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Conspiracy Files - 9/11 Ten Years On


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question - why have the terrorists not done more things like this?


Mostly because flying a Cessna is difficult. Flying a modern airliner is utterly, utterly impossible without months of training. The hijackers responsible for 9/11 spent a very long time (and a huge amount of money) training to gain the knowledge required. That kind of activity will never again go unnoticed.


As for the Pensylvannia flight being shot down ... Utterly impossible.

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Having been in New York at the start of the month and visiting Ground Zero, the 9/11 museum and hearing stories from locals, it kind of made everything about 9/11 real to me.


Having seen numerous television programmes, countless conspiracy videos on YouTube etc, I got really interested in the whole conspiracy theory topic, but I now find it very difficult to see past the tragedy of the whole event and even begin to think that a government would do such a thing to its own people, whether they did it or not.

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The BBC, a fundamentally Zionist entity, of course would have no vested interest whatsoever in re-affirmation of the party line.


Load of sh*te, I never watched it, and I'm 100% certain that those in high office in both our own and the US government knew exactly what was happening that day and chose to let it happen. There are simply far too many glaring holes in their story for it to have a hope of being true, couple that with their form in other departments for blatant theft and lies and you get the picture, these people are totally untrustworthy and if you use as a starting point a belief that whatever they say, the exact opposite is likely to be true, you won't go far wrong.

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Load of sh*te, I never watched it,


Well there's a shock!


BBC Zionist?? Really? Normally they are accused of being a mouthpiece for the PLO.


With your unfounded mistrust of government you sound exactly like the tea party nut jobs from the states. Strange bedfellows indeed.

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The BBC, a fundamentally Zionist entity, of course would have no vested interest whatsoever in re-affirmation of the party line.


Load of sh*te, I never watched it, and I'm 100% certain that those in high office in both our own and the US government knew exactly what was happening that day and chose to let it happen. There are simply far too many glaring holes in their story for it to have a hope of being true, couple that with their form in other departments for blatant theft and lies and you get the picture, these people are totally untrustworthy and if you use as a starting point a belief that whatever they say, the exact opposite is likely to be true, you won't go far wrong.


Yes, but conspiracy theorists are generally c**ts.


Its a lose/lose.

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Yes, but conspiracy theorists are generally c**ts.


Its a lose/lose.


But why is it a 'conspiracy' theory? Who labels it that, and rubbishes it's exponents is the question you must ask yourself.


To my mind, it's simply an 'alternative' theory, a healthy concept given the duplicity of governments throughout history.

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sorry? why do u ask that?






have u watched that doc?



The Flight Data Recorder (as its name suggests) records technical data regarding the aircraft in flight. It measures a huge number of variables; height, airspeed, engine power levels, thrust, control surface commands, secondary flight system configurations (flaps, spoilers, etc).


In other words, it's watching what the aircraft is doing not only in regards to the pilot inputs, but external factors as well. If a headwind reduces overall airspeed, for example, that'll be reflected on the FDR.


The FDR recorded all systems as operating normally until United 93 smacked into Terra Firma. It recorded the nose-down input from the flight column, and it recorded the elevator positions that caused the nose-down attitude which led to the crash.


The defining characteristic of an air-to-air missile, or a chin-mounted gun, is it tends to cause damage. It tends to rip things off, shred things, or otherwise smash sh*t up.


If United 93 had been shot down, the FDR would have recorded progressive system failures and / or malfunctions as damage progressed from a hypothetical missile / gun impact. Since the FDR measures functionality over time, the fact that all function was retained until moment of impact means that United 93 being shot down was, as I said, impossible.


Throw in the Cockpit Voice Recorder, which would almost certainly have included some sort of reference to being thrown about the cockpit as imagined missiles struck home or gatling guns raked the fuselage, and you can put that particular conspiracy theory straight to bed.

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But why is it a 'conspiracy' theory? Who labels it that, and rubbishes it's exponents is the question you must ask yourself.


To my mind, it's simply an 'alternative' theory, a healthy concept given the duplicity of governments throughout history.


In all honesty though, why do folk nae let this sh*t die?


Do you really give a f**k?

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Has anyone actually been to Ground Zero and seen the scale of the place? Was there 2002/03 for New Year, and couldnt believe the sheer scale of what had happened.


Will also visit at the end of this year. Missus used to stay in New York on a years uni placement, and still has her ticket stub for WTC - 7th Sep 2001 - scary stuff.

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Anyone who has followed the progression of PNAC would be of the mind, as I am, that a 'coincidence' like 911 was a foregone conclusion.


I'd have been more surprised if it hadn't occured.


Incidentally, there's no conspiracy attached to PNAC. It's a documented group which made up a significant, and powerful, portion of the 'Bush' government.

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kinda proves my point, eh?


you dont need to do thing on a massive scale like the two towers.


how easy would it have been for a guy with a backpack to run into the crowds at the royal wedding, for example


or get into a big scale footie match with something strapped to them?

No, the opposite ya balloon
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I thought 9/11 had something to do with Princess Di? wasn't she like carrying Michael Jacksons baby at the time and was also trying to hide important information about the "faked" moon landings?


Aye, the half alien/half black-white baby she was carrying had information about the moon landing encoded into it genes. It was rumoured to occassionally eject information from it's arse and little scrolls were recieved into it's nappy.



A load of shyte if you ask me, but you never know.

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