scottish football to sink into this rut, by kow-towing to the Glasgow clubs, when the stance taken should be the polar opposite i.e. outright contempt and total confrontation of their nonsense at all times.

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How much debt do we have as a club??



It doesnt matter how much debt you have - the only thing that matters is an ability to keep the banks happy that you can pay it


Dundee United have a smaller debt than us but seem to be struggling to persuade the bank of an ability to pay, hearts have a much bigger debt yest are able to persuade the bank they can pay


so basically when ever anyone asks what our debt is they are asking the wrong question, the question is what is our ability to keep the bank happy we can continue to pay our debt


Answer for Dundee United seems "not much"


Answer for Aberdeen seems "fair"


Answer for hearts seems "good" (they just need to persuade others of the fact)

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Yet, conversely, and somewhat bizarrely, the banks ability to cover their own debts was in question for some time recently, yet they continue to pulverise the likes of ourselves with exorbitant interest rates for the money they deign to lend us.


Yet the taxpayer lends them the bailout FOC (I think there is some benefit to it but not for 25 years).


You could not make it up.

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Yet, conversely, and somewhat bizarrely, the banks ability to cover their own debts was in question for some time recently, yet they continue to pulverise the likes of ourselves with exorbitant interest rates for the money they deign to lend us.


Yet the taxpayer lends them the bailout FOC (I think there is some benefit to it but not for 25 years).


You could not make it up.



There was always a beleif that banks could not fail so runing up massive debt was ok - been showed to be true as there has been no real punishment and a bail out. Big failing of PFI is that the companies doing the work will not bne allowed to fail so loans flood in cheaply


Thats a discussion for Off topic BUT Dundee united has unsustainably been paying over the odds for sometime no doubt BFA will tell us the books have been good but much of that was due to arkwright year on year issuing more shares and pumping capital into the club that way - his share owning went through the roof to provide funds. There always was a finitie amoun of cash, it was speculate to accumulate or a plaything in later life i dont know, I would suggest the latter and now its crashing down



Live within means as far as possible though not something to make most happy is a better motto, likely to keep the bank onside and keep you going forward you can even increase debt so long as the bank believs you can continue to service the debt

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Borrowing up to the eyeballs is de rigeur in football now, as it has been in life for some.


I can understand it when it comes to building training facilities or stadiums, but running up massive credit to fund transfer sprees (Liverpool, Leeds, Rangers) is criminally stupid, and cannot possibly represent coherent long term strategy.


United seem to have spent the money they owe on their squad. So I've zero sympathy for them.

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