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The Celebration Of The Thicko

Bobby Connor

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OK Bobby..trying to stay on topic...I remember when Lynn fae aiberdeen was a house-mate...circa turn of the millenium-ish...


I knew that quine..had a few baby-chams and some ither stuff with her and a few ither radges and hoors when it was customary to stay up for 40 hours every party...So I gets involved with Big bro cos I feel I have a stake in it...I'm disgusted with myself...so I head for Union Terrace toilets (ken..the underground hoor)...The steward asked me what I was wishing to partake in his wonderful establishment..I says "I'm just trying to exorcise my obsession with Big brother" min!


"Fourth cubicle on the right then..just past the felating homosexuals..the sleeping hoor, and the heroin enthusiast..."


And I did manage to get over it...


But on my way out ...I heard him say to a freen...


"phukk sakes min! when someone comes in here for a shyitte....



It's like a breath of fresh air!)

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OK Bobby..trying to stay on topic...I remember when Lynn fae aiberdeen was a house-mate...circa turn of the millenium-ish...


I knew that quine..had a few baby-chams and some ither stuff with her and a few ither radges and hoors when it was customary to stay up for 40 hours every party...So I gets involved with Big bro cos I feel I have a stake in it...I'm disgusted with myself...so I head for Union Terrace toilets (ken..the underground hoor)...The steward asked me what I was wishing to partake in his wonderful establishment..I says "I'm just trying to exorcise my obsession with Big brother" min!


"Fourth cubicle on the right then..just past the felating homosexuals..the sleeping hoor, and the heroin enthusiast..."


And I did manage to get over it...


But on my way out ...I heard him say to a freen...


"phukk sakes min! when someone comes in here for a shyitte....



It's like a breath of fresh air!)








Hugh , I had just read the preface and intro to your brither's book when it was snaffled from under my nose by one of my progeny....I hope to take it with me on our Terry Reid weekend.






Never got into Big Brother....lack the patience/endurance.....too old mebbe but doubt if a younger me wid hiv liked it ony mair.....nae when there's so much good music to get into.



Big Brother's jist a racket.

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