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A Comparison That Will Make Things Seem Better.

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It's not just the midfield that is stronger - we are better at the back as well IMO.


We are, however, undoubtedly weaker up front.


Pawlett may exceed Aluko, but he may not.


Chalali may exceed Maguire, but he may not.


Hopefully one or two more in to improve the quality in these areas and we'll be stronger in every area than last season.


I'd certainly say Brown and Knox are an improvment on McGhee and Leitch.

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Yeh things are so much better now from the days of the invisible midfield and losing games.


Now we have a defensive midfield and are still losing games.


Dont care how much better things look on paper, only care about the league position and performances. The league position isnt improving and while we played alright against a poor Rangers that doesnt cover the gaping holes we have in our squad.


Come back and tell us how bright things are when we are 4th and winning more than losing

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Aye, but...we canna score goals.


And have failed to in 5 out of 6 league games.


So all those improvements actually mean sweet fxck all until we start sorting that out.




True BUT we arent a long way off having a really good team


We seem to be taking time to gel and go about our business well but I am seeing players come on leaps and bounds Osbourne for instance as he get used to the SPL style of play is an absolute revelation at the moment as is arnasson - compare either to the opening day and you would have to say they are getting to grips with game here (I know arnasson only had a short spell in the ST J game)


Both look the best duo we have had in the centre of the pitch for the last what 10 years maybe more at the moment i am dying to see how they come on for us its difficult at the moment to think of a midifleder who is a better tackler than osbourne his timing is excellent


Without doubt we are misfiring up front - but this can be a very confidence based position - if we can start getting vernon scoring he can go on and get more.


I am genuinly getting quite excited about what we could do if we start getting it right

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True BUT we arent a long way off having a really good team


We seem to be taking time to gel and go about our business well but I am seeing players come on leaps and bounds Osbourne for instance as he get used to the SPL style of play is an absolute revelation at the moment as is arnasson - compare either to the opening day and you would have to say they are getting to grips with game here (I know arnasson only had a short spell in the ST J game)


Both look the best duo we have had in the centre of the pitch for the last what 10 years maybe more at the moment i am dying to see how they come on for us its difficult at the moment to think of a midifleder who is a better tackler than osbourne his timing is excellent


Without doubt we are misfiring up front - but this can be a very confidence based position - if we can start getting vernon scoring he can go on and get more.


I am genuinly getting quite excited about what we could do if we start getting it right


Yeah Bambi.

I get all that you're saying.

And I'm pretty much in agreement with it.

I'm hopeful too.


Just the bare facts of the league table and the goals for column made that post of mine...in the face of such optimism (but plumbing SPL depths) sort of...like I had to.


We really do need more up front. We really need some natural width and crativity. And a natural full back or two would take the pressure off of central defence...I know we are not going to have all those addressed in the next couple of days. Will probably have to make do with Foster and Clark (if he ever gets fit!) at FB. But hopefully the creative/striking element will be addressed. Brown has hinted as much. I think!

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