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Mid-Life Crisis


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Tomorrow eh hit the big 4-0


Eh've done a lot of reflecting over the last year or so, and while eh've no gone and bought myself a sports car or run off wi an 18 year old, eh guess in my own way eh've done a lot of evaluating of my life so far.


Things like:


-Going to the fitba and realising eh'm no only older than the players, but also the manager (at Brann).

-Laughing at a boy at work wi red breeks on only to be telt that they are the height of fashion. They're still funny, but am eh that out of touch?

-No finding a radio station that plays my music (except in Florida).

-Shaking my heid at fitba players wi tons of tattoos

-Doing an online test thingy to find out who eh should vote for in the upcoming council elections and finding out it is the Pensioner's Party :wtf:


Worst of all is realising over the last few years that eh can charm the pants off of jist about any burd eh want. For years eh didnae have the confidence, but now, no word of a lie, eh can pick any burd of any age and get right in there. Bit late tho :(


On the other hand, eh'm happy wi my domestic situ what wi a great burd and 2 beautiful bairns, got a great hoose, and joab that is so-so but pays well and a business eh own part of.



Eh ken most fowk on here are young whippersnappers, and Nixx was mostly likely a bit busy fighting in the Great War when he turned 40, so how have the rest of ye dealt wi it?

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Worst of all is realising over the last few years that eh can charm the pants off of jist about any burd eh want. For years eh didnae have the confidence, but now, no word of a lie, eh can pick any burd of any age and get right in there. Bit late tho :(


On the other hand, eh'm happy wi my domestic situ what wi a great burd and 2 beautiful bairns







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Thats not nice Roberto, Town of Bergen is a lovely chap, i can vouch for this last time i spied on his lovely home.


He loves the Rock

Has a minature Cock

Been known to drink vast litres of Hock.


There Sir, have a freshly made up birthday ditty. :thumbs:


Happy Birthday ye old hoor, your free to join my Hells Angels group any time you want.(current members 1)


do you have to be over 40 to join your club mr pipes?

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Tomorrow eh hit the big 4-0




40 is f u c k al.....and waaay too early for a mid-life crisis , ByenEBergen. :)


I had some 'disorder' at 48 - 49 which might be described as 'mid-life crisis' but my GP didnae diagnose it as such. The b a s t a r d s at work were unsympathetic and in no small way responsible , which all added up to the 'mother-of-all-crisis'. I still muse today about whether or not I would have had the dismal experience if the workplace had been a less destructive environment( at the time , it's fine now ).


It is debatable if such a condition exists mind and some people get it and others do not.....a bit like every other disorder then. Is it an affliction for modern man? People used to die at 40 !


My nerves were shot-to-f u c k.....which is an extremely uncomfortable condition and one specialist( I went to ARI for memory tests ) told me that what I'd had was a 'nervous breakdown'. But then the same guy said that the brain has no 'electrical activity' , something which was contradicted by my subsequent research online. Seemed to me that this guy was more depressed than I was at the time and mebbe not fit for purpose. Doctor heal thyself.



If my experience is typical a 'mid-life crisis' rages for about 6 months but can take up to several years for the symptoms to subside. If you survive intact then the axiom 'what does not kill you makes you stronger...and wiser' is true. Mebbe it's some kinda right-of-passage into the second half of your life. I'm now in my last quarter and preparing to meet my maker( I'm half expecting to wake up in a different universe , hence my interest in the subject :P ).


I never thought about Harleys( could not afford one so it was out of the question ) or younger women( the condition is not a 'sexy' one , I felt at my least attractive ) but I have got an unusually large collection of mp3 players which is mebbe indicative of some weakness. Mind you...I remember my Dad had a large collection of transister radios in the day , which used to amuse us.


So , in conclusion Byen , I'd say that by the soon' o' ye , you are a long way from having the mid-life crisis but watch you d'a bring it on by regarding it as inevitable , the self-fulfilling prophesy !






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40 is f u c k al.....and waaay too early for a mid-life crisis , ByenEBergen. :)


I had some 'disorder' at 48 - 49 which might be described as 'mid-life crisis' but my GP didnae diagnose it as such. The b a s t a r d s at work were unsympathetic and in no small way responsible , which all added up to the 'mother-of-all-crisis'. I still muse today about whether or not I would have had the dismal experience if the workplace had been a less destructive environment( at the time , it's fine now ).


It is debatable if such a condition exists mind and some people get it and others do not.....a bit like every other disorder then. Is it an affliction for modern man? People used to die at 40 !


My nerves were shot-to-f u c k.....which is an extremely uncomfortable condition and one specialist( I went to ARI for memory tests ) told me that what I'd had was a 'nervous breakdown'. But then the same guy said that the brain has no 'electrical activity' , something which was contradicted by my subsequent research online. Seemed to me that this guy was more depressed than I was at the time and mebbe not fit for purpose. Doctor heal thyself.



If my experience is typical a 'mid-life crisis' rages for about 6 months but can take up to several years for the symptoms to subside. If you survive intact then the axiom 'what does not kill you makes you stronger...and wiser' is true. Mebbe it's some kinda right-of-passage into the second half of your life. I'm now in my last quarter and preparing to meet my maker( I'm half expecting to wake up in a different universe , hence my interest in the subject :P ).


I never thought about Harleys( could not afford one so it was out of the question ) or younger women( the condition is not a 'sexy' one , I felt at my least attractive ) but I have got an unusually large collection of mp3 players which is mebbe indicative of some weakness. Mind you...I remember my Dad had a large collection of transister radios in the day , which used to amuse us.


So , in conclusion Byen , I'd say that by the soon' o' ye , you are a long way from having the mid-life crisis but watch you d'a bring it on by regarding it as inevitable , the self-fulfilling prophesy !








Cheers Nixx. What does all the stars mumbo jumbo say is in store for me? Eh could dae wi some cash :thumbup1:

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Current Members 2.


We need a cool name.


Me and Crazybullsheep are in an imaginary band called ThunderWizard, last gig i played the Hoe and i think he might have been playing brush i'm not quite sure anyway we're thinking of breaking up and he might allow us to take the name and keep it alive.


Would also allow us a reunion tour in the future.


Anyone else want to join the Wizards?


i'm down with the thunder wizards, however if mr bullsheep insists on holding onto naming rights, how about jeerdowpers?

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still got a few years til the 40 but the hitting 30 made me take stock... ended up ditching the missus of almost 10 years, running off to a foreign country, shacking up with a pole dancer and spending 18 months living like a hippy. Once the psychotropic drugs wore aff and I realised I just blown half the house sale on DMT I almost came to my senses.


Still it was a f**king great 18 months.

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Not saying the ladies will be throwing themselves at us as the Wizards but i'm thinking the Jeerdowpers will have them questioning themselves as to wether a romantic evening would be a good idea.


romantic evenings are oot the question min. we're causing hell and tickling chuffs on my watch.

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What about 1971, the year in question?




Lucky boy(?) Nelly!


'71 is the Year of the Pig.....like phoenix.


Only your year of birth ends with a ' 1 ' which means you are a Metal Pig( look it up ).


The odd number 1971 means you are ' yin '( look it up ).




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